
Devil Overlord - Overlord x DxD

Ainz in DxD world, basically. Eventually mirrors in some Overlord events. Type: Misunderstanding-based comedy fic with occasional hentai and horror sprinkled in. Expect a lot of 'sasuga ainz-sama' level intentional and unintentional misunderstandings. Also, if you're hardcore Christian then I'd warn that this story contains tones that might cause distress. [R18 Warning, there are Lemon Chapter's] [Snowmistys - Original]

SleepyAlfie · Cómic
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138 Chs

Chapter 55: Take cover as you hear a closing whistle

"...And in conclusion to my report, here are the papers for…" A man offered a small file to Momonga with two hands, accompanied with a small bow that warmed Momonga's heart due to its perfect form.

Momonga took the papers with mechanical movements. "Thank you. Do you have anything else to report?"

"Nothing else, my lord." The man bowed and sat on his seat, after he had insisted that Momonga sat on the huge seat behind the mahogany desk between them, a seat which was definitely reserved for the Phenix family's head in the Phenix family head's office. Instead, 'Lord Phenix' or rather, the Overlord Wiseman sat on a visitor's seat while Momonga sat on the family head's seat.

'...My dream. My dream of financial success and founding a successful healing item business is collapsing, it is all crashing down…' Momonga looked at the paper with dull eyes, since the Overlord Wiseman had explained the family's finances to him, and when he compared it to the sum on the wager-paper… 'If I lose, we're in the red. No, not just red, black. Completely bankrupt. Utterly dominated. The bank is going to send its repo-men and take our organs to make up for the deficit. This is a disaster.'

[Emotion Suppression] was doing double-shifts calming Momonga down.

"Oy? Aren't you forgetting that it's a wager so you'll just have to win to get out of that situation before it happens?" A deep voice reminded Momonga, and he sighed as Ddraig's words did make sense… in a way.

'I had planned on throwing the match against Serafall after getting a proper grip on my abilities, quirks of this new world and the [Boosted Gear]'s functions in practise. It's not like I can go all-out, because if my undead magic-caster self is revealed, I'll be caught between a rock and a hard place…' Momonga sighed mentally while the Overlord Wiseman explained some details about plushies, merchandise and whatnot that Momonga just nodded to, his thoughts elsewhere.

"...Of all the things, I did not expect you to have low self-confidence. People with your powers usually flaunt them openly and use their power to carve their name in the world." Ddraig commented dryly. "Perhaps you are unaware of your own powers? Your pawn over there seems to get it though. At least I'm assuming this 'Lord Phenix's is somehow under your thrall."

'Something like that. Moreover I'm not certain I should mimic the actions of fools who flaunt their powers openly and make themselves easy targets to anyone bothering to memorize their abilities and develop hard-counters. So that being said, I refuse to display more cards from my hand than is strictly necessary for me to win.'Momonga noted.

"You might want to let your Peerage know that you have me, though. I imagine that my presence is going to be hard to keep a secret, and since you have Issei's face, I imagine Rias and company are going to blow a fuse if my presence comes as a surprise." Ddraig noted. "I'll keep your cover though, as we agreed to, since I have no intention to land us in hot water with the Underworld until you decide to reveal your true self."

'Good point. And thank you.' Momonga agreed as he turned his attention back to the signatures and names on the paper. "So, I am to engage Sona Sitri, and Ravel Phenix while also married to Rias Gremory?"

"Quite so, my lord." The disguised Overlord Wiseman nodded, and a small tingle of doubt seemed to creep into his expression. "...Did I misinterpret your glorious words, my lord? Are you unhappy with my actions?"

"Not at all. I am… a bit wary over the sum you noted in the wager, but I recognize that it was likely the only reason you were able to entice the Sitri family into the wager in the first place, even if they were desperate, as you mentioned how seriously they take blood and lineages." Momonga sighed as he realized that he couldn't just crush the undead creature's hopes and dreams- not when he was so dependent on it as the head of the Phenix family. Not to mention that engaging Sona to himself wouldgive him an excellent hostage against the Sitri family and more specifically, against Serafall.

