

Cassia looked back. When she was a child, although Nanda and Cole were rescued by the grandfather together, she just liked to tease Nanda.

She was very happy every time he was teased by her, because she didn't like his frowning eyebrows, so she hoped that he would smile occasionally to meet people.

Later, he adopted her. She thought they would live together. She didn't expect him to ignore her, a poor newcomer who came to the United States. She was unfamiliar with her place. He actually used her as a ball and kicked her to San Francisco.

She was angry and ignored him, feeding him hard, sleeping hard, playing hard every day, and also used his money to show off and fight hard. The anger lasted for four years.

And he didn't live without it, as if she was really a cargo, and it didn't matter to him to send it out. It was really annoying!

Later, she still couldn t help but care about his news secretly, because for her, he and Sammy were her only relatives in the world. He could wave his hand to work on his own after she was settled, but she couldn t, she did. Not!

So she started to care about him in many ways, and she was shocked to discover that the "Chetan family" had such a big influence in Washington! And he, Nanda Chetan-her "Uncle Long Legs" is in a situation that is embarrassing on all sides! She also found him so pitiful. It turned out that he did care about her, but couldn't care...

Then she decided one thing, a big thing about her lifelong happiness and his lifelong happiness.

She wants to guard him! The best way to protect him, of course, is to marry him and sleep next to his pillow every day to protect him!

Finally, four years ago, he finally promised her that she could go back to Washington to attend the cherry blossom festival. When Bruce sent her back to his mansion, he heard the sad sound of the piano as soon as he entered the door. The sound of the piano conveyed the picture, and she seemed to see A man walked alone in the desert, and the gust of wind rolled up the yellow sand.

She was shocked by the deep sadness in the sound of his piano, and she was even more convinced that her decision was not wrong. He was a man with indifferent appearance and poor heart, and he needed the princess to save him!

However, Nanda, like most men, thinks that a fourteen-year-old girl doesn t understand love, so he doesn t put her in his eyes at all, and he gets along with her with the attitude of getting along with "children", which harms her. It's really boring!

So he pushed her far away as usual, arranged her to the east at once, and arranged her to the west at once, but refused to put her by his side. He didn't know that her diary was full of him.

She used to be young and had no autonomous ability. Hehehe, now she has grown up and is already eighteen years old. If he dares to "exile" her again, she will cry to him.

"Put on my shirt, and you will not be allowed to wear this kind of revealing swimsuit in the future." Nanda took off her shirt and put it on for her. The swimsuit fabric on her was so scarce that it was really ugly! She will not be allowed to wear it again in the future.

"Wow! Your figure is really good!" Bright eyes fixed on his sturdy naked chest, deliberately making a drooling look.

A silver chain hung on his neck, and a square silver pendant carved a lifelike tulip. She knew that he had worn it for a long time, and she thought about it for a long time. The necklace worn on him for so long, if she wears it on her instead , I must feel great! It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day than to ask him for love today.

"Cassia, girls don't say such things." He frowned.

She has grown up, reborn and beautiful, and he suddenly realized that it is dangerous to keep her in Miami, and it seems that he should make other arrangements.

Go to the UK?

Do not!

He knew in his heart that the oldest university in Britain would definitely not be able to shut her down. Even if she was sent over, she would try her best to fly out on her own. Instead of taking risks, it would be better to...

Keep her by his side?

Nanda jumped at the sudden thought. How could he turn the thought of keeping her by his side?

There can t be anyone he cares about by his side, and everyone he cares about will be hurt. He has learned enough, and even if he wants to, he has to give up...

That's right, he can't keep her by his side! He immediately resolutely drove away the improper thoughts that came out of his mind.

"I obediently listen to you and put on my shirt. Is it okay for you to give me a gift?"

She deliberately showed a look of admiration at his silver chain, drooling on the ground! "Uh, this silver chain is so beautiful, can you give this necklace to me? I will definitely cherish it."

Her eyes revealed expectation.

He will think about it for a long time, right? Otherwise, he refused, because he had worn it for so long, and it was the relic of his beloved mother...

"No problem."

So easy? Cassia smiled in surprise.

She was trying to express her inner touch and joy, but someone said coldly: "I will ask Bruce to give you a blank check. The amount is unlimited. You can buy the necklace of any style you want. It doesn't matter how many necklaces you want. "

Cassia glared at him sideways.

