

Her eyes were soaked with tears in an instant.

As if to get angry, Samara wiped away the tears from her eyes, and then walked and took a deep breath on the way home, which was three stops away.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, she was suddenly caught by a force, stopped, and there was a voice above her head.

"Hey, I keep calling you, haven't you heard?"

"What?" She raised her head blankly. Before she could see him clearly, a keyboard-sized paper box was stuffed into her hands.

"Come, help hold it, and this." Add a white plastic bag full of things.

Samara stared blankly at what was on her hand. For a moment she couldn't figure out what was going on. It wasn't until he threw another sentence "Wait for me" at her, and she looked up at the other person in recollection. There was only time to see the back of the other person who had fallen into the computer shop not far in front.