He didn't particularly need the engagement with Ravel, but he could use it against Lady Phenix should she snap and decide to go against him, not to mention against her remaining two sons which the Overlord Wiseman reminded him of. The disguised undead servant also noted that apparently Lady Phenix's son 'Ruval Phenix' was a somewhat strong fighter and had a Peerage of his own.

Technically 'Ruval Phenix' had become the heir of the family after Riser's 'death', which meant that Momonga would need to probably arrange an accident for the two remaining sons, and thus stabilize his control over the family-business. After all, Ruval Phenix becoming the heir would mean that if the Overlord Wiseman died then the control of the family would go to someone who was a complete stranger to Momonga, essentially tearing the control of the family off his hands. 'Poison might do the trick, seeing that Phoenixes are immortal in regular circumstances, but a long-acting poison will sap their strength to the point they won't be able to regenerate and recover anymore, if Ravel running out of 'healing' is any indication. Afterwards I can have 'Lord Phenix' claim that the two died, poisoned by our enemies… Hm, technically Yubelluna has levels in Poisoner, I can just sabotage some ingredients and ask her to cook something for the two sons. Her natural talent should increase the potency of the poison to the point it can take those two down...'

"You know, you get scarier with each passing minute. You have your ridiculous powers, but chose to not to use them and instead play the long game- gathering hostages, planning political assassinations, clouding the line between friend and foe, and playing both sides… A tactic which is usually employed only by those who are too weak to go for their goals directly." Ddrag seemed to be a bit wary. "And yet you still think of yourself as a dum-dum who is led in circles by your 'presumably' infinitely more capable henchmen. Just how strong and intelligent opponents have you fought against?"

'You've read my memoirs.' Momonga reminded the dragon who bowed its head inside his head.

"True, but I suppose I never truly realized the extent to which your exploits reach. Seeing you act the part makes the claims feel a bit more real... Still, I find it quite amusing how you pretended at one point, I believe, to be a businessman or something as a sort-of disguise while you went on to kill gods and whatnot in your 'spare time'." Ddraig's voice sounded amused and Momonga stopped himself before he could think too deeply about the creature's words, fully aware that it'd hear all he thought.

"Anyway, this duel is to take place as a 'Rating Game', yes?" Momonga told the 'undead' creature in front of him, and 'Lord Phenix' nodded.

"Quite so, my lord. It seems that the pocket dimension within the Interdimensional Gap that makes the Rating Game arena is the only place where a Maou can fight to their full power without simultaneously destroying a large real-world area around them. I believe that this 'Serafall' creature can obliterate a vast swathe of ground with just her basic abilities through collateral damage, so holding a duel in this 'Underworld' is unwise." The Overlord Wiseman nodded. "With that being said, the duel will be observed and commented on as a single-combat variant of the Rating Game, or Arena 'PVP' fight. Naturally that means there will be a cadre of observers and from what I understand from the memories you've given me, then it will be televised and sent all over the Underworld."

"I… see." Momonga felt a bit frustrated as he could practically feel his hands getting tied behind his back. 'So, I have to win without using any of my Death Magic spells or undead abilities, as I expected, but further scrutiny means I'll have to be extra mindful of what I show… And I have to rely on my supporting spells and random spells I've learned from YGGDRASIL, as well as cash-shop items.'

"Aren't all shops technically cash-shops? I don't know why you'd describe one as so…" Ddraig commented. "Well, I'm not sure what you're so nervous about, you have me and the [Boosted Gear], and if what I've gathered from your 'mind-reading' is any indication, you should be able to use my [Balance Breaker] from the get-go."

'It is nonetheless unwise to reveal to be in the possession of a World Item.'Momonga reminded the dragon who tilted his head. 'You're aware of them, from my memoirs, yes?'

"Vaguely. You're saying that you have more items that are equivalent to [Boosted Gear]?"

