

Cassia lives in a holiday cottage by the beach. It is said to be a cottage. In fact, it is very luxurious. Every window opens and you can see the charming blue sea and blue sky. She doesn't feel wronged at all. The house smells of strong coffee and flowers. And, uh, naked men, pictures of naked men... a lot of pictures of naked men.

"You painted these pictures?" Nanda's expression became very weird, no, it was very weird.

Because there are easels scattered all over the room, every painting is a naked man, and it is...frontal.

"I'm very artistic, right?" She winked at him triumphantly. "Ban and Judy both said that I could develop in art. They suggested that I go to Paris to study painting. Will you support me in opening a gallery?"

Both Ben and Judy are her guardians of attorneys. They set up the house to show him like this. Judy taught her. To her, Judy is like a big sister and a mother. They talk about everything. Of course Judy also knows her determination to marry Nanda! She was the first person to wish her success.

"Tell me, these paintings were made by you looking at photos or magazines." He used affirmative sentences rather than interrogative sentences, because he couldn't even accept her painting a naked man. That was abnormal!

"No!" Cassia smiled and pointed to the picture on the dining table. "This is Kay." Pointing to the easel facing the east window again. "That's Jamie." Pointing to the one on the sofa again. "This is Chris. He has a great body! The muscular lines are beautiful, the hips are very curled, very strong and flexible, he won the Miami muscle man championship!"

Strong and flexible?

She touched it?

How else would she know?

"You must be painting here with a large group of classmates?" He whispered dangerously.

"