

She smiled brilliantly, her eyes gleaming with innocent light. "What do you mean? Guardian?"

"Shit!" Nanda frustrated Low Curse, he knew that it is impossible for a curious baby to quiet him, he must accept her threat, because he cares about her! He cares damn about her!

"Alright! Let's have a good chat." Following his gripping gestures, she held his arm and chatted with him. "First of all, don't tell me, you didn't know that'your' Susan and Matt have an affair."

Nanda pressed her lips tightly.

"Even if you don't know, and you refuse... uh, naked Susan, you rejected her because you love her too much, so you are afraid of hurting her, but you saw that, uh, A... movie! You should too You give up on Susan, right? Plus, she's getting along with your half-brother..."

Nanda glared at her immediately!