'In some ways, yes, but in others, no. They're more… specialized and utility-focused, while [Boosted Gear] is more like a main weapon.' Momonga felt uncomfortable revealing more to the dragon so he chose to end the descriptions there.

"My lord?" The Overlord Wiseman's voice broke Momonga from his thoughts, which was fortunate. "Ah! My deepest apologies for interrupting thine contemplations! This foolish servant offers his un-life as recompense for…"

"Don't. You're useless to me as inanimate dead. Focus harder on your task if you wish to repent." Momonga moved from one mindset to another in a flash, adopting a more appropriate 'ruler' persona that his 'servants' expected of him.

"O-oh, yes, of course, my lord." 'Lord Phenix' bowed his head and rose from the chair, bowed once more and left the room in a hurry.

'Sheesh…' Momonga leaned back on the cushy throne and glanced to the ceiling. "Haa… Well, I suppose I should do something… It's still a bit early to go to bed or something like that… Any suggestions, Ddraig?"

"Dunno. Watch some magical girl Milky Spiral Seven anime or something?"

'Good try, no go.' Momonga chuckled mentally a bit. "I suppose I should go and talk to Rias about my engagements… She's my wife, after all, so she should know the situation from me first."

"You're pretty lucky that the Underworld and it's inhabitants are by vast majority polygamous." Ddrag chuckled back. "Heh, Issei's goal was building a harem, and it looks like his last wishes were inherited by you."

'Haah… Yes, I've had my share of dirt from inheriting Issei Hyoudou's sins. Did I tell you how my first day in high-school went?' Momonga leaned back and thought about the looks on the student's faces, causing Ddraig to chuckle.

"Talk about a shark in a goldfish bowl… I can see why you'd want to pretend to be a nine-to-five salaryman back then…"

'Yeah… I guess…'



Rias felt a bit resigned as she lied spread-eagle on a room-sized bed after visiting the bath and cleaning herself, and helping Akeno clean herself as well.

The room had only her and Akeno, as Rias had managed to convince Xenovia and Irina to carry Lady Phenix and Ravel to the latter's bedroom since it looked like Lady Phenix wouldn't wake up for a while, which made Rias worried for a moment if she had succumbed to Sleep Disease which occasionally disabled and killed High-ranking devils, but after checking for its symptoms she had come to conclusion that the woman was merely sleeping off a breakdown caused by extreme stress. Asia had been ferried off to her room as well, as the girl looked quite light-headed and wobbly and claimed to be drunk, despite how Rias didn't smell any alcohol on her.

In the end Rias and Akeno had decided to take a long, warm bath and then get back to bed to relax, seeing that a maid sent by Momon had come to each of them to inform the Momon's Peerage that the training he had intended to hold had been cancelled.

Rias turned over on her stomach in the bed and kicked the air with her legs idly. "I feel something happened. There's quakes in the air, some sort of resonance. Outrage."

"Ufufufu, Rias-chan is becoming a seer…" Akeno chuckled as she climbed on top of Rias's back, saddled on top of her butt and began massaging Rias's aching shoulders.

"Mmmh…" Rias closed her eyes and let Akeno's fingers do their magic. "I guess… At least Sona's safe from all this, since she relocated to her family's castle."

"Ara? What did you tell me about tempting fate?" Akeno noted as she moved her hands a bit lower, massaging Rias's back and the muscles in her lower back.

"Mhmh… I guess... " Rias muttered as she reached to grab a pillow and put it under her face so she could lie more comfortably. 'Sometimes having huge breasts is a bother… I'm kinda glad about them, but on the other hand, someone like Koneko doesn't have to deal with back-pain and sore shoulders if she moves around too much…'

Rias muffled a groan as Akeno un-wound a sore muscle in her lower back, causing waves of pleasure to run up and down her spine. "Mh… You're so good at this, Akeno-chan…"

"Ufufufu, a sadist knows what hurts, and to do that they must also know what feels good…" Akeno reminded her. "Like this?"

