

"Please listen to my explanation, Mr. Nanda!" Lawyer Ben wiped the sweat from his forehead, chasing Nanda's pace frequently.

Does this young man have to walk so fast? This is a beach! His famous Italian handmade limited edition leather shoes are scrapped!

"No need to explain, you were fired." He was really puzzled how Cassia had convinced the lawyers to transfer her to school instead of telling him the real guardian?

He didn't have time to care about her, it doesn't mean she can learn badly. He raised her to repay the grandfather and grandma for saving him and Cole's life, and it was also pity that she became an orphan.

The perfect result he set in his mind is to train her into a lady, complete enough academic qualifications, and then find a good man to marry her, so that his responsibility is over, and if she learns badly, then his responsibility It will never end, it's that simple!

"Mr. Nanda..." Lawyer Ben opened his mouth and closed it again. "Miss. Cassia said, if we don t agree to transfer her, her life is black and white, and the life of a young girl is black and white. It s better to die. So she wanted to swallow the medicine to commit suicide, and it was true that she had already been sent to the emergency room once, so after we discussed it, we decided...decided..."

Nanda turned her head and cast a nasty look at Lawyer Ben. "Decided to hide from the sky?"

I don't know what kind of weird gene it inherited. Everything Cas does is "come for real", not just fooling around.

Examples are as follows-

When she was thirteen years old, the lawyers told him afterwards that she insisted on parachuting with her classmates in New Zealand. They refused to agree and she threatened to absent from class for a month. In the end, they refused to let her take risks, and she was true. I stayed at home for a month without going to school.

When she was fourteen, she wanted to go to an African civil war country with an archaeological team she didn't know where she knew. The lawyers objected, and she threatened to go on a hunger strike for a week.

The lawyers insisted on not letting go for safety reasons, but of course she also "come for real"! Without eating for a week, she lost five kilograms of weight, and she was sent to the emergency room for an intravenous drip.

Her history of "coming true" can not be counted back and forth three times with ten fingers. Each time it is fierce and extreme. It is true that those well-behaved "lawyers" are afraid of her practice, so it is her first time. After threatening to commit suicide, she secretly transferred her to another school and kept secrets from him because she was afraid that she would "come for real"!

She had a long history of rebellion in the past, he didn't have time to participate, because he was always the last to know, and now, he doesn't allow her to go on such a fool.

Nanda stopped abruptly, he decided not to look for her, he would use the most undemocratic means to punish her as a stubborn girl!

"Lawyer Ben, please find a university in England with the strictest, oldest, most remote and most old nuns, and find me twenty capable female lawyers from the British Empire to jointly guard Cassia. I want to see her become Lady, she is not allowed to leave the UK for half a step before that day comes! Otherwise, I will break away from her, no longer provide for her life needs, and even send her back to Taiwan. All the consequences will be borne by her."

"This..." Attorney Ben was embarrassed. "Mr. Nanda, Miss. Cassia loves a free-spirited life by nature, why don't you just listen to her and make a decision."

Nanda glanced at him disapprovingly. "What can a spoiled kid think? She just wanted to play, but you guys spoiled her again. Let me tell you first, I will never let her ask for anything, so you don t want to convince me for her, too. Don't want to change my mind."

Lawyer Ben rubs his hands. "I think you'd better go see her..."

"No!" When he flew to Miami, he was stunned by her for a while, and now his thoughts are back, which happened to be in her plan, he didn't!

"But... Miss. Cassia said..."

"It's useless to say anything."

"Miss. Cassia said..."

"I don't want to listen!"

"Miss. Cassia said she is going to get married..."

"Shit! Lets Go!"

Miami is a very casual city, with large shopping malls and shopping centers everywhere.

Next to the endless white sandy beach, there are many luxury hotels, and densely packed tourists are enjoying sunbathing and water sports. The beach is more like a large swimsuit exhibition area. There are many muscular handsome guys and cool men, and there are many hot sexy cuties. If you want to take beautiful women or catch handsome guys, come here!

The graduation ceremony of Spire High School is held on the beach. The stage set up includes not only the school's own rock band performance, but also the selection of muscle men, boob show, carnival beach dance, and finally, unlimited drinks of beach beer! As for the awards and the shit speeches from the principal and teacher, go away! They don't need it!

Thinking with his knees, Cassia would be "educated" here. Nanda's face was ugly as the bottom of a burnt pot. He was looking for the culprit who irritated him, the overly intelligent and disobedient little devil.

"Miss. Cassia is there." Lawyer Ben pointed to the beach in front of him. Under the coconut grove, there was a group of young boys and girls who were playing crazy. "The one in a tender yellow bikini with "Hi! Kiss me" written on the swimsuit... She is beautiful, isn't she?" Lawyer Ben smiled unconsciously, in a comforting tone of a young girl in my family.

Nanda glanced at attorney Ben, who used to be Cassia's father, and curled the corners of her cold lips.

