

It wasn't until one o'clock in the afternoon the next day that Cassia woke up, she was sitting on the bed and talking to herself.

"Why is my head swollen? It's really uncomfortable..." Also, how could she sleep in a shirt and jeans? So weird!

"You finally woke up."

Nanda's voice suddenly came out.

She quickly looked for the source of the sound, and slowly sat up a person on the sofa. He looked lazy, his hair curled up here and there, messed up!

Cassia blinked in confusion. "Why are you here?"

"You are not qualified to ask questions." He slept on the sofa all night for fear that she would be unwell if she was drunk. Now it is time to punish her.

As a result of "Go and see", Cassia was banned by Nanda!

He didn't allow her to go out, even if she moved out of the big name that started school, her scope of activity was only in her room and toilet, and she had to stay in the room until she was willing to face her mistakes.

It happened that she didn't think she was wrong at all, because everyone asked the same answer, just made a few friends. Is this wrong?

"Just confess your mistake to Mr. Nanda!" Bruce persuaded me to be a peacemaker. "I've never seen him angry so much. Even Matt, Iri, and his stepmother can't easily provoke him. It can be seen how much he disagrees with you drinking, as long as you promise him that you will never drink in the future. Isn't this easy?"

"Then you promise him that you will never drink in the future." Cassia sat on the bed and painted black nail polish, the scary one.

Bruce has a difficult face. "Although I don't die without drinking, I occasionally drink a drink when I go out with friends. This is human nature..."

The point is, it s not him who makes Mr. Nanda angry. He promises to have an ass? This girl will be angry and not pay for her life!

"Here, Bruce, you know the truth, but he doesn't." She shrugged and changed to applying white nail polish on her black nails. "A person who has never cared about me has any qualifications to restrain me? Why do I have to do what he wants? I don't want it!"

More importantly, he already has a beloved woman, still in charge of everything? Do you want her to treat him like a dad?

"But, he is your guardian!" By the way, do young people now spoof their nails like this?

"Okay! I'll talk to him." Cassia got out of bed like a noble queen. She put a colorful box of nail polish on the dressing table. "Tell the "Guardian" for me. At eight o'clock in the evening, I will wait for him at the Four Seasons Restaurant of the Capital Hilton Hotel."

Bruce was dumbfounded. "But... you are being banned..."

Someone shrugged indifferently. "Then you take a rope to tie me up!"

Of course Bruce could not tie her up.

What if you don't tie it up?

Of course let her out!

Nanda knew in her heart that Cassia would not obediently be restrained by him. She was really impatient. He only kept her for a day, so she asked him to "negotiate"!

"I said you can only stay in the room until you know what you did wrong!"

Nanda once again reiterated his position, which means that he will never compromise with her. He is not the "lawyer babies".

In the impression, Cas became a bright and beautiful beauty. Instead of withering because of being thrown away in a different place by him, she was energetic. She even grasped his gaze tightly as soon as she met. She was elegant and slender, full of self-confidence, and yet Boldly give him a "confession of love"!

Her unexpectedness really fascinated him. He was surprised at her confession of feelings, but in order to protect her, he could not respond to her, but he still couldn't help but wonder, did she get herself drunk for him?

"I'm here to tell you, I know I did something wrong." Cassia put aside the water glass and wiped the corners of her beautiful mouth with a tissue. "If you promise to let me take your car to school every day, I will assure you that I will never touch a drop of wine again... No, not even half a drop of wine."

Her easy admission of mistakes made him feel very surprised, and he subjectively thought she was the kind of dead duck with hard beak.

"Which university did you apply to?" He whirled the water glass in confusion.

Her grades are very good, but no matter which excellent university is in line with him, he can send a car to her.

Cassia smirked. "Rock University."

"Rock University--" He frowned. "According to your grades, you shouldn't go there..."

"I went to make friends." She said hurriedly, "I made new friends on the first day. He is also an Oriental. He family owns a bar..."

"Man?" He felt like he was asking nonsense.

"Yeah! His name is Walton! The name is funny, isn't it? His father is also funny. They have been in Washington for six years. He promised my tour guide to take me around."

"If you want to go shopping, I can send a secretary to accompany you..."

"No!" She rebuffed! "I have a lot of conversation with Walton. His cousin is here. He is from the University of Washington. He said he wants to teach me how to combine music. He and his cousin are also from Rock University. If you want to ride to Williamsburg, you can also drive me with..."

"It seems that your life is very colorful." Nanda's gaze turned deep, and he picked up the water glass.

Cassia suddenly looked at him intently, "By the way, I might choose one of the three as a boyfriend. Do you really want my first time?"

Cough cough cough! Nanda was choked by water!

After the cough subsided, he was silent for a while. "Do the two things matter?"

She shrugged. "When you become a boyfriend or girlfriend, you have to do that. If you don t do it, boys will think they don t love him, so if I do, I m not a virgin, and I want to dedicate it to the man I like, that s you. ..." She looked at him with innocent eyes like Bambi, full of longing.

"If he loves you, he won't force you to do what you don't want to do." Shit! He actually only wanted to get this old-fashioned statement!

"The sex between boy and girl friends is normal, I didn't force it!" Cassia was cutting the steak with a knife and fork. She looked down at the steak and quickly raised her eyes, then cast her eyes down nonchalantly. "I just want to dedicate the precious thing to you for the first time."

Nanda looked at her blankly, unable to react for a while, but his eyes slowly turned deep again.

She said it was as simple as cooking a bowl of noodles for him. When he thought that if he didn't want it, she would do that with another man, he almost agreed to her without a word!

"You are eighteen years old. It's good to know what you are doing." I hope she has a head, and don't have promiscuity because of feelings frustrated with him. That's stupid, and it makes him...unfortunate.

"Can't you say a few more words?" Cassia murmured at him.

Oh! that's all?

so disappointed……

He loves Susan Bowen and she has nothing to say, but will he die if he cares a little bit for her?

She is an orphan that no one cares about...Okay! Show him wild!

Cassia s "boyfriends" are very mixed, some of them watch movies together, and have a cup of coffee together, or those who can drive out to Atlantic City for ten days. There are those who can watch movies together, drink coffee together and play together for ten days!

In short, she had so many dates that there were not enough clothes in the closet, so she ordered a closet and bought 30 or 40 sets of clothes to cope with early, mid, and late dates!

So Nanda can't see her once a week, and now he doesn't even have a chance to send her to school by the way, because every day a different car comes to pick her up at the door of the house.

Then one day, the driver drove him and Bruce to the laboratory, passing the department store in the city center, and there was a famous oriental beauty with a beautiful smile on the big poster on the wall...

"Miss. Cassia!" Bruce shouted like Columbus discovered the new world.

but! Someone's face froze instantly, and it smelled a million times worse than a stinky pot!

"Go back!" Nanda commanded the driver in a rough voice.

The result of "returning" is to confirm that the beauty in the poster is really Cassia. She held a lipstick close to her cheek, her plump diamond lips pouted slightly, her eyes glowing with coquettish... An ice storm...

Cassia didn t know that a catastrophe was imminent, and even the vacation ended. She returned to Washington with large bags of Italian souvenirs. She had a good time with her classmates from the Academy of Arts and Sciences. Avery sent her to the door, and she took the initiative to stand on tiptoes to support Kissing him goodbye to his head, I don't know that there are two burning blue eyes in the study room who are staring at the electronic monitoring screen.

"I'm back! It's nice to be home."

"Miss..." The maid, Rose, winked at her.

Someone happily presented the box without observing it. "Hello! Rose, these shoes are for you, cushioned! You won't be tired after wearing them for a long time."

"Thank you, but..."