"YEOWCH!" Rias yelped as Akeno pressed something in the red-headed girl's back and caused her to jump a bit. "Akeno! Super not cool!"

"Ufufufu, sorry, you looked like you'd doze off any second there…" Akeno rubbed the spot, causing the residual pain to soothe out and turn to pleasure.

"That looks interesting. Can you do the same for me, Akeno-sama?" A voice came from nearby and Rias glanced over to see that Xenovia and Irina had come into the bedroom, both having a damp towel around them which told the girl that the two had just exited the baths.

Xenovia dropped the towel without further ado or hesitation, climbed on the bed while fully naked, and lied beside Rias.

"Ara ara? Xenovia-chan wants a 'filthy devil' like me to rub her all over? What would the nuns think!" Akeno teased as she lifted herself off Rias and sat on Xenovia's butt the same way she had for Rias and dug her fingers into Xenovia's back. "Oh my. You're wound up pretty tight. It's like no-one has ever massaged you…"

"I apologize for my harsh initial words. It seems that I need to repair our relationships as we are likely going to be standing, fighting, and reproducing alongside each other, so having at least a cordial relationship is necessary." Xenovia turned to give Akeno a serious look despite slipping something ridiculous to her words.

"In that case, I accept your apology, Xenovia-chan!" Akeno beamed and Rias sighed.

"That… That somehow looks super sinful…" Irina blushed to her eyebrows, causing Rias to roll her eyebrows at her.

"It's just light skinship. No need to get your panties in a twist over it." Rias explained to the hazelnut-brown haired girl who stood hesitantly beside the bed. "If you and Xenovia-san are going to be in Momon's Peerage and accept being devils then you need to wind down a bit with your Church-taught prudeness and 'morals'. Devils are creatures of desires and being prude is a trait very few devil's have. I know only one prude devil personally, and I also know the circumstances which drove her to her prudeness."

"I… guess." Irina looked like she didn't entirely approve of Rias's words but didn't try to fight them. "I mean, we're more or less outcasts from everywhere else… and I tried to pray, but I just hurt myself so if God-ow, doesn't love us anymore and we're taken by this True God…"

Irina wilted, depressed, causing Rias to roll her eyes harder. "You know, christian God-ow has been dead for hundreds of years now. Believe me or not, that's how it is. What you feel when you speak that name is an automatic response from a system that's still maintained by remaining Angels, and is used to annoy Devils into not using the name and making them think Heavens still have the power they used to have during the War of Three Factions as the system can reach to touch every devil despite where they are, driving their paranoia. So it's not like your prayers would be responded to in the first place…"

"...Except for Momon-sama." Xenovia nodded from the side. "The True God sent his angels when we were in distress and invoked his name, saving us from your interrogation back in that estate in the Human World, and if I'm correct, he had an Angel back in the swamp too, and…"

"Urgh, could you not go on that tangent again? Plus, it was Gasper who pulled us out of that madness, not that Angel." Rias broke Xenovia's speech midway though. "I've already hit my daily cap of Momon-induced revelations today, and it's not like my mental bin of acid that I put those thoughts in is going to get any bigger. All the crazy stuff overflowing from that acid bin is going to a mental trash burner and the smoke that's coming off it is seriously not good for the health of my mental state. So let's just drop it."

"Very well, speaking of the True God's exploits and name must be distressing you- after all, you were not blessed by His angels and induced into His holy order." Xenovia went on a weird tangent again, but luckily for Rias's continued sanity, she stopped there.

"I'm his wife, you know…" Rias growled to her pillow.

The door opened and Momon walked in, looking like he was having mostly good time but had some creases around his eyes that told Rias something was bothering him.

She glanced out the window and saw that while it wasn't all that late yet, the sky was still turning towards evening and when combined with the dozy feeling from massage and bath, she was getting close to dozing off.

However, the man walking in caused Rias's hairs to stand on end instinctively as she knew she couldn't rest easy until she determined what sort of earth-shattering event he had started this time.

