
Devilish Deceiver

‘You ended up becoming someone special to me more than that,’ his pupils became snake-like, his once cloudy warm eyes vanished, his eyes just like then. ‘Aytheur-’ How- do you know that name? ‘I've known you longer than you could ever have imagined. It's me vilo. I finally remember’ Wings spread from his back, His wings glossed in the warmest shades of black. It looked as if the moon would carry him away. He slowly turned towards me. ‘I killed your real parents.’

Nebula_Ghost · Fantasía
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9 Chs


I woke up in the same place unsure if I even slept. I ended up eating some snacks as I sat down in front of the Tv the news channel was on. Still clouded in unsurerity of what would happen next.

"The man in police custody has said that he has no relation to ---- ----- as he presented us with some new information about the cannibal case, as the police have finally made this public. The cannibal stated that he's working with the agency and the detective agency has been helping him. to get away with it all by covering up his tracks. Detective agency did deny this, and still blames ---------- for their corruption and the loss of information. The police are currently investigating more into this case." I couldn't believe it. How did he, and who is that guy?

"Did you," I murmured under my breath, shimo saved me from the allegations, and is putting them in their place but why? Why is going far for me? He sat down next to me.

'The news finished?' he twitched, like he was in the icy snow.

"Are you really?" I regretted those words. It didn't matter though. He dodged my question. I bet he did, no doubt about it. But there are still going to be those suspicions about going missing. There's nothing I can do. I cannot retrieve anything. I cannot escape from the missing past can I? It's always following the one I've forgotten cursing me to live. 'I'm going out'-

*thud, as he hit the floor boards- as he was shaking, worsening as he began trembling, "Hey shimo are you there!" as I turned onto his side, as his chest trembled I grabbed his hand, It was worse as his whole fist was now a pitch black that ran up his arm.

Like gauntlets...

What the hell is going on? He was unable to respond, he wouldn't say anything. It was like before. He stopped struggling in a instant, his breathing died out, "hey don't die on me!" Panic flooded within, it was different this time. He grabbed my arm clenching it as he looked at me. I could see his eyes full of nothingness, the face of a monster. Wide-eyed, his pupils slitted white, like snake's eyes, his iris pitch black. Icy steam seeped from his mask. I truly knew he lied. He was never ok. Just what the hell is happening to him? As he ripped his mouth through his mask as he gnawed into my arm with his razor cold fangs. I couldn't even feel my arm. My arm snapped. "S-Shimo-" blood began to lap from my arm like a river.

*crack, my arm became dead. What the hell was going on? I could feel the struggle within his glassy dull eyes. I didn't fight, as the blood seeped from the gouge, his teeth still locked into my arm. It Trickled onto the hazel wooden floor. as I lowered my empty eyes. 'Why would you fight? Or struggle?' his jaws began to tremble.

I felt hazy, I closed my eyes as I fell backwards. That past that I hid within. The death of my foster parents. The one who killed them was him, Shimo killed them. I knew I didn't want to confront that, that was the happiest day of my life when he killed them. That's what I wanted. I did not grieve for their death as they were nothing, the reason I wanted to find him, I wanted to thank them. I never gave up. I wanted to understand why he didn't kill me back then. IZ guess he finally made up his decision to kill me. I don't care whats happens to me. i only wanted to see you again. my reason to bother on living in this world. The reason I became a detective and the reason I tried to kill myself.

The thought of him being captured threw me away from reality. I was too afraid that you wouldn't be able to kill me. My life meant nothing. So my wish is really going to come true. thank you. For letting me discover my true wish.

I clouded back to reality. the room white blinding. I sat up as tears rolled down my face. He was gone, my arm in a cast. I looked around vigorously. The pain came back. My arm, burning in a fiery pain. "Are you there?" I called. No answer. He didn't kill me. I banged my head against the wall. Why do you refuse to kill me? Distraught without understanding anything about him.

The door opened in the distance. "You are patient ---- am I right?" who? A lady that carried a check-board approached.

"Where am I?" I tried to stand. I couldn't remember anything. Just who am I?

As she stopped my path. "Calm down miss. You are at the Towns Doctors patient room."

"What town?"

"Did you forget after breaking your arm?" she smiled.

"Sorry, how did I break my arm?"

"You fell down the stairs of your apartment complex. This is bad that you don't remember much... But for sure you will able to be discharged." Do I have a apartment? That's right. But why cannot I recall it clearly how long have i've been there for? Wait don't I have to pay for this treatment?

"Don't worry about paying. You are covered with insurance." Is that it? it must be right then hehe.

The days flew by in the white room. I did notice the small detail of that room the door on the left, the big window that let in the light on the right. With lengthy warm grey curtains that draped the window. the room had a montone coldness it was quiet. I couldn't hear much outside the room. The same woman entered overtime and helped and took care of me, up until the day of my release. As I left off as I searched for where I lived. I couldn't grasp it fully. I just couldn't remember at all. I tired to familiarize myself with my address.

I walked up the stairs of the apartmentment block seemingly deserted do I really live here? in that place? I reached out to the door. It was unlocked, as I pushed the door open, with a loud creak.

