
Devil of the Circuit

All Aurora had ever wanted was one chance at the seat of the Sanctum. The chance arrives, but the challenge she faces surpasses all. She must bring back the Devil from the Circuit. ~*~*~*~ Her agency is about to get sealed. She has debts to pay but no case in hand. Private investigator Jennifer Singhal is about to give up when the opportunity knocks. She must investigate the mysterious disappearances happening in the Trove Desert, and close the case for good. ~*~*~*~ If only things were that easy. World is more vast than Jennifer ever knew. The path to the seat that Aurora covets goes through slaughter. And when their paths cross, with sparks fly stories they never knew had existed.

RegisCrown · LGBT+
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9 Chs


"I repeat, Aurora report immediately to your class on 111th floor, sky hall, Elites".

"Wha— Aurora gaped in confusion. She must've misheard it. That must be it.

And then her eyes met Chris's eyes across the barrier, mirroring her shock. So, she didn't mishear. Must've been a mishap on the part of announcer. Yep. For sure.

"As amusing as your confused fish face is- Yamanov emerged from behind her, his form impeccable as ever, "I don't recommend earning a penalty on your first day".

Aurora looked up at him, still in disbelief. "B-But sire…this..I..elite…how..why…." she stammered incomprehensibly, her heart thumping loudly in her ears.

Shaking his head then, Yamanov just smiled. "You have your chance". And with that, closing his eyes he chanted an incantation and opened his fist to reveal a silver badge embedded with the saintess insignia.

As he pinned it to her shoulder, everyone gasped in amazement as Aurora underwent transformation. Her overalls changed into a pair of whites, with the shirt tucked into a black belt with golden border while her skirt became a knee length pant, the rest of her legs covered with black stockings. Then her sleeveless blue overcoat transformed into a mid-waist white coat with gold buttons, buttoned up to her neck, topped with black shoulder plates lined with gold. While her palms got covered with black gloves, her moccasins were replaced with knee high white boots and a pair of black arm plates with wrapped around her forearms. Finally two gold chains appeared from her left shoulder plate connecting to the 3rd coat button while the insignia of saintess appeared on the back of her coat.

Everyone was amazed would be an understatement. She had started looking a league above just by those clothes. She had started to look Elite.

"Good to go", her teacher smiled as Aurora inspected her uniform. "Now, you walk straight down the hallway and turn right into the lift", He pointed in the direction she was facing.

Aurora stopped admiring her uniform as she scrunched her brows as something came to mind, "But sire…"

"No buts, off you go" He interrupted and with a slight nudge, pushed her forward as he disappeared into the class. Gaining her footing, she turned around to Chris shouting, "Make me proud!"

Aurora chuckled and with a nod, started to walk away. Arriving at the end of corridor, she turned right to find a vio-ice platform in place of the usual dead end.

"Well! I was worrying for nothing"

She sighed, looked around and taking a deep breath, stepped onto the platform. As soon as she stepped on it, a force field encased the platform and her surroundings shifted.

No more was she standing in the deserted corridor of Paradise but was floating in the midst of sky. Bedazzled, she looked around and all she could see was the sky. Just where was this? Did she telep—

And before she could comprehend another detail, the lift shook a little, before it went shooting towards the sky full throttle. As the lift went on to tear the clouds, Aurora found herself laid out on the platform like a carpet courtesy of the sudden lurch while her desperate fingers looked for something to clasp but to no avail.

"F*ck!" She yelped shutting her eyes as the lift continued racing for another few seconds before coming to a sudden halt. Still caught up in the lift's inertia, Aurora was thrown straight towards the roof and for the second time in the day, smashed herself against the force field, before falling back on the platform with a loud groan.

"Ow!Ow! F*ckkin sh*t" Aurora cursed while massaging her bruised forehead and nose.

But before she could get her bearings back, the platform moved and did a complete 180 as the force field disappeared and her face kissed the floor.

"Daaarn it!" Aurora cried out in pain, turning over to see the sky.

Thankfully the sky was moving no more. Not so thankfully, it was now spinning! Aurora shut her mouth as she felt her insides stir before she shot up to sit hunching forward as she wretched out the contents of her stomach.


Once done, she wiped her mouth and leaned her head back, the lingering sour taste creating a dent b/w her brows.

"What a marvelous start! My ass!!" Aurora grumbled, unaware of the approaching footsteps.

"Welcome to Sky hall, Aurora"

Aurora stood up and bowed as she looked at the unfamiliar woman. She was wearing a gold embroidered white gown with bell sleeves. She had to be 100+ considering the wrinkles. Other than that, she was in awe of this woman's features- beautiful golden hair, golden eyes, not to mention that she was towering good 6 inches over her! And then there was a shimmering halo floating right around her waist.

Definitely a fancy goddess!

The woman nodded in acknowledgement as she tapped Aurora's shoulders and she became as good as new- no signs of the tragedy that she had suffered through a few moments ago.

'Saved my face there!'

"Thank you"

The woman nodded. "Now then, how about we venture inside?"

And as the woman lead the way, Aurora followed behind her, her awe of the woman waning as the brilliance of Sky hall caught her fancy.

Hello readers, I am still here. No excuses for my tardiness. But, I'll try my best to update. Till next time!

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