"So, spill it out, Momon." Rias eyed Momon warily as he seemed surprised by Xenovia's and Irina's presence. "I know you want to say something."

"I found this." Momon brought his left hand up, and [Boosted Gear] materialized in it.

"Hello." The deep, rumbling voice of Ddraig came from the gauntlet.

The man put his hand down, causing the gauntlet to disperse into motes of light.

"Aha." Rias nodded, her mind having shorted out and instantly blowing a fuse and causing a massive blackout in her mind. "Anything else?"

"It seems that I've been engaged to Ravel Phenix, and Sitri family agreed to a wager Sona's hand to me for my duel with Serafall Leviathan tomorrow, should I win." Momon waved vaguely towards the window and at the slowly setting sun. "If I lose then Phenix family will be in debt for… hm, a while. The wager sum was fairly high."

"A- YOU WHA- uh, right- you, but- I TOLD YOU NOT TO… but… did… ARGH!" Rias took a few deep breaths to calm herself, then plastered a patented, fake smile on her face. "Alright. Did you perhaps suggest that wager for Sona's hand?"

"Not at all. It was Lord Phenix's idea." Momon shook his head. "I'm guessing that he's seen my potential and is trying to increase the Phenix family's status by asking for Sona's engagement, since Serafall seems to approve of me and it seems she's quite good at… eliminating unsuitable suitors so I imagine Sitri family were somewhat desperate as well."

"Right, I guess that makes sense. Uh-huh. Did anyone bother to tell Sona any of that?" Rias recovered. "Anything else?"

"Nothing at the moment. And I'm not sure if Sona knows yet, I wanted to let you know first. After all, you're my wife, dear." Momon concluded his report with his infuriatingly matter-of-fact calm voice. "Xenovia-san? Irina-san? Did you come to talk with Rias and Akeno-san? I can leave if you wish for privacy."

"Not at all." Xenovia shook her head. "I came to have your babies, Momon-san."

"Ah, I see." Momon nodded, looking like how Rias felt- that was, so fed up with the insanity that it had looped over and gone back to sanity. "Well then, if that is something you believe improves our inter-Peerage relationships then fine. You'll have to ask my wife, though. I believe we had a deal for the occasion…?"

Rias growled a bit. "You're just plain unfaithful, aren't you, Momon-sama?"

"...Hm, honestly at this point things are happening entirely without my input so I'm not sure what I am." Momon noted while scratching his chin, somehow making Rias realize that he was speaking the absolute truth from the tone of his voice. "Nonetheless I feel that if Xenovia-san has found her resolution to confess to me, then I should at least answer to her feelings. After all, I've heard that devils are mostly polyamerous, correct? Moreover, with Yubelluna and Xuelan, our union already has… external influencers."

'...Did I misjudge him? I thought everything was more or less in his control, except for the whole 'Supreme Being' situation…' Rias sympathy for Momon as she realized that while her life had turned into a carnival cruise of insanity, the same might have just happened to Momon as well- And perhaps even more so for Momon, since he had been thrust into the role of the carnival ship's captain, and was likely stuck between rock and a hard place piloting the ship away from rocks. Or in this case, inter-team conflicts while trying to recover his shattered memories, thrust into an alien place and used as a political pawn by everyone around him.

Rias sighed as she suddenly saw the situation anew as she ignored her own problems and tried to look at the situation from Momon's point of view- and realized how much pressure the man must be under. "Fine, fine… But you don't have to agree to bed everyone who throws themselves at you, Momon. You can always say 'no' if you don't feel like you get along with them."

"If you feel that you don't get along with me, and feel that I am an active hindrance, then please expel me from the Peerage and slay me, True God." Xenovia looked completely serious. "I do not wish to live if I am to become a Heretic, and Stray Devil, outcast from all factions and condemned heretic, stray, and worthless."

"That's not at all the case, Xenovia-san." Momon waved his hands at her to stop her. "Moreover, can you, um, not call me True God? That feels a bit… tacky. Actually, I have some questions regarding divinity to you and Irina, when you have the time."

