
Devoured by Desire: The Mafia's Possession

"I won't marry you. Leave me." She squirmed in my hold and tried to pry off my hands. The corner of my lips quirked up and I brushed my lips over her ear. "Then see your brother die." The sound of the gunshot resonated and she calmed down in my arms. My princess __________________________________ Luca Vincenzo, the leader of the cosa nostra of Italy has everything he ever wanted. At the age of 14, he had his first kill. And at the age of 18 he had thousand' people's blood smearing his hands. And now at the age of 26, he was ready to conquer his biggest possession. His princess. His sweet obsession. In his dark world, she's his only cure, his only light. He protected her from every darkness to only have her immerse in his darkness. But with every obsession comes dangers and enemies. Luca will die before letting anything harm his princess. A tale of a devil and his angel. A tale of obsession and desire.

Author_mm · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Luca - 22

Gianna - 16


My hands quivered at my sides as I watched my sister, Ava, kissing her newly married husband. It's not like I'm not happy for her, but being surrounded by so many people was making me anxious. All I wanted was for this ceremony to end so I could retreat to my sanctuary - my bedroom.

I smoothed down the fabric of my light blue gown with my hand. Suddenly, a figure towered over me, and I tilted my head upward to meet the gaze of my brother, Gabriel. At just 14, he had already outgrown me, standing tall at 5'7".

"Do you want to go back to your room?"

he asked, his concern evident.

I mustered a smile at his thoughtfulness.

"I'm fine. I'll head back once the dance is over. Father wouldn't appreciate it if I left before that."

Gabriel made no move to distance himself from my side, which made me feel secure. I took his protectiveness as a shield against the prying eyes of the guests. Soon, everyone became engrossed in couples' dances, swaying to the rhythmic music.

"Come with me,"

Gabriel suggested when the song changed, signaling a switch in dance partners. I readily placed my hand in his, and he guided me to the dance floor. We swayed to the music, lost in the moment, until the song shifted again, prompting everyone to switch partners. Gabriel hesitated to let go of my hand, but seeing my composure and positivity, he reluctantly released his grip and moved on to his next partner.

"You look absolutely stunning,"

My dancing partner complimented with a smile that I couldn't understand.

My heart pounded as I tried to maintain a polite smile in response to the man's words. I'd seen him before - Ava's husband's brother. That's how I knew him. He frequently visited our house during the pre-wedding rituals, and each time, he left behind a subtle hint of his interest in me. I was accustomed to receiving attention from men, but his fixation on me always made me feel genuinely scared.

"Thank you,"

I muttered softly, my anxious heart betraying my polite words. Then, I gasped in shock as his hand seized my waist tightly and yanked me harshly against him.

"What... what are you doing?"

I stammered, my voice trembling.

He offered no explanation, merely smirking at me and turning me around so that my back pressed against his front. My eyes widened as I felt something pressing against the small of my back.

"Are you promised?"

I attempted to break away from him, but my gaze met my father's piercing and disapproving eyes.

"Please maintain a distance,"

I tried keeping my voice neutral. But the little twinkle of fear was still evident in it.

The man paid no heed to my plea, instead pulling me even closer to him.

"Guess you're not promised yet,"

He whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

"I was just about to send my father to ask for your hand, but before that, I need to see if my future wife is as captivating as she appears beneath this voluminous gown."

Fear gripped me as his hand inched downward. Desperate for help, I scanned the room, but no one seemed to be looking in my direction. Panic surged as I realized I was trapped in this horrifying situation. The words I so desperately needed to utter. Panic coursed through me like a river in full flood, drowning my voice in its relentless torrent.

But just as hope seemed to slip away, salvation arrived in the form of Gabriel. He appeared like a guardian angel, his presence commanding and protective. His voice sliced through the darkness like a beacon of light.

"What's going on here?"

The man, seemingly intimidated by Gabriel's imposing figure, released his grip on my wrist and took a step back. He shot me one final menacing look before melting into the shadows.

Gabriel's concern was palpable as he rushed to my side, his eyes scanning me for any signs of harm. I was trembling, my breaths ragged, and tears streamed down my face. Gabriel's protective embrace was a comforting refuge, a shield against the horrors that had threatened to consume me.

"Are you alright?"

He asked, his voice gentle but filled with worry.

I nodded weakly, unable to find the words to express my gratitude and relief. Gabriel walked me to the washroom, making sure I was safe before reluctantly returning to our father's side.

As I entered the washroom, the cold water from the sink offered some solace. I splashed it on my face, trying to wash away the fear that clung to me like a suffocating shroud. What had just transpired was a nightmare, a chilling encounter that would haunt me for a long time.

With trembling hands, I took a deep breath and resolved to be more cautious, to protect myself from the predatory eyes that lurked in the shadows. I couldn't let fear dictate my life, but I knew I had to be vigilant. As I was turning corners trying to find my way back to the wedding.

"Found ya."

I gasped in fear when a hand shot out and held my wrist before pulling me to a dark corner.


My eyes widened in fear when I again saw the same guy.

"Your brother interrupted our previous session. Should we continue from where we left, little kitten?"

My heart raced like a wild stallion, its thunderous beats echoing in my ears. Fear wrapped its icy fingers around my chest, squeezing until every breath was a struggle. The shadows seemed to inch closer, their oppressive weight pressing down on me. My skin prickled with a thousand tiny needles of anxiety, and I could feel the cold sweat trickling down my spine. Trapped against the wall, I couldn't escape his looming presence, and the world narrows to a suffocating point of terror.

