
The test

Amanda said "Anyway don't tell this to anyone that is not and elder of our family. You can try buying the other three dungeons, but don't raise any suspicion. But leave all of that for later, the main family elders will be here in an hour.

Since we are already here let us discuss somethings. You can go eat some cake and open your presents sweety."

Henry happily nodded and he and Cerbes walked out.

After Henry closed the door Cerbes asked "Are you okay master, this is the first time I seen her hurt master."

"I am fine, Mom wouldn't hurt me badly."

Communicating thru their soul connection, Cerbes said "Mom? Is master truly fine? Master said you wasn't going to get attached to a new family?"

"Your memory is quite good, yeah I said that. I guess I just got attached fast when I discovered that a thousand years had passed and everyone I knew had disappeared.

You know how I was after I discovered everything, having a new family helped a lot.

Anyway talking about this is depressing, lets go get some cake, my loyal dog."

Cerbes grumbled a little, but didn't dare to speak back at Henry.

Henry laughed a little, "You know I am joking, my loyal Hellhound."

Henry quietly ate a big piece of cake, using his tail to throw a ball at the wall – catching it and throwing it again – and watching a live fight at the screen hologram in front of him.

A fire mage had a fire gorilla behind her, trowing fire balls at a wind warrior that dodged or cut the fireballs with a spear.

The warrior seemed to have the upper hand – slowly approaching the mage – but then, suddenly, a red magical circle appeared on his foot, it immediately exploded and sent the warrior flying.

He survived the blast, managing to jump away and avoiding most of the damage, but still being thrown on the ground. Before the warrior could get up fire balls where already homing on his head.

Just as the fight reached the climax the door of the room suddenly opened and two adults – acting all lofty – walked in the room, a purple cat crest very visible in their clothes.

Unlike most people they didn't restrict their aura, making anyone weaker than them feel a little pressure.

A thin man, with a stoic face and purple eyes and hair, walked towards Henry and said "Are you Henry? The kid that will be tested today?"

Henry didn't let the little pressure bother him, he said "Yeah, that is me." continuing to throw and catch the ball and eat his cake, as he looked at the other elder beside him.

A woman with boobs so big that it made anyone that looked at her feel sorry for her back, said "Where are the elders of this family?"

"They had a sudden reunion, they should be here shortly. You got here a bit earlier than they expected. You can eat cake as you wait, it is pretty good."

The woman with disgustingly big breasts, said angrily "Is not because you are handsome we have time to waste on you, go get the elders of this lowly family."

"You don't have time to eat cake? That is sad.

You are going to have to wait, I don't have authority to go into the meeting room unless I am called there."

With even more anger the woman said "You, who do you think you are to be talking like this to me."

Just as she was saying that Amanda and the others walked in the room. She looked at the elders, squinting her eyes when she saw the elder with abnormally large boobs.

She said "You walk into my family home, with those disgusting things you call breasts, and you scold my son? Do you want me to beat you like I did before Lisa?."

Lisa said "The only thing disgusting here is your face and the education you gave to your son."

The two angrily stared at each other until the stoic faced elder said "Enough, is the arena ready?"

Amanda said "Of course, and it is packed full. Shall we get going?"

The stoic faces elder nodded and followed her towards a beautiful flying ship – its hull was made of a special white wood and blue metal metal – the purple crest, the face of a hellhound, painted on the side.

After they got on the ship blue transparent sails – filled with complex magical circles – appeared on the mast of the ship and at the sides, like the fins of a fish.

The ship lifted of the ground like it weighted nothing, then begun to fly thru the sky – an invisible shield stopping the wind from sending them flying.

Henry asked "Why are we using this thing? Doesn't I consume ten times more mana than a normal car?"

Amanda said "I just want to rub that I have one on Lisa face, a flying ship is quite hard to get. This one has one of the new engines, it doesn't consume much." Smiling knowing that Lisa was hearing

If looks could kill, Amanda would be dead by the way Lisa was looking at her back.