"We are ready to serve, my lord." Xenovia bowed her head a bit, which was a bit impressive considering she was lying on her stomach on the bed, naked, and Akeno was massaging her back. "Give us your orders."

The girl then turned around so she was on her back, arching it so her lower back lifted a bit from the bed in a way that displayed her breasts to Momon properly.

Akeno covered her mouth with her hand as she had gone from sitting on Xenovia's butt to sitting on her hips when her massage-subject turned under her. "Ara? Xenovia-chan is so bold."

"We can talk more about the, umu, divinity-related questions when there's just the three of us, I don't want to bother Rias and Akeno-san with boring divinity-babble." Momon glanced at the two girls beside Xenovia and Irina, ignoring Xenovia's display. and causing her to pout. "No offense, but I'm mostly just interested in asking how to de-escalate the situation as the angel I summoned, Dominion Authority, went off and, umu, made some bold claims and I don't want things to escalate to a wrong direction. As for the, umu, making babies part..."

"I understand, in that case I'll stand by for your order." Xenovia noted, looking a bit disappointed, but then shook her head and put her knees together and began swaying her legs side to side in a manner that displayed her bare thighs quite nicely. "Irina?"

"U- ueh? I… guess… um, erm… I- I don't really know…" Irina blushed a bit while wobbling from side to side as stood next to the bed, still covered with her bath towel. "I- is this really happening? Are we going to commit sin? Adultery!"

"Ara? Ufufufu, Momon-san, I think you should go ahead and break in both Irina andXenovia." Akeno noted with a bit of a dark tone as she seemed to become exasperated with Irina's wavering. "Like you broke Ravel-chan last night, until she couldn't walk and her mind was in the gutter even today... "

"Yes, please." Xenovia agreed easily, nodding her head at Momon's direction.

"Uwaah! T-that's- but, uh… well, if Xenovia-chan thinks we should, um…" Irina seemed to still resist the idea a bit. "Uuh… well, I guess you look like Issei, um, but… I really wanted my first time to be with Issei'-kun…"

"You know, Irina-san, the fact Momon possesses Issei's [Boosted Gear] means that Momon is Issei, just with extra bits tacked on." Rias told Irina the thought which had popped into her head soon after seeing the [Boosted Gear].

The whole revelation of the Sacred Gear had caused Rias's reasoning to short out for a while, but on further consideration things started to slowly make a surprising amount of sense.

Or rather, Momon's ever-expanding harem seemed to start making sense. Not to mention that all the members of his harem seemed to have quite nice breasts.

Him having [Boosted Gear] made everything clear- it had never left him, he merely forgot that he had it due to his amnesia.

Indeed, it seemed that while 'Issei's determination' had been pushed to the back-seat to make way for 'the destroyer mode' that the Great Red had put in him, alongside vastly enhanced abilities, his perversion was starting to break into the surface.

How the whole 'summoning angels' and all fit into the whole pot still made Rias more than a little confused, but she latched onto whatever normalcy she could amidst the whirling pool of insanity. 'Could it be that the Great Red actually managed to salvage some parts of God-ow back when He-ow died and stuffed them to Momon- er, Issei-kun? That's... starting to make a bit of sense, actually...'

Rias felt, for the first time in a long while, an incredible feeling of joy.

"Ah… Uh… S-sorry! I, I thought, erm…" Irina looked a bit ashamed. "In that case, I'd like to, well…"

"Irina-chan wants you to screw her silly." Xenovia finished Irina's speech for her, causing the latter to let out a squeak.

"Alright, fine. If that helps you perform better as part of my Peerage, and makes you happy…" Momon sighed in synch with Rias. Then he turned towards Rias. "And, I'm not Issei… I'm sorry, Rias."

"Of course." Rias agreed. 'It'll take time for him to fully regain himself... '

Rias felt like she had gained a handhold on something solid amidst the insanity, and renew her vow to ensure Issei would be restored, and that she wouldn't abandon him no matter what during his dark times.