His hand darted forward and caressed my cheeks. I felt like puking at his calloused hands touching me. My eyes filled with tears once again. Why am I so vulnerable?

He started leaning down, his lips ghosting over my skin.

"Please leave me..no...no..."

"We are gonna have so much fun."

Please no! Someone save me. Please..please. I was screaming. Screaming in my head. But my mouth couldn't form a single sentence. I waited for his mouth to touch my skin, taint it. Rather I felt a gush of something semi liquid on my skin. I opened my eyes and they widened in horror and surprise.

The man's eyes are on me. Open and so terrifying as the blood gushed out from the side of his neck where a dagger plunged in his skin. He looked like a sacrificial lamb.

I couldn't move to save my life. His hold on me slowly started to loosen. And then he fell on the ground with a thud. My eyes follow his body.

"Shouldn't have touched Luca Vincenzo's girl."

I stiffened at the voice. His voice sent shivers down my spine. It was a low, gravelly growl, like the rumble of thunder before a storm. Every word he spoke was laced with an undeniable power, a dark authority that seemed to wrap around me, suffocating me with fear. His words were measured, deliberate, and each one carried an implicit threat, like a dagger concealed in velvet. It was the kind of voice that could make even the bravest souls quiver, and in that moment, I felt utterly helpless in its malevolent presence.

I darted my eyes to him and my breath came in short.

So beautiful yet so bloody. Blood smeared his face. The corner of his lips quirked up. He looked at the man lying in his own pool of blood with a malicious glint. I looked down on my dress. My blue dress is all bloody. Something trickled down my cheeks and I touched it. To my utter horror, its blood.


Again that voice. So captivating, so dominating.

"This fucker!"

He took out his handkerchief and kicked the dead man's legs and stood in front of me. And I was soon engulfed in his aura. Smell cigars with a hint of sandalwood. I couldn't help but take a whiff of his scent.

"Ruined your pretty face."

His slender finger slid underneath my chin and he titled my head up before wiping away the blood from my cheeks. His eyes looked so soft and warm right now. But my heart couldn't stop pounding. And I finally got back my voice.

"Leave...leave me.."

I tried moving away but his hand held my wrist in a soft manner.

"Shush, let me clean you first. I dont want that fucker's dirty blood on you."

"No...no....leave me....."

Tears pooled in my eyes and didn't take a second to slide down my cheeks. As a distinct light fell on his face, I gasped. I....i...know this man.

Fear coursed through me as I stared at Luca Vincenzo, a man I had only heard whispers about until now. His reputation as a powerful mafia figure was notorious, and this was the first time I had seen him in person, let alone in such a terrifying state of anger.

Luca's presence alone was intimidating, but what sent shivers down my spine was the cruelty etched into his face. I had stumbled upon a scene I shouldn't have witnessed, and the consequences of that mistake were unfolding before my eyes.

As Luca approached me, his hand trembling only slightly as he wiped away my tears, I couldn't help but flinch at his touch. His voice, a stark contrast to the harshness I had expected, was surprisingly gentle as he spoke soothing words meant to calm me.

"Shh, it's going to be alright,"

He murmured, his eyes searching mine for some sign of reassurance. But no matter how comforting his words were, the fear that gripped my heart refused to release its hold.

I knew that this moment, his attempt to comfort me, was a paradox. The man before me had a reputation for cruelty, yet here he was, offering a tenderness that seemed inconceivable given his circumstances.

As Luca continued to soothe me, I couldn't shake the fear that lingered deep within me, a fear born from witnessing the cruel side of a man who was now trying to be gentle.


I heard Gab's voice and turned my attention towards him. Luca was momentarily distracted and I took that chance to move away from him and run into Gabriel's arms.


Gabriel exclaimed but I didn't raise my face to look at them.

"Take care of my wife, Gabriel. If it was someone else in your place, I would have tortured him bit by bit for every tear she shed."

Hearing Luca's voice and threatening Gabriel, flashbacks came of how he killed the man. I held Gabriel's shirt tightly.

"Sorry boss. Father called and....."

"I'll deal with your scum of a father. Don't let her leave your sight ever again or that will be your last day on earth."

I could feel Gabriel shivering. He was scared. Scared like me. Footsteps advanced towards me and I wanted to disappear or make myself invisible.

"Will meet you soon, princess."

A calloused hand soothed my hair and then the footsteps again were heard before disappearing in the distance.

His wife. I....i am Luca Vincenzo's wife..


I pressed my ears to the closed door despite the several warnings Gabriel gave me. I need to know why I am Luca Vincenzo's wife. I know how our world works. But why did my father leave Ava and give me to him? I opened the door a bit and looked inside through the small space.

"Me and Gianna will get engaged tomorrow."

I saw fathers face contouring into a scowling and angry one.

"Is there any sort of problem, Antonio?"

Luca asked father in a nonchalant way.

"No, boss."

Luca's eyes showed satisfaction towards his reply before his eyes darted towards me and he looked right into my eyes. My heart jumped inside my ribcage as I jumped backward and pressed myself to the wall. Sweats trickled down my cheeks. The man is nothing less than a devil. Not because of all the things I heard but because of how he looks. He looks like a monster out of a book.

I....i can't marry this man. I cant....he i don't know. I won't be able to live my whole life with a monster. What if he beats me just like father does? No, no I can't marry him. I need to escape. I need to get away from this place and this monster. My only way is Gabriel. Even if I need to beg him, I will.