
Devilish Deceiver

‘You ended up becoming someone special to me more than that,’ his pupils became snake-like, his once cloudy warm eyes vanished, his eyes just like then. ‘Aytheur-’ How- do you know that name? ‘I've known you longer than you could ever have imagined. It's me vilo. I finally remember’ Wings spread from his back, His wings glossed in the warmest shades of black. It looked as if the moon would carry him away. He slowly turned towards me. ‘I killed your real parents.’

Nebula_Ghost · Fantasía
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9 Chs


"You want to see what's in there?" he asked scarily. I freaked out.

"I- uh. No." Maybe it's nothing he didn't say anything like stay away. So it must be nothing then.

"Ok." as he sat down in front of the Tv.

"Oh, the news is on." I followed, as I sat down next to him.

"Today on news live the suspect ------ has been missing after the attempted capture and is also suspected teaming up with a hooded man, as they are unable to identify the man as of yet, they haven't been seen since ------ she is suspected of also corrupting the detective agency. They were meant to be seen in court yesterday. Facing the charges-" the news person continued to ramble on and on.

"Since you ran away and it kind of made you seem more like you did those things." He sighed.

"I know! But I didn't want to go to court against them! They will pay their way to win the case no matter what. I have no one to support me. Or believe me at that."

"Its difficult to be you." he added spitefully

"I know!" stop pointing out the obvious jeez. "But there is one thing I can do."


"I can change my name, and just run away with you."

"That's difficult to do." he added, as he continued watching the screen.

"Hey, you haven't told me your name yet!" I added.

"I don't want to give that away to a fired detective, you might give that information away." How could you say that! Damn you! I just want to know so I don't want to have to give you a dumb name.

"If you don't want to tell me I'll give you one then, how about Shimo? It means frost since your hair is kind of blue like ice if that makes sense. And also another reason. the time you ran down the side of the building you made ice come out of your feet. Don't think I wouldn't notice." i'm still confused.

"you must've been seeing things." maybe I did- nope never would I miss-see something as eye catching.

"I guess you can go with that." He added.

"Ok to be honest, I was originally referring you to convenience guy, so its much better isn't it."

"Convenience guy." I felt his glare. Sinister it felt like he was staring at me. "Ok."

I never thought he would agree so easily. He began coughing subtly before sifting to sleep. I got it.

This is it this my chance. I swiftly sneaked away. I checked high an low has he really been living here for long his apartment seemed to bare to be the case. I wasted thirty minutes and didn't consider the he could have the key.

I walked up to the door once more. As I reached out to the handle. Please be unlocked.

To my surprise the door opened, slowly creaking. I have to do this quickly he could get up any minute. Wait rather did he leave it open? Because of yesterday? I'm overthinking this. I stepping in the room lit dully only accompanied by a not very bright red light. That sat upon the wall opposite to the door. below hand a line of photos, all that seemed from a polaroid camera. I was right I looked below the row of photos on the bench attached to the wall. There sat the old polaroid camera. as i walked a it deeper in nearly tripping on a box. There were a few.

They were filled with photos many at that. I reached down picking one up.

What the- my hand trembled. It couldn't be, I picked more and more. all of them they were pictures of his crimes. I looked closer I was there and some of my old colleagues. My eyes widened. How could of he taken these without us knowing? I was in most of them. The crime scenes also the prime focus. Who the hell are you. I looked up at the bench stepping past the boxes. as i looked closer. a torn photo had sat next to the camera. It seemed way older than the others, it looked like it would fall apart at the touch of it. I looked closer, it was a boy unrelated to the others. His hair a raven black, with roots that faded to aqua blue. his left eyes pitch black as his other a goldish hazel. it couldn't be. My eyes watered. His hair matched that of him. Shimo. My eyes began watering. why did you make me find out this way? Why?

Footsteps approached. "Misaki."

I awoke. I was in bed. but I was just there. In that room. It couldn't be just a dream. But why? Is there something I'm missing? Or rather or I'm mistaken? It has to be him right? That photo. I got up yawning with faint confusion as I walked into the lounge. He wasn't there but rather in the kitchen? Why? has he helped me this much why? What just is he planning?

Trying to cook? He wasn't there. The door began opening slowly this time I was prepared for his nerve racking door-creaking. "Where did you go?" I didn't bother to ask about it.

"Laundromat." As he settled the basket on the ground, swiftly shutting the door behind. That's right I haven't even seen a washing machine even in this place.

This must be a pretty cheap apartment. He began folding the clothing neatly, placing them into neat piles onto the table. "I washed your clothes. Because you don't have any money." he sighed.

