

She was dumbfounded in astonishment, and it took a while before she could ask in a suspicious voice, "Is that a joke?"

"Didn't I say that I was serious?"

"So you are serious?" She still couldn't get into the situation.

"I mean it," he emphasized again.

"Aren't you playing the "Who is afraid of whom" game with me?"

He frowned. "Do you think I am the kind of playboy who uses kissing as a game?"

She stayed and shook her head vigorously. "I didn't mean that, Cole, don't get me wrong." She blurted out nervously, fearing that he would be angry and ignore her.

"Since that's not what I mean, then why would you think that I proposed to you and kissing you was just a joke, a game, and not serious?"

"That's because..." She frowned, she didn't know where to start.