I walked in. Looking about within the kitchen; it was near empty. 'Did I really live like this?' i walked onwards towards to what it seemed as a living space, as curtains hanged down, a warm cream colour. A small table sat in the center of the smallish room. As to the left next to the window sat a kind of big Tv that sat on a stand, which was around the same height as the low table. Which seemed to be crafted with dark oak. A light fluffy rug sat selow the table.

'Did I really live here alone?'

I dragged myself over to the kitchen table, sitting down. I contemplated, I found a bedroom and a spareroom which was empty with empty boxes. that room, it felt like it wasn't like that before. This place...

Weeks passed as the months did like a breeze in the wind. The winter weather continued onwards. as I lived alone. I manged to discover a note. That I could've left behind with bank details and other stuff and have been living off it for a while. I tried to investigate further but I couldn't find anything.

*tap *tap *tap.

I shot out of my seat as I drew my attention a black crow in the distance on the other side of the window. I approached. It feathers shone within the wintery light. Why would one appear here. As I slowly opened the window, as I reached at to touch it.

my h-hand it fazed right through it I juttered back falling as I welcomed by a white light. Where am I. tears began welling up within my eyes. V-vilo... How could I forget. I fell to my knees before the bird hanging from the tree in the backyard. Its all my fault. The baby crow from all those years ago h-he really did die.

I awoke on the floor. I ran out the door, the sight of snow reminded me of him. The chills of the weather called to me. How could I forget all of this... Why did I forget?

As I wandered, the snow above started to thicken as the temperature began drop, the skies above began to dull, as a cold gust nearly swept me off my feet. I relentlessly searched. There he was before me, he slightly turned as he ran for it, "Wait!" I cried on top of breath, as I ran after it became clear to me that he killed someone as I became closer to the point he stood. A carcass layed torn to shreds unrecognizable as a human. As the once white snow that surrounded the body was dyed crimson.

I looked ahead as bloodied trails chased him as he ran. I continued chasing him, I tried to yell once more, but nothing would escape my mouth, trembling in the cold. I finally catched up to him falling on my knees before him, as he turned his once sky-blue hair, now scarlet red, his face covered in blood as much as the front part of his clothing. Soaking in the red substance as he looked down at me,

'Mi sa ki-' his voice distant. I remember back then, when he stood before me soaked in blood after he murdered my foster parents. Just like then. The words just came out.

"Why… Shimo… Why didn't you kill me?" icy tears began streaming down my face, "How could I forget?" as I tried to push away the tears.

'I like you.' His tone cold but sincere.

My eyes widened. Those words were something I truly never understood, but something I wanted to truly hear. I froze unable to understand. I smiled.

I was never appreciated in my life, and blocked out the ever good that never came. The acknowledgement I never got. For existing. He saved me from the worst of my suffering that could've befell me. "You are pretty bad at hiding the fact that you're the killer." I chuckled.

"You've got the evidence all over yourself." as I continued laughing it off. Still sniffling.

'Why are you laughing? What is funny human?' he sprouted

I feel dizzy... "Nothin-" the cold finally struck as the pain of running around for hours knocked me to the ground.

"Why do you keep saying human, you are sounding like you are not one." I mumbled drowsily, as he lifted me into his bloodied grasp. as I fell into a deep sleep.

"It would be difficult to tell. Someone like you. That i'm a human turned demon." He whispered, letting go a sigh.

"Or rather the fact that I exposed you and told them everything about you at the detective agency so you would end up in my hands. I don't understand it to be honest. Why I did all this for a human."

"You never realised how much I did to sabotage your life. And you think of me as a savoir." I ran my fingers gently through her hair. As I walked back to the apartment covering up my tracks.

"You always run back to me. I wonder why that is. That feeling." I lowered my empty eyes.

"I guess you will know the truth after I don't exist in this world anymore." I lifted my head embracing the wintery weather.

"Why do I bother to say all this right now. its meaningless in the end."

--- Months Prior...

I wonder what this sensation I get? It makes me not feel empty. Mother, I wonder if it would be different if I died earlier? I wonder what feeling you had towards me? Hatred was it?


I don't know, I leaned back as I rested my head onto the chair, I wanted to vanish. I gazed upon the moving fan of the office. In a daze as I watched it slowly spinning without a real purpose. Like me. I heard you meant to keep people cool during the summer time. I wonder what it would be like feeling the breeze-

ehmm.. "Sir back on topic."

"Yes, all of it is true about that fraud, who was sent into your department of detectives." I fished for the stack of photos I had kept close to me, spreading them across the desk. Before him. His expression was strange looking.

"What's wrong?" I added. A common term.

He trembled before the photos. "These photos... how did you get them?"

"Don't question the source, just do as I say... Your department will be the best. No number one. That would please a human like you."

"O-ok. I will, I thank you for your generosity."

"Doesn't information come up with a price label?" I pressed, lowering my gaze upon the table.

"Y-yes of course. Fine sir, would you like to join me for a drink?"

"I have to decline. I've got somewhere to be." I got to my feet standing still for a moment.

"Don't say anything more shit about her that I haven't stated as fact." I leaned close to him cowering over him, "I will I will y-young Director Viion." I stepped away. as I left for the door. I paused, turning back. "That's right if you mess up. Everything will fall."