
Devil of the Circuit

All Aurora had ever wanted was one chance at the seat of the Sanctum. The chance arrives, but the challenge she faces surpasses all. She must bring back the Devil from the Circuit. ~*~*~*~ Her agency is about to get sealed. She has debts to pay but no case in hand. Private investigator Jennifer Singhal is about to give up when the opportunity knocks. She must investigate the mysterious disappearances happening in the Trove Desert, and close the case for good. ~*~*~*~ If only things were that easy. World is more vast than Jennifer ever knew. The path to the seat that Aurora covets goes through slaughter. And when their paths cross, with sparks fly stories they never knew had existed.

RegisCrown · LGBT+
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9 Chs


"Mind if I join?"

Jennifer looked at the woman, now leaning against the counter on her right side. The green of her eyes was beyond the spectrum of colors- it was a mixture of the brightest of the jades and emeralds, if that even made any sense! As she looked into the woman's eyes, it almost felt ridiculous how Nick had ceased to exist in that moment. Nick, the man, who was the reason why she frequented a club that boasted the loudest music and the rowdiest bunch the city of Vance could offer, things she simply despised. A good amount of her youth that she had invested in affording some semblance of stability in her life, which she now knew had been but a mirage, meant that she was blissfully single even at the ripe age of 26. Nick was her only experience at flirting, and the art of turning down advances by nonchalant shrugs. She had never pursued him seriously, simply because as handsome he was, she was just as scared. She had tendency of going MIA at the even the faintest whisper of an approaching relationship. Impending doom. Same thing!

What, however, Jennifer hadn't realized that while continuing with this inner monologue, she hadn't moved her eyes away from the shining green ones, which by the way were getting curious with every passing second.

Having bartender as a friend helped the situation though!

"Please do. My friend here, is a bit of a shy person", Nick spoke politely, in Jennifer's stead, who finally snapped out of her reverie at a chuckle, the sexiest she could've ever heard. There were just a lot of ever's happening today!

"So—as the woman drawled, resting her chin against her palm, Jennifer marveled yet again, this time at the sharp cut of her chin and high cheekbones that were highlighted by the blush.

--what do your observations suggest?" Raising an amused brow, those red lips quirked up and Jennifer's heart rate escalated at the emotion of mischief painting those dangerous features with another layer of seduction.

"I- Jennifer turned her head away, the embarrassment of getting caught twice, no thrice getting the best of her tongue as she scrambled for coherent sentences. She was not in the least prepared to make a decent conversation with this way-beyond-her-reach-yet-supposedly-interested woman.

"Hmm" As the woman prodded, her neck craning slightly to peek at the reddening features of black head, Jennifer let the rest of her words roll out.

"I think, no, I- mean, you are real beautiful…like…" Her palms covered her face at the end, her sanity wondering how she had even managed to drop such a lame compliment, "—like….are you even human?!"

The last part mumbled in innocent confusion, left Jennifer a shade redder than red. But what caught her breath was the wisp of warm air that teased her pinna, and left her hairs at the edge of their seat.

"You don't get to ask such a question in my lair~

The words rolled off the woman's tongue in a tantalizing accent of French, reminding Jennifer of the hair spilling over her silky blue shirt that did not belong to her.

'Devil! A temptation indeed!' She chuckled inwardly, and lifted her face off her palms, only to find the mysterious woman's face a few millimeters apart from her own.

Those overpowering eyes forced her gaze down, as she could not help but appreciate the satin turquoise halter neck dress complimenting the woman's olive complexion.

"The name's Laura. What's yours?" Laura husked, her lips grazing over the pierced pinna whilst her fingers gently caressed the back of Jennifer's neck.

Jennifer fumbled, her throat constricting at the proximity. She could not place the desire filling her veins. Never in her life, had she felt this way about anyone, save a woman.


Laura pulled back slightly, as the fingers of her left hand traced the oval contours of Jennifer's face while her gleaming greens fixed on the chocolate browns glazing over. "A name befitting your beauty!"

Jennifer smiled, fisting her hands that for some odd reason were itching to touch Laura. This is insane!

