
Chapter 1 - Accident

"Welcome! You are now dead. Congratulations! "Turning my head around the waiting room inside an empty lobby, I turned to the handsome, slender man with obvious fake red hair. "So, because you are the 1 Quadrillionth' deceased we have received in our department of Hells Incorporated, You now have been presented two options by his majesty Lucifer has decreed. "

"Uh... What-... Where the hell am I? "Meeting my face with a comedic laugh, I then sat firm as he asserted I was in hell. "Wait, hold on. I'm dead? You're saying I died and went to hell? What the heck! Even I'd that were true, why am I here? I prayed my fair share in taxes! "

"Sir, people who end up here are either jerks, criminals, a-holes or borderline murderers. You seriously have the gall to say you don't deserve to be here after what you did? "

Looking up... 

[3 years ago] 

"Papa! Thank you for the ice cream! "

"No problem son, oh? Hold on just a moment, I forgot my wallet inside the store. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, okay. "

"Okay, papa! "

Turning the corner on a hot day in summer, I came across a kid with a delicious ice-cream. Taking it while passing by, I continued walking forward when the boys father suddenly began chasing me and accidentally got hit by a passing pickup truck carrying cardboard boxes. 

The kid then cried as I walked and handed him back his ice-cream along with the money in my wallet. 


"Okay... In my defense, I was nowhere near the guy when it happened! I'm not responsible for his death! "Chopping me on my head, I looked up as he continued. 

"The boys father is not dead. No, in fact, his incident managed to put away a wanted fugitive.  He's been in recovery ever since ever since then, he now leads a good life with his wife and three kids as a millionaire with the reward bounty. However, that's not why you are here. "Walking around and taking a seat beside me on the lobby, he then explained. 

"You are here because of what you did in the moments leading to your death... "


"Ugh... I'm starving. Shouldn't have gambled all my money with 'Sir big nose' at the table. "Crossing a road in the dead of night, I wound up passing an alleyway where a shady group of guys were causing some commotion. 

"Hold her still! I want to get out every penny before daybreak! "Stumbling across a very dangerous situation, I found some dangerous looking men holding down a half exposed woman against her will. 

"H-Hey... "As they stopped and faced me, I gulped as the woman managed to break free and ran behind me. 

"Eh... What's this? A modern day hero come to save the say?! "From the way she was shivering and trembling, I had no choice but to protect her. 

"W-Wait! "Stopping halfway, they wondered what I had to say and humored me. "What if I could give you something other than the woman of course? Eh? Fair trade? "

"Ha! Fine. Let's say you got something worth more than the woman. What's it you got, old man?! "

Shaking, I reached into my coat and took out a dirty magazine I picked up from an old regular at the underground gambling place. 

"Oh? Is that a dirty mag? Really, you want to gamble your lives for a girth mag?! Haha! "The second they broke out into a hearty laugh, I grabbed the woman's hand and rushed out of the ally way. 

Rushing down the vacant and dark street, we rounded the corner where I then pulled the woman into a nearby set of bushes. 

"Hurry! They went this way! "As the group of delinquents passed us by, the beautiful woman rested on my chest as I inhaled her intoxicating perfume. 

"Uh... Thank you, whoever you are. "Raising her head and meeting my gaze, I suddenly felt my heart race and before I knew it, her leg slid as her exposed chest touched mine. "Oh?! "

Blood soon raced throughout my body and before I knew it, I had a heart attack and blacked out. 


"The next thing I knew, I woke up here? Wait! You mean to say I died because I got too excited!? "Dropping his head and crossing his fingers, he then nodded. 

"Indeed. You died with because of your acute fascination of women. In your last moments, it was determined that your case would be deliberated by the higher office angels and demons on deciding where to send you. "

Reclining on my seat, I smirked a smooth expression and looked off into the distance. 

"Dying at the hands of a beautiful woman... Not a bad way to go, indeed... Ouch. "Chopping me on my head yet again, I turned to him. "Okay. So what happens to me now? "

"Typically, your case would be deliberated and your soul would go to limbo. A place neither heaven or hell. You know, a sort of paradise compared to... You know, 'here'. "

"However... I'm assuming there is a 'but' somewhere in that. "Raising his head, he turned to me and smiled. 

"Indeed! Your case has been taken on by his Majesty himself as... Believe it or not. You have earned the prize of choosing whatever you want before being sent into the fire abyss of hell. Being our lucky winner and 1 quadrillionth guest, His Majesty has decreed your wish, whatever it may be to come true. "

"Whoa... Really?! Then, can I be save-"

"Denied. "Sulking, he then grabbed my shoulders and tried to cheer me up. "You can at least wish for anything else. Just name it and I'll make it so. "

"Really? What exactly can I wish for? "Standing up, he slowly began speaking until I abruptly spoke and shut down his musical number. 

"Fine. In terms of what you can have, it can be anything from a single book to an entire empire ready to do your bidding. However, the obvious catch is that your soul will overwrite whoever has such a position across the parallel worlds. In other terms-"

"Holy crap! I can wish to see boobs! " A disgusted expression fell onto his face as I was about to speak my wish. "I wish-["'-to be born a priestess on an alternate world and train the greatest idol group on history… '"] 'to be born a priestess on an alternate world and train the greatest idol group in history '! Wait? What-"

"Hmm! You got it! "Turning to face him at the last second, he clapped his hands and in the blink of an eye, I awoke at the center of a burned down building. 

"What the-"Turning my gaze as I could feel a fragmented on my chest and curves from underneath the black dress, my eyes moved along my strange body as I stood up and walked over to a fragmented mirror plate. "Am I... No! "

Reaching down to between my legs, my mind shattered as my pride shattered from under me. Collapsing to my knees and feeling an echo filled with despair, a sorrow filled tear fell and dropped down onto the charcoal coated floor. My eyes came under my new blonde colored bangs. It had started to rain while in the middle of accepting my new reality. 

["Hey! There's someone there! I think its a Sister-"] 

As muffled voices echoed in the distance, my vision blurred as I watched the falling raindrops hit my face and rosy pink cheeks. I soon blacked out right after. 
