

She always thought that he loved her, and she always thought that there was no secret between them. As a result, all of this was completely wishful thinking.

That's right, from beginning to end, she always wondered what he thought of her. He has said that she is cute, but there are many people who are cute than her. When one day he no longer thinks her cute, is it when their relationship ends?

Samara suddenly realized that he didn't need to tell her everything, just because their relationship would end at any time, right?

She shivered fiercely, her stomach tightened in despair, and her whole heart was cold.

What she wanted was a permanent relationship and a permanent family, not just a short-term relationship between men and women. She thought he knew that, as a result...

She slammed away his hands, quickly opened the sheet and jumped out of the bed, but was caught back in his arms in the next second.