After all, the whole debacle had started when Issei sacrificed himself for Rias's sake.

The least she could do was to bring him back, even if he had been changed.

The memory of Momon comforting her after telling her that he wasn't Issei came to the forefront of her mind, and she accepted it- she knew Issei wouldn't be the same old Issei she had developed her crush on, but rather Momon would be Momon- a different person person. Yet, eventually, Rias knew that the person she called her husband would develop into a more cunning, scarier and more calculating version of Issei, even if she had to call him 'Momon'… but he would still be her Issei.

Smiling in her elated, relieved and borderline euphoric state, Rias moved to pile on top of Xenovia, forming a trio of soft and inviting flesh for Momon to look at and then opening the ex-exorcist's legs.

"Dear?" Momon seemed a bit shocked.

"Well? You heard Xenovia. Come." Rias told Momon while pushing Akeno off the blue-haired girl, and Akeno seemed to get the idea instantly so she helped Rias lift Xenovia into a sitting position while the latter pulled her legs under her.

Xenovia's head was flanked by two pairs of huge breasts as Rias and Akeno displayed her to Momon and the blue-haired girl spread her legs spread open for Momon almost as if she had been waiting for a cue.

Momon blushed to his eyebrows.

Irina did the same.

"Well? It's rude to keep someone waiting." Rias noted while reaching to swat at Akeno's breasts, causing them to jiggle a bit and the girl to let out 'Ara's in response.

"Right, one moment…" Momon seemed to calm down in a flash, composed himself, and then left the room- much to the surprise of everyone in it.

Rias then heard something impact a wall nearby almost as if Momon had attempted to cave in the wall with his head, then she heard some loud 'glugs', and the door re-opened.

Momon put two empty twelve-packs of 'Tantric Energy Boosters' beside the door.

"Ara, ara…" Akeno chuckled while she reached to massage a spot between Xenovia's legs, then sunk a finger in as the sensual massage seemed to open a long-repressed flood valve in the ex-exorcist. "I hope you are ready, Xenovia-chan… And Irina-chan!"

"Eep!" the hazelnut-brown haired girl blushed.

"My body is ready." Xenovia's tone was resolute, even though her face had a slight tint of red.

Rias smiled.

'Yes, it's all coming together…'



"Oh… Oh no! No way! This can't be happening! You did not just agree to that! I did not agree to any of this! It's all coming apart!"

Somewhere else a girl with a petite figure was tearing at her previously neatly combed hair.

"Awawa… I didn't think you'd be that mad, So-tan…" Serafall Leviathan looked depressed as she sat on Sona Sitri's bed and kicked her legs over the bed-end. "I mean, I can not throw the match tomorrow if you're super serious about not wanting to huff and puff a house together with Mo-kun?"

Sona freezed.

"Uwah, you didn't consider that I wouldn't throw the match if you felt that you didn't want to do the ooga booga with Momon-kun?" Serafall looked even more depressed. "I mean I can just, you know, win?"

Sona jumped and tackle-hugged Serafall.

"Aha! I love yuf foo, So-taan…" Serafall cuddled Sona's head as the girl hyperventilated for a while into Serafall's breasts.

"My life just flashed before my eyes…" Sona's eyes glazed over in terror. "To be married to Issei of all people, no, to Momon, who is possibly even worse for all the wrong reasons…"

"Uwaaaah… So-tan is super anti-Momon… That's super sad…" Serafall looked depressed again. "And here he went and fell from the Heavens for you…"

"He did what?" Sona's stare was flatter than a crepe that had been run over with a road roller. "No, wait, this has to do with that Angel he pulled out of his hat, doesn't it? The one who I hear resurrected me?"

