

Fifty million? !

When the old man sent his son away and said the price of selling the business rights, Samara only felt breathing difficulties, and she was about to faint.

"It's reasonable." Cole nodded in agreement.

Samara glared at Cole. She was about to faint, she was really fainting, did he know what he was doing?

"Cole..." She couldn't help speaking, but was stopped by his tapping the back of her hand.

"I thought you would always charge a higher price." He smiled at the old man, always feeling that there is no such cheap thing in the world.

"I really like 3Gre's products, and I also admire Daniel very much, knowing that he shouldn't be treated like this by my unfilial son, I only charge this price. But..." The old man suddenly sold off.

"Do you have other conditions, right?" Cole knew very well, he knew that this old guy couldn't be so easy to talk.

"You know it well," the old man laughed.