
Devil of the Circuit

All Aurora had ever wanted was one chance at the seat of the Sanctum. The chance arrives, but the challenge she faces surpasses all. She must bring back the Devil from the Circuit. ~*~*~*~ Her agency is about to get sealed. She has debts to pay but no case in hand. Private investigator Jennifer Singhal is about to give up when the opportunity knocks. She must investigate the mysterious disappearances happening in the Trove Desert, and close the case for good. ~*~*~*~ If only things were that easy. World is more vast than Jennifer ever knew. The path to the seat that Aurora covets goes through slaughter. And when their paths cross, with sparks fly stories they never knew had existed.

RegisCrown · LGBT+
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9 Chs


The 111th floor of Paradis was nothing like the other floors. It was a floating island in the midst of nowhere.

Aurora looked under her feet to find her reflection staring back, and then she looked up to see the no name goddess step past a door as she disappeared. Puzzled, she followed behind the woman and appeared at the other end only to be stumped. The sky was blue no more. It was a starry night in there.

"This is the gallery of cosmo", the goddess explained as she made her way across with ease while Aurora found herself treading carefully. She could feel the land but could not see it.

"Only authorized personnel can cross this gallery. Any intruder stepping foot in here would be lost in the ravages of space"

"Such measures…" Aurora mumbled, parts confused and parts terrified. What was awaiting her in this place?

The goddess stopped walking, as a door appeared. "This is because we train the future of sanctum here".

Something was oddly familiar about this person. Aurora pondered as her gaze fell on those golden locks. Her musings however were cut short when she was interrupted.

"Watch your steps" and having said that, the mystery goddess disappeared once again as Aurora rushed after her.

It was yet another world on the other side of the door. This time, she was standing right across a stream that seemed to stretch on forever, and somewhere far off, on the other side was an island.

"That's where your class is!" The goddess remarked and Aurora gaped.

She started looking around for any bridge or stepping stones or anything. But there was nothing.

"I….how?" she whispered, a look of tragedy painting her features.

"That's your penalty for being late", goddess replied as she started to step back.

"But..this!" Aurora pointed her trembling finger at the violent currents and only got a smile in response.

"Don't get too late", and with this said, the goddess disappeared and so did the door behind her.

"She was serious!" Aurora gulped as she faced forward towards the raging stream. Damn!

After a good few minutes of wracking her brains, Aurora realized that she could only move forward. Unfortunately, she wasn't blessed with powers of flight nor her powers were any helpful in this situation. Thus taking a deep breath, she jumped head straight into the water.




"What?" resurfacing after a few seconds of underwater endeavor, she looked forward puzzled. Where was the turbulence?

"Sh*t! I was fooled!" Aurora cursed out loud on realizing that it had been an illusion.

"Hope, you had your fun!!" she shouted out to no one and started to move forward, a smile making way across her face.

"Now's my opportunity!", and with that her eyes started to glow.