It's ok! There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom.

"I want the one on your neck, or I will take off my bikini without putting on a shirt!"

Humph! Dealing with him, a cold-blooded animal, is to use shameless tricks to succeed.

Nanda stared at her quickly.

Seeing that the flame of "come true" in her eyes was so strong, he curled his lips. This naughty girl could do everything. He had better not underestimate her determination, because she had already damnly started to untie the bikini's bow.

"Stop it!" Huh! It turned out to be this way, and it turned out to be this way when those "lawyers" were threatened by her.

"No!" She took the time to make a grimace at him, and his heart beat higher than the sky! Shit! Her top almost slipped off!

"Haha! You are so scared that your face is pale!" She giggled, pressing her hands on her chest, and she was just right. The girl has practiced, kids, don't learn!

"Cassia! Stop messing around!" His face was blue and white, as if by magic.

"I want to take it off..." She deliberately blinked at him with an ambiguous voice.

Hehe! She is not afraid of his scary expression. Anyway, he is so good-looking and handsome. What's so scary? It's strange that Bruce and the lawyers are afraid of him!

"Damn it!" Nanda frowned, and was surprised to find out his weakness. He actually had no power to resist the shameless person? In his life, she was the first person to shame him, and no one dared to do so, so he only discovered now that he didn't have the cells to deal with shameless people.

"I really want to take it off!" She moved her hand to let the bikini slide down. She didn't believe that she couldn't bring him down.

"Take it!" He rudely tore off the silver chain and handed it to her, but she grinned and didn't reach out to take it. "Excuse me, dear guardian, I want to "protect" my bikini. Could you please help me put it on?"

She turned her back to him happily, waiting to be "served" by him.

Nanda lifted her lips unhappily.

fine, anyway, he just moved his fingers and won't die... However, her skin is really white. Didn't she say that she likes the Miami sun? Why didn't you tan yourself?

"Alright? Don't regret it!..."

Nanda glanced up at her.

"It's already worn." He said angrily. Which one of the "robbed" people would be happy? No?

His gentle Eastern mother once said that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. This sentence is verified in Cassia. Cassia is exactly the same as when he was a child, full of quirky minds, and said that it is creative and unpleasant. It's not serious.

"Thank you!" Cassia turned back with a sweet smile. She lowered her head and happily played with the silver chain for a while, unexpectedly stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips, as if she had seen his "shit face".

"Thank you for'sending' this necklace to me. I promise to treasure it for the rest of my life. Even if someone points a gun to my head, I will never take it down! Even if someone kicks me into the stinking ditch soon, threatening to I hand over the necklace, and I will never let the necklace leave my neck for half a step."

Nanda didn't know what she was talking about. Her words had entered his ears, but the ground flew out of the other ear, and then turned into a cloud of smoke and drifted away.

He was so shocked that he couldn't speak, stuck in the scorching Miami sun, stunned for a long time, unable to return to his senses.

Cassia kissed his...lips?

He looks like he won't be moved by magic, and Cassia is still playing with the necklace happily, not knowing that she has completely shaken his heart.

He never dreamed that there would be such a day, he Nanda. Chetan's mood will change due to a person he always thought is a little kid, and it will fluctuate up and down, and it is difficult to extricate himself...

He looked at her bewildered.

"Hello! You're blushing!" The tricky trick succeeded, and a certain wicked man giggled and exclaimed in a super-high wavelength, "No! Didn't a woman kiss you?" The ending sound is very bad-hearted. Up.

She swears that he really blushed.

Haha! Successfully transformed! He treats her as a woman.

"No!" Nanda regained consciousness suddenly, and immediately overthrew her with a tone of intent.

Cassia chuckled. "Obviously."

"If I said no, I didn't!" Annoyed into anger, his thick eyebrows knotted.

She shrugged. "Okay! "Forget it" you didn't."

"I didn't have it!"

Cassia didn't take his anger seriously, and boldly slipped back to his naked toned upper body, showing admiring eyes.

Not fake! He can be called God's most and most perfect masterpiece! It would be a waste if such a good-looking man did not leave the "seed"!

"Cassia!" His head hurts! Where did she learn this attitude?

"I see, you don't have one!"

Does Pinnacle High School teach you how to irritate people?