

"Michael! Michael! Where are you?" She yelled to the old gardener. "I bought you a pair of gloves, made of pure cotton! Wear them in winter, so they won't get soaked by snowflakes."

In addition to dragging luggage by herself, Cassia also took more than a dozen bags. She distributed the gifts to the housekeeper, maid, cook, gardener, driver... Finally, it was Bruce whose face seemed to be cramping.

Bruce is in the study, and there is another person in the study. Cassia is cool pretending not to see him, and doesn't want him to find out if he misses him for a few days.

snort! He said that he didn't like her anymore, and stalking was not her Cassia style...Although, she still had a faint pain in her heart, after all, she had a secret crush for four years, so she wanted to use her busy life to make herself forget him quickly.

"Bruce, I bought you some underwear made of special materials, which can be worn in bulletproof tights. Not only is it breathable, but it also absorbs sweat. It is also very comfortable to wear in summer. Do you like it or not."

Bruce's eyes were instantly moved, "I like it! Of course I like...Miss. Cassia! You are so kind to me."

Nanda lit a cigarette. Everyone had a gift, but he didn't. He didn't even know that she sneaked to Italy to play.

"By the way, Bruce, what's the matter with your face? Were you cramping when I first came in?"

"Uh..." Bruce was "cramping" again, and he kept looking at someone.

Cassia suddenly realized! "Oh! What did you do wrong, Mr. Nanda gave you hard? I really sympathize with you, it is not easy to serve him."

What, what, what? Nanda couldn't bear to put out the cigarette butt and gritted her teeth. "Bruce, you go out first!"

"Yes..." Bruce glanced sympathetically at Cassia, it was you who did the wrong thing, Miss. Cassia, take care...

"Bruce is nervous enough to protect you every day, can't you treat him better?" Cassia said immediately after the door closed.

"How about you? Can't you be safe and show off?" He walked out of the desk and walked in front of her, looking down at her plump and healthy blushing face.

"I have tried my best to avoid you. Isn't it "safe" enough?" I don't know how tired she is on dating in order to avoid him, dare to complain?

"Why are you trying to avoid me?" he asked, staring at her.

"Need to talk?" She snorted again. "I confess to you that you don't appreciate it. Even the first time I want to dedicate to you, you don't bother. You make me embarrassed. Can't I need time and space to lick the wound?"

Her expression was proud and hurt, all of which was caused by him, and he couldn't help but reach out and rub her head. "Do you need to shoot an advertisement to lick the wound?" The tone was slightly softened.

"Did you see?" She raised her eyes in surprise.

She didn't even know that the advertisement had come.

"How much money can you make from advertising? Is your pocket money not enough?" He asked questioningly, "Or do you want to be a star?"

"Listen to you! I don't want to be a star!" Cassia's lips pursed unhappily.

"Then why did you shoot an advertisement?" This thing made him uneasy. She was the person he tried to protect, but now she was exposed in a big way, and he knew that her beauty was enough to attract a bunch of performing arts companies to come to her. He only hoped She finished college in peace.

"It's you..." She lowered her head and played with the tulip silver chain on her chest. "That commercial has been filming for a long time. At that time, I had not confessed to you, and you had not yet rejected me. And I thought, your birthday is coming soon, so I want to buy a gift for you, I can t use your money to buy it. Give it to you! It s so meaningless, so I want to work and earn money. I happened to be in the mall and someone came to me to shoot an advertisement. The reward was good enough to buy my favorite wallet. I agreed without thinking about it."

"Where's the wallet?"

"In order not to cause trouble to you, I have transferred it to Henry." Henry is a cook, and he kissed her twice after receiving the designer wallet she bought!

Nanda's heart was sighing. "Even if you can't give it to me, there is no need to give it to old Henry. For example, you can give it to... the person who just kissed you goodbye at the door."

"You mean Alfred?" She raised her eyes in surprise.

"So his name is Alfred." He nodded, raising his eyebrows and looking down at her. "You go to Italy together?"

"Huh huh!" There are sixteen other classmates together! It s crazy and enjoyable, but it s not enough to make her forget his existence, and Alfred is a gay man, so he has a good relationship with her like a sister, so I don t want to tell him that.

But... she quietly looked up at him with her eyes.

Does he care if she spends the night alone with Alfred?

Can she think that she still has a little hope?

"You go out!" His voice suddenly became a little sullen.

Is it that way again? She pouted and looked at him for a moment. "You have nothing else to say to me?"

He answered quickly. "No!"

She is amorous again!

This time she was completely disappointed. It didn't matter even seeing her kissing Alfred intimately. It seemed that he had another love in his heart that was not a lie to her, her head was about to wake up!


On the evening of Nanda s birthday, many people who hadn t been seen before came to the mansion, including a group of people who set up banquets. They decorated the garden like a wedding venue. At night, the trees flashed with light bulbs. There was also a group of people from the catering company arranged all the refreshments for the birthday party, and each one was super delicate.

The guests, including Nanda s father, stepmother, two half-brothers Matt, Iri and their wives, and a famous lady named Nicole Andrew, I heard that they are family mates with the Chetan family, and the laboratory The members of-Jarvis, Tang, Susan, Hillary...

Cassia knew that Susan was here, but she was forbidden to leave the room for half a step. Bruce told her very seriously that the birthday party was arranged by Nanda's stepmother. She didn't love Nanda at all and did it purely to please Nanda's father. Because President Chetan loves his youngest son Nanda the most.

"I understand!" She promised Bruce.

"You know?" Bruce prepared a long speech to convince her, but she understood after only a few words? Isn't he an idiot after preparing for so long?

"Yeah! So go out and protect him! I will figure it out myself."

Cassia was sitting on the window sill gnawing apples, looking out from the white window sill, the guests seemed to increase unabated, and a bunch of deceptive men entered the mansion holding gifts.

It seems that Nanda's stepmother is really "intentional"! I invited so many guests to witness her "maternal love" for Nanda. She was really afraid that President Chetan would not leave her fortune if he accidentally died, so she tried her best to show her "goodwill" to Nanda!

"Do you really understand?" Bruce was still puzzled. How could she, who is usually so unreasonable, become a good lady today?

"I really understand!" Cassia simply jumped down and pushed him out. "Keep him safe. You all wear bullet-proof vests, right? Remember not to eat glutinous food, not even drinks. If you are hungry, please, eat an apple!"

She put a bag of apples into Bruce's arms and slammed the door!

According to her understanding, Nanda's situation can be said to be embarrassing.

The benefits created by Chetan Group every year are amazing, and President Chetan has four sons, four of whom were born to different mothers. The current wife, Lolo, is a well-scheming woman. She is afraid that the cowardly and weak son will not be loved by President Chetan. So do everything possible to consolidate their position.

Among the four sons, Nanda is the favorite of President Chetan, not only because he looks exactly the same as President Chetan when he was young, but also because they are very similar in personalities, and because he set up a laboratory at the age of twelve. The results are amazing, and they have been affirmed by Washington, which makes Chetan president proud and pamper him even more.

However, this preference has attracted jealousy. Nanda's half-brother-the lazy Matt, and the second brother-Iri with a bad idea, plus Anthony's mother Lolo, they are for their own interests, Regardless of family affection, unanimously aim the gun at him!