"Hey, stop calling me out." I pouted annoyingly, "Hey." I have to do something.

"Yes?" He turned.

My fist trembled by my sides. " Its really you. Why. Did you do so much for me?"

"I don't know."

"you have some sort of sickness don't you?"

"No I. I don't, just mind your own business." Cold as ever.

"you are frostbitten-" I insisted-

"I said I am not sick. Stop assuming things-" he began coughing.

"I'm fine-" as he finished the clothing, "your clothes are on the right," as he left-

"Where are you going-" The door slammed shut, he ditched me. I was left alone.- I have to keep low from them, the police and stuff, I cannot go out too much. Luckily this apartment block is kind of hidden away from the main streets and is located down a kind of a bare street.

Maybe I could explore this area a bit more it seems he wouldn't live too far would he from where I originally was. I haven't been around here that long, as I began changing into the borrowed wintery clothes. Tucking my hair in, to be safe. Luckily, he left the keys here so I can lock it and head out, I wander down the icy-snowy street, there's a restaurant down here? As I hurried over to the window studying the menu. There were so many good things but I didn't have no way enough money. As I continued down the street before being stopped; "Wait!" I turned around and saw the shopkeeper run out the store, "I haven't seen you around here."

"Yeah I kind of just moved in around here-" I smiled briefly.

"That's wonderful, how about I treat you on this cold winter day to a bowl of soup?"

"S-soup? D-don't I have to pay?" I was worried about having to pay since I didn't have much money. Basically none. "Come-in it's not nice to be in the cold, you can get sick." she added, wavering cheerfully to come to the store. I hadn't had breakfast. As I followed them in, "take a seat wherever you like." I sat down next to the fogged window. Looking onwards onto the bare streets, this area is pretty dead. There was barely anyone within the restaurant either. As she handed me a large bowl of soup steaming with the scent of pumpkin. "Do you get many customers?"

"People mostly come here around dinner time."

"That sounds kind of reasonable." I smiled, as I began cooling the soup. It smells so good. I began sipping the pumpkin brew, I burnt my tongue, as I full-heartedly swallowed it, it tastes good also! I turned out to look out the window, seeing a faint blur run by, who was that? Probably not that important as I finished sipping up the steaming pumpkin soup. As I left thanking them along the way. I walked into the cold, as the heat of the restaurant left me. I countuinted wandering down the street briefly looking into the shops, I didn't know there was a candle shop here. So thats where he was getting those candles. It wasn't open yet, it still was early, "hey, young lady, do you need to be saved?" a tall built man stood before me with the meanest expression i'm going to get robbed. "N-no." wait how did he know that I was a woman?? did he see through my disguise?

"Didn't you hear on the news that there's a mystery killer cannibal on the loose?"

"Cannibal?" I acted confused. what is this guy saying? "Hey what sector are we in right now?"

"Celestial. Where else dumb girl." celestial don't tell me I was unconscious for a bloody long time. But he managed to get me here in this sector?! Is that why he is so sickly?

"Hey, hey, what would you do if I said I was the cannibal?" as he chuckled. That's impossible. i live with the man. "I'm going to kill you," as he twistly looked at me. I juttered back in disbelief. There's no way he would just come up to me like that-


The man fell flat on his face. It was shimo I couldn't believe it. "You heard him didn't you." he coldly sighed. "I've called the police, they will be here soon, I'll act as the witness. You return to the apartment, so you wont get caught."

"But-" I tried to refuse. But I ended up walking back leaving him alone. I waited at the apartment alone for a while. When will he come back? It's been nearly more than an hour. As I loomed on the balcony overlooking down below awaiting for his return in the icy cold. There he was casually walking over. As I rushed over to the door, moments later it opened. "Finally you're back,"

"They won't be annoying you anymore." Later on that night we watched the news as they talked about the person they captured, with no other information. They didn't say much. As he was going to court soon.

"That's kind of a relief if he was really the cannibal." He added.

"Stop joking." I added.

This is kind of suspicious. How did Shimo know where I was? "Shimo?"


"Where did you go really?" I curiously asked to know,

"I went to the city." he answered, silence fell after. This man. I began laughing.

"But how did you know where I was?"

He looked away. He ignored me, as he headed to the kitchen. He didn't talk to me for the rest of the evening. Moreover he slept in front of the Tv unmoving dead-like. Thats means he never left then. Rather he left to give a chance for me to be observed to see what I would do. I didn't realise that my foster parents murderer to be like this. Or rather a bigshot killer. I feel ashamed referring him as convenience guy. Hes done too much but.

Is it really ok?

For me to be living right now?