
Devour X multiply

[Desolate] a world where strong prey's the weak, a world where magic and monsters, Gods, Evils and humans exists.. A world that science can't explain... And then a phenomenon that science can't explain and no one expected! Every household on Earth receive a message where a random member of the family will be chosen as the participant to explore the world [Desolate]! They will be called [ADVENTURES]! Those who loves adventures, love survivals and lunatics are jumping in joy and praying that they will be chosen! But... Those who are single ( in short orphan, living on his/her own) are in despair, shock, trembling ( either excited or frightened).. They don't have a choice! Including our protagonist who only know how to play games all-day.. how he survive? =================================== P.S this book is for fun Only, it may be stop midway or no fix time updates.... I only love reading and drawing, but writing a story is not actually a good idea, but I'll try my best just to improve my English bros.. Although my imagination is slightly better, but it is just for drawings not for writing a story.. Ahahah.. maybe you'll be disappointed or even hate my book, I'm already saying this so that you'll be ready.. Sorry about my English, I'm not good at it. And sorry for my sentences, spacing, and not right of use of signs like ( . ! ? , " ' : ; ) Actually i don't have a definite or planned plots and ending or storyline.. So I'm just writing what's come in my mind.. Btw it's a system based, and I'm am straight forward person, so expect that the system is a straight forward one , and I'm not good at MATH!! And I don't have a naming sense! Ahah just reco some pls.. =====================================

Daoist_Nothing · Otras
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10 Chs

A little unexpected

[ding.... ]


[ Option 2..]

[ Directly Participate ]

[ By directly Participate voting won't happen.. by participating you either inform your family or not is depends on you.

Once you're participated you'll unlock the [ inventory] function, you can put some things on it before you leave earth.



Seeing the option he directly tap the participate button.


Meanwhile at the same time John tap the participate button his father Fred was also looking at the same interface.

Fred contemplate for a moment before tapping the participate button.


"Ehh.. why it suddenly turned gray?..".

Fred stunned for a moment before realizing that one member of his family beat him first.

'hmmm.. I know who it is.. sighhh.. John really? Do you really want to die?'

'but I won't let that happen, since you can bring items from earth to desolate means everyone has the chance to survive longer.'

'i should give him that strange item, before he leaves.. but I how can I appease her if she know her son directly Participate? Ehh... Sigh... What a headacy..'

Fred think before he leaves and go home.


Back to John's side..

'hmmm.. I should not inform them for now'

'choose don't inform'

[Ding.... You choose to participate directly, do you want to inform your family member about it?]


[Ding... Members won't know for now]

'hmmm.. I should go home faster'


Back at real time*

John was looking at his phone about the news worldwide.

Then he opened his group chats and opened the group with his friends.

"Brothers and sisters, our family decided to wait to be chosen randomly.. what should i do? I don't know how to survive in the wild.. even though we can bring items from earth.."

"Brothers I just try to put a gun in my inventory but it says this kind of item is useless in desolate world!"

"I am living on my own brothers so wish me luck brothers.. huhu.."

"Sigh... My big brother was chosen so guys good luck.."

"I'm scared bros....."


Looking at the chats of his friends, John remember that he didn't check his inventory when he choose to participate directly instead he hurriedly go home.

'hmm.. I wonder what it's look like?'

"Open inventory"


[ Inventory : you can put any not living things inside the portable space, the time inside is stationary so don't be afraid that foods will root.]

[ Currently empty]

[ Space: 0/50]

"Oh . So it's like a game. I wonder if the space can be more."

[Ding... Inventory can be upgraded when a special item is used]

[Specialized items to upgrade inventory is only available in Desolate world.]

"Ehhh.. hmm"

While John was checking his inventory, his father Fred walk in.

*Tap.. *tap... *Tap..

The steps of his Father wake John from his dazed looking at his inventory.

"Eh.. father? Why are you here?"

"Hmmm.. I should give you something.."

Fred response while taking something from his pocket, it was a dark cube with slightly glosy surface.

"What is that father? It was my first time seeing that."

"Well because I was treasuring it you know.. I found it somewhere, coincidentally it was the almost the time you were born.."

Fred smiled lightly before tossing the cube to John.

John hurriedly catch it.

It was little cold and it has a metallic feeling.

"Eh.. it was light, I thought it was heavy since it look like a metal cube.."

"Hehe.. I also surprised at first.."

Fred replied while laughing at his son.

"Oh. I almost forgot to tell you that you should thank me..hehe"

"Ehh.. father what do you mean?"

"Kid don't repay kindness with nothing..haha.." fred jokes..

"Uhh.. I - I ..._"

Father fred laugh while looking at his silly and confuse face.

"Hmm.. you beat me in participating directly, so I figured out that you did it.. so I help that unwillingness earlier is just a facade but also true.. I just help you deal with your mom.. btw kid don't die early.."

Fred flick his son's forehead while saying this before leaving.

Looking at his father's back, John smiled.

"Thanks dad.."

John said to his father.

Fred just smiled and close the door.


John opened his phone and messenger to send a message to his friends.

"Hmm.. I should create a group chat for us"


A while later a new group chat appeared on his messenger with limited members.

"Hmm.. Badz whatythe purpose of this?"

Jeff ask. ( Jeff was John's childhood friend)

"I just want to ask everyone if you all participated?"

John send a message.

"Hmm.. I am the only male left in my family so I don't have a choice but to willingy participate."

Jeff replied.

"Eh.. I was also participated directly and got scolded by my parents.... Ahahah"

Earl chat.( Earl is a one of John's considered best friend.)

"Ahahaha.. me and John also directly Participate"

Lorenzo replied.

"Eh.. you too will be summoned?.."

Jeff and Earl both send the same message.

"Btw John why didn't you add Joy in the group?"

Earl ask, but it also arouse the curiosity of the other two.

"Ehh.. I did considered that.. I know she won't be summoned, you know she is the fav in her family, so she won't.. and she has big brothers.." john replied.

"Uhh.. well you have the point." Earl replied and the other two also agreed."

"Also she will definitely cry and hit us all if she know that we all be summoned..hehe"

"Ahahah.. yeah right, she's the only girl and youngest in our circle.. and the most scary..ahahahaha"

"Ahahahah bulls eye.. "


While looking at the chat of his friends that was laughing like it was no danger in the place their going to, John just smiled at it.

'Tommorow... Hayssss...'

John close his phone and tried to sleep.

my english is not really good

Daoist_Nothingcreators' thoughts