Soon they reached a huge tower, which reached almost five hundred meters in height with the width of a football field. They docked at a private dock – a holographic flag with the same crest on their ship in front of it.

Christoper and the stoic elder took Henry at the waiting room of the arena, Henry being reminded why he didn't go outside much, people kept staring at him as soon as they saw him, some taking photos and filming him.

"Its that dragon boy?" "Holy shit! Its dragon boy, he is even prettier than the photos." "He is so cute, I want to kiss his cheeks" the people said as they stared at him – Christoper having to release his aura so they would let them walk.

Thankfully for them, they entered a corridor that only allowed fighters soon after.

Inside the waiting room for their arena there where already few people inside, all with aura of fighters, dressed in enchanted armors or robes, holding enchanted weapons, staffs or wands.

At a TV on the wall it showed a young mage fighting a Razorkid, a small monster that looked like a kid made out wood, with long branches filled with razor sharp leaves growing in his head – which he used to whip at their enemies.

"See I told you today was the test day of the dragon kid." "Isn't he a bit too old for the test?" "He is ten, rich kinds are fed elixirs like water." "I kinda feel bad that they will make him fight." "Me too, its because he is too handsome." "I wish my kids where this handsome, they could earn a fortune as a model" the fighters whispered between themselves, but Henry heard it all as clear as day.

He walked where there where some simple free weapons they let there for fighters use to use for their fights if they didn't have a weapon, almost all of them being dull and chipped.

Henry picked the least worse he could find thinking "They are so dull that they went down a rank, I am better using my tail than this. The monsters aren't even elite so I don't need to be worried."

The stoic elder extended his hand and said "Let me take a look at that sword."

Henry looked at the elder like he was looking at a weirdo – thinking even a look from afar was more than enough to tell the weapon was garbage – and said "sure" passing him the sword. The elder gave it a quick look and passed the sword back to him.

After a few minutes the young man walked back in the room, a deep wound on his arm. He put a card on a vending machine on the wall, took a green bandage and put it on his wound.

The bandage sunk into his skin and his wound rapidly begun to close until it was completely healed.

Soon after a voice came on a speaker "Henry Garcia, please enter the arena. Henry Garcia, please enter the arena." The door towards the arena opening again.

Christoper said "Good luck kid, beat those monster to death."

"Thanks uncle, I sure will." Henry gave him his dark blue jacket to him and without fear he and Cerbes walked in the arena, the door shutting behind him.

Before he even appeared on the arena the loud voice of the announcer hit his ears, "Today we have a special fight, a test from the purple witches, a merciless test that put a little ten year old kid against monsters in a fight to the death.

While seeing this fight many of you will feel anger, hate towards this brutal test, many of you will want to jump in the arena and help.

His images spread like a fire, he is the love of many young girls and some adult ones. You all know him, the new talent from the Garcia family, the dragon boy, Henry Garcia!"

Cooperating with the announcer, Henry waited for the announcer to say his name before he walked out of the corridor into the arena.

The crowd went crazy as soon as he appeared, "Its really him!" "He actually is as beautiful as the pictures!" "They are going to make him fight monsters?!" "Notice me senpai!" "He is looking over here!" "Get him out of there!"

Cerbes asked mentally "This is the third time, how is master so well known?"

"Mom keeps posting photos of me in her social media. People just spread it thru the spirit web, I became very famous without doing anything, I really hate it.

Oh, don't get in the fight, I want to deal with the enemy myself. Its been a long time since I fought for real."

The loud announcer said "On the other end, fighting the dragon boy! Descendant of a horned blood-fire boar, with a whole two hundred and fifty kilos of pure power, a horned ash hooog!"

As soon as the gate opened a huge boar – taller than Henry – charged at him like a train with his rhinoceros like horn that glowed red. Henry easily dodged to the side, letting the boar hit the wall.

He looked at the boar, its fur gray like ash, in its horn a layer of dried blood, it shook his head and turned to Henry, the crowd on the edge of their seat, fearing Henry getting hurt.

Having a good understanding of the boar strength Henry threw his sword aside and charged towards the boar that also begun charging towards him again.