"Oho? He hadn't revealed to you his dark knight form? And his evil mastermind form below that? Or his that form? You know, him being Him-ow?" Serafall looked surprised, then ashamed. "Uwah, I'm sorry, Mo-kun! I blurted out your secret again…"

Sona had heard that some Angel had come to the Underworld, parked itself in Phenix territory, and had started to proclaim that 'Momon was True God' and resurrected devils. The latter didn't surprise her all that much, considering that she had 'met' the angel and the angel had resurrected her when Momon had commanded it to do so. The claims the Angel made, however…

"Don't tell me those rumors had a grain of truth in them?" Sona shook the words out of her throat. "Don't tell me that I am being stalked by Issei who is actually pretending to be some dark mastermind who is actually God-ow."

"Fallen God, actually!" Serafall announced happily while pulling Sona on her lap and cradling her back and forth. "He became super cool after he Fell! And here I thought all Fallen were creeps and Angels were prude fools. He's super cool with kids, occasional tail-pulling notwithstanding, can resolve inter-family conflicts, goes so save his friends and then seduces them with his cool dark side if Ravel-chan is anything to go by, and is a good lover if the screams his violet-haired stress doll made were any indication!'

"W-wha?" Sona's eyes bulged a bit, and Serafall pulled a pink fairy from her cleavage.


The fairy let a squeak like a dying man in a muddy trench screaming for medic or mother, and then the fairy got plastered to a wall as Serafall rubbed it on it.

The wall turned to some kind of see-through glass, but instead of showing the room on the other side, it showed…

Sona blushed.

Serafall blushed.

"You know, I think this fairy has some kind of lewd-sensor so that whenever I try to peep on Momon-kun doing awesome stuff, I just see his bum. I already tried a few times, and every time it just shows him doing the dirty with someone, it's a ero-fairy, I think. Don't get me wrong, Mo-tan's got a lovely bum but I'm not sure I want to see what's on the other side getting pumped into some other girl." Serafall explained matter-of-factly, as if the magical-girl-Maou hadn't just peeped on 'Issei' making love to two girls that Sona vaguely recognized to be Holy Sword wielders and Church Exorcists, and in addition to them there were also two fairly high-profile students from Kuoh present, namely the 'Great Onee-sans' Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima, both of whom Sona knew well in both student capacity and Rias as a noble devil-capacity.

Not to mention that Serafall had also forced Sona to peep on them. And forced Sona to memorize the sight of the red, grotesque and veiny thing pumping into the blue-haired girl like a piston. And hear the voices coming from the blue-haired 'subject' of said pumping.

Not to mention that Issei, a devil, presumably, was having sex with two consentingChurch Exorcists, in the same bed with Rias Gremory who, based off the happy look on her face, was enjoying the thing quite a bit... Even if she was currently busy fondling and touching the brown-haired female Exorcist who was blushing up a storm.

The coincidences were starting to pile up and Sona was not looking forward to seeing where the breadcrumbs led, because she was starting to feel that the coincidences were too coincidental.

The pink fairy let out a groan of a drowning man as Serafall plucked it from the wall and put it back between her boobs, just pausing to hug it a bit and rub her cheek against the fluff for a while.

"Serafall…" Sona paused to consider her words and stood up from Serafall's lap, feeling shaky. "...Have you actually considered that… what if hsss… Issei… Momon-pervert-Fallen-God wants to take me against my will since he was at least at one point a 'renowned' pervert, and it looks like that hasn't changed? If he wins your duel he'd get the legal right to take me even against my will, thanks to our oh-so-workinglegal system of forced arranged marriages?"

"If you feel that way then I'll crush him in tomorrow's match, of course! And apologize later, and tell him to try his luck with you again in the next century!" Serafall beamed. "And if you say that he's a keeper for you, then I'll throw the match after slap-fighting a bit! Win-win!"

"And, what if he actually beats you even if you don't throw the match? If he's actually who you think he is… He might even have a chance."

"Haa! No way!" Serafall waved her hand, then paused. "Wait…"

She seemed to pause a bit further.

"Teehee, I didn't think about that~" Serafall struck a cutesy pose.

Sona's hair loss continued.


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