

"Simply put, I asked KK to help me find the people who slashed me, but I didn't expect that those people happened to be his subordinates. He just brought people to take the blame."

"So, you decided to forgive them?"

"It's not that I let them go, but I already know who is causing me trouble."

"who is it?"


She opened her eyes wide in disbelief. "Weller?"

He nodded slowly. "I should have thought of him long ago, because apart from him, I didn't seem to offend anyone when I came to Taiwan this time."

"How can he do this? Where did you offend him? I'm still responsible for all this, I'm sorry, Cole." Samara couldn't help but choked up with red eyes.

"Fool, how can this be caused by you, if I hadn't forcibly intervened to jeopardize his inheritance and management rights, this wouldn't happen."

"But you will do it, all for me."