Cas can really buy people's hearts, and an old fox like Lawyer Ben is actually submissive by her? What is her secret? If there is a chance, he should ask her carefully.

After thinking about it, he patrolled the bright yellow bikinis mentioned by Lawyer Ben on the crazy beach.

Light yellow...

His eyes were fixed on a sexy young girl, because her swimsuit happened to be bright yellow, and the words "Hi! Kiss me" were written on the bright yellow swimsuit.

He frowned in confusion, his heartbeat speeding up inexplicably.

Is it her?

The naughty little devil in the impression, the skinny wild girl who is less than 130 centimeters...

He looked at the bikini girl under the scorching sun with a slender and delicate figure, a round and plump chest, a slender waist, a slender buttocks, and a pair of toned and well-proportioned jade legs, long black hair tied into a handful Ponytail, the ponytail is tied into two thick braids, indicating that her hair volume is amazing, and the beel is shining with big shiny rose gold earrings.

Her facial features are extremely beautiful, almond-shaped water eyes, black and white eyes, pretty nose, small diamond lips with a bright smile, showing the beautiful white teeth, dazzling smile like a toothpaste advertisement Up.

"You gave her money for breast augmentation?" After the surprise, his expression instantly became very smelly, and his sharp eyes flashed with unusual flames.

Lawyer Ben shook his head sharply. "No, no!"

Nanda's dangerous eyes narrowed, her thick eyebrows raised so high, "Natural?" he asked again.

"Natural." Nodding like pounding garlic.

"Damn it!"

Nanda gritted his teeth and strode to the beach, unbuttoning his shirt while walking. Lawyer Ben didn't know what he wanted to do. He saw Cassia having fun with his classmates...

playing what?

Uh, it's the kind of game where a boy puts a balloon on his lap, and a girl sits on his buttocks, crushes the ball and scores.

Those tall boys touch Cassia intentionally or unintentionally. Whenever she sits on them, their salty pig hands immediately grabbed her small waist, and she smiled happily because of scoring, and didn't mind the male classmates occasionally cuddling. Hold her, but, uh... Mr. Nanda minds, he seems to mind...

"Come down!"

Nanda rudely pulled Cassia out of the arms of the stinky boy. Cassia's surprised eyes widened at first, and then a cheerful smile broke out. She jumped on him, ignoring the side eyes of others, and held his neck tightly. , Like a coquettish cat, more like a cute koala who sees his beloved eucalyptus tree.

"When did you come?" Her lips pressed affectionately to his ear, and she lowered her head to snicker in satisfaction.

Hey-hey! He is finally here! Waited for a long time to say.

"Come down!" Nanda drove her like a fly. "You are not allowed to hold me like this again!"

She especially likes to jump on him. During the month in the mountains, she hangs on him every day. Later, she met twice. She jumped into his arms as soon as she saw him. She was young before. , She can do whatever she wants, not now! Absolutely not!

"Why?" Cassia raised her beautiful eyes and looked at him. There were big question marks in her bright eyes, which looked very innocent and charming. She was the best at pretending to be innocent.

"Don't ask why, come down now!" He rolled his eyes, his handsome face full of patience.

Do you want to ask why? It's simple!

There is only one reason-because he is a man and she is a woman.

"Okay!" Cassia pursed her lips unwillingly and pursed her lips aggrievedly. "Come down and come down, why are you so fierce, people just haven't seen you for a long time, so happy!" The soft tone was aggrieved.

Nanda raised his eyebrows.

Perhaps in her eyes, he is still him, but to be honest, he can't treat her as the little girl in the impression, because she is already a mature little woman, just saw her sitting casually in the arms of boys Being hugged, he almost exploded in anger, and he regretted not taking her to his side sooner.

"I'm not fierce, I just told you to come down." His tone became more "not fierce" unknowingly, because of her pitiful appearance, right? right!

"Okay! You're not fierce. Did you just get off the plane? Did Bruce tell you that I graduated today, or did you always care about me?" All of a sudden, she forgot all the complaints against him. , Sticking to him again, she folded her hands lovingly behind her, and asked him with her face up playfully.

OMG! He is as handsome as she remembers, with perfect features like carvings, blue eyes like deep sea jewels, shining with disillusioning magic! Her thick short hair and character lips have a cool charm.

She sighed secretly, no wonder there are so many women entangled him, wanting to be favored by him, but his mother seems to have forgotten to give him some love cells, so that he is twenty-six years old, there is a bed partner, but vigorously. Love? Sorry, I didn't see it.

But it just so happened that he was a gift God left her, and of course she was the bride God chose for him. Their fate was already destined ten years ago. In order to thank him for his nurturing grace, hehehe, she Decided to be his bride, because a person has only wealth and no one he loves can share it is very sad!

She loves him, so don't want him to become a sad man.

What? Say she doesn't understand love?


She understands! And... She has crushed him for a long time!