Black hair, brown eyes, a plain face- Jennifer boasted no exceptional features and yet Laura couldn't place the instant pull she had felt on meeting those brown eyes. It was a first for her, getting attracted to someone at a finger's snap. What however amused her most was the restraint the woman in front of her was exercising, when her fist had already turned pale.

"Care for a dance?" Laura withdrew slightly, to cup those clenched fists in her hands.

Jennifer stared unsure. Yes was at the tip of her desperate tongue, but she was not sure if it would just stop at that. Her body's reactions were failing her. It was appalling. And then there was the fact that she couldn't really dance.

"I am not really good so…." She trailed, chiding herself for the weak response.

"I'm good. That'd do for both of us. And so….I insist", Laura smiled, dimples denting her cheeks. And Jennifer lost.

Sighing in resignation, she allowed Laura to pull her to the dance floor and into her space. Laura towered a good two inches over her in her stilletos, as her arms languidly locked behind her neck. Unsure, Jennifer's hands hung in the air as Laura guided them and placed them on her waist, and then pushed herself closer.

Jennifer shivered at the contact, waves of current sizzling down her spine and charging throughout her body. Her fingers tightened of their accord and only pressed Laura's body closer, a pulsating need overtaking her senses. Swaying gently to the music, which was blaring no more, she found her control splintering as their bodies moved in unison, brushing past each other at all the right places.

F*ck. Why was she behaving like this? Her sanity was being imprisoned by her instincts.

She looked up into her eyes, and before she could register her actions, her lips had met with Laura's, moving languorously against one another. She moaned into her mouth as Laura tilted her face and opening her mouth nibbled on Jennifer's lower lips. Jennifer moaned into the kiss, pushing her body impossibly closer to Laura's.

Grinning into the kiss, Laura's fingers wandered into her hairs and her lips parted as her she rolled out her tongue into Jennifer's mouth and caught her tongue with hers.

Imitating the redhead, Jennifer followed suit and intertwined her tongue with hers. Her senses had positively glazed over. She had the urge to delve even farther, even deeper and just get lost within. Her surroundings had blurred into oblivion and as they pulled apart to come up with oxygen, she could've sworn that Laura's eyes had glowed. Literally. Or it could've been the lust that had marked its debut in her virgin system. Either way, a faint trail of saliva connected their lips as she found Laura unbuttoning her shirt, while her roaring heart simply waited for the avalanche of need to simmer down.

'Pull away'

As 2 buttons popped open, Laura leaned down and pressed her lips against her throat, her right hand lifting the hem of her shirt.

'Pull away'

Her legs had started to give away. It had been almost sudden, but she was starting to feel drained with every passing minute.

'Pull away!'

The faint warning echoed in her head once more, resonating in her ears like an ill omen. A warning that as tempting this all was, her intuition was screaming about something being wrong.

'Pull away!!'

She could hear it but she could not act on it. Her brain was not complying. Breathing erratically, she rested her chin on Laura's shoulder, who was now kissing against her jawline, her fingers making their way to her trousers.


This time the words hammered loudly in her ear drums and the mist clouding her brain cleared almost instantly as she tore away from the other woman.

"What—Laura took a step forward while Jennifer raised her palm upfront to deter Laura from getting closer.

"I-I need to leave!" She fumbled worried and dashed out of the club, her heart going wild in her chest. Only when she was nestled into the sanctuary of her car, did she allow herself a breather.

Her forehead slammed against the steering wheel with a thud, as she groaned loudly like a whipped dog. What the shit had happened in there?

She wiped her mouth with her fingers, only to see her fingers stain red. Laura's lipstick. God! What was wrong with her, behaving so….wantonly!

Checking in the rearview mirror, she wiped the traces of red off her neck and jaw with a remover, and then proceeded on to button up her shirt.

It felt so cloudy and weird. Jennifer sighed, before determination set in and she turned on the ignition, maneuvered the gear and hit the road.

To everyone's who's reading this, I hope I'm doing justice to your interest. On that note I'll be updating the next chapter in 2-3 days time as I'm still writing that part. So I hope that everyone reading this will stay till then.

Till next time!

RegisCrowncreators' thoughts