

A month later, thirty recording pens were neatly placed in front of Will Chetan, with a thick pile of original sound recordings. If you are too lazy to read it, you can listen to it; if you are too lazy to listen, you can read it...

Will Chetan's complexion was very solemn. They met at the Jefferson Hotel, which is only a ten-minute walk from the White House. In the elegant park suite, there were only Nanda and Will Chetan and his son. Cassia was waiting for news in the next room. She was rare. Show the caring side and leave room for them.

"Unexpectedly...Lolo and Iri would do something bad to me, not to mention that Anthony was not my son, but my grandson..."

At this moment, Will Chetan is downcast, completely unlike a leader leading a tens of billions of dollars.