

In a world with "DEVILCRAFT", Lihan, the boy that has a power of consuming the demons essence, helps the silver wolves giving his life on the line.

Daoist77M9rh · Fantasía
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12 Chs


Lihan was knocked back, he lost grip on his sword. Minotaur sees this as an oppurtunity to end the fight. Minotaurs twins of chaos shattered making it surprised and excited. "I haven't felt this in a million years!!!" It charges again like a wild bull. When lihan was about to hit on the ground, minotaur catches him and slams, drags lihan around while running. Lucius, John, Edward moves out of the way because minotaur was running towards their direction and they felt a great fear and shivers from the bull making them unable to stand. 

Mezera chased the two and shouted at vincent-

"DONT LET LIHAN LOST!! GIVE EVERYTHING YOU GOT, ALL OF YOU!!!" The four nods and runs to help lihan. From afar were minotaur is still slamming lihan while running. Tolkien and his foot soldiers were ready for an explosion. Tolkien was looking at a telescope and quickly cancels the trap. He sees lihan fighting and trying to get out of its grip. Minotaur jumps high and slams him one last time on the giant tower inside. While inside the giant tower of concrete lihan screaming in pain his eyes was tearing blood, he was chasing for his breath, and his left arm is dislocated. Lihan crawls and turns around facing the minotaur while leaning on a debri. Lihan coughed blood, even his rib cage was broken too. 

"You did well I say, you are brave among your comrades , you are no more a boy but a man facing me, you did well, I shall now give you an honorable and respectful death."

The minotaur breaks it's horn and looked at lihan laying on the ground in a bad shape. 

"Before I became a demon bull, I was a human in the medieval ages, I was almost disappointed in this era because children gets what they want easily, they're not like those days were children experience hardships to become strong, but you lihan, you're one of those kids in my ages, has the will to fight even they are still weak, " minotaur was about to stab lihan on the stomach to end him. 

Lihan closes his eyes then minotaur stopped and sees a katana impaled on it's chest. It was kaliego, the minotaur swings it's hands at him. 

"You aren't killing my rookie today, he still got long a road to walk for getting an honorable death."

The minotaur charges and kaliego takes a stance and calmly said "Soul dismantle" and small slash that cuts through reality it what minotaur tasted, it's head falls. Kaliego looks after lihan and comforts him by sitting next to him. Lihan was regenerating slowly and his strength is coming back. Kaliego praised him for holding up a code red demon even though lihan is a class C silver wolves. After getting all healed up they walk outside and sees a crowd surrounding them. They throw a rock at lihans head making lihan groan. Kaliego shouted at the crowd to stop, the people were ungrateful to lihan. Because of lihan the town was destroyed and many casualties were done. A random man that was carrying g his dead daughter show it to lihan.

"Because of you my daughter's dead!!" The man cries and hugs his dead daughter. Edward comforts lihan, lihan was shocked because it's the first time in his life getting hated by many people. All the town were against lihan and shouting every word that hurts to lihan. 

"Edward, get him out of here." Kaliego commands Edward and Edward nods.

John comes along and insults the civilians back by using each of their insecuties like face, teeth, fats, and more. Lucius drags John, John was still defending lihan and throw a pebble at someone. Lihan felt hurt, his heart was aching every part for what happened. 

"Did I do enough? Why are they hating me?" Lihan asked Edward while holding his bleeding head and was about to cry.

"That's being a part of the silver wolves, even kaliego experienced this scenario but yours were much worse than his."

After that, Cassandra ams Seia helps the civilians and the foot soldiers helps looking for survivors. Kaliego was sitting on a rock while staring at the dead bodies of the class B and C silver wolves that were sent before the disaster. The brothers from before had escape and was approached by a mysterious man. Jiro said that they had obtained the crystal, they were the ones that John saw a while ago. The man said that their plan is close from being accomplished. Jiro said the crystal can rincarnate their mother too. The man said it's a fair trade, they both agreed and walks out. Lynn was crying because they lost a brother the humanoid demon and Kian comforts him. Jiro was devastated too, but he needs to keep moving forward to give his brothers an easy life. Mezera and kaliego was talking while watching foot soldiers and medics work. Mezera said she fought with lihan against five siblings two were humanoids and three were humans with devilcraft but the one is dead. Kaliego said the remaining four will comeback on a different time and place. Mezera said they had the witches crystal it was made for reincarnation. The mysterious man appears Infront of them kaliego and mezera stood up and prepares. The mysterious man didn't wanted to fight but announce something. Kaliego still raises his katana and let's him talk. 

"I announce war against the silver wolves fight against my people with devilcraft."

Kaliego said-

"You don't know what you're getting into." Kaliego was serious about what he said. 

"Then I shall prepare an attack coming soon."

Cane and Tolkien interferes, cane was wearing his gauntlets and Tolkien was reloading his hand gun. The man felt an intense eruption from the high ranks. The man said "we shall then kill each other when we're in the war.". The man walks backwards and a portal appears from behind him. Lihan was in a deep sleep while a foot soldier covers him a blanket. They were in the train and going home and rest. Lucius spoked randomly saying "It's a good thing lihan doesn't need bandages to heal, he helps the bandage company to make less..." 

John wokes up and said-

"Lucius what the fuck is coming out of your mouth?" John rubbed his head .

Edward agrees to Lucius, 'You have a point, since lihan is the one who bleeds and get wound all the time but atleast...he has a potential surpassing us one day."

Edward checkmates Lucius for the first time, Lucius gazes at lihan and he lastly said-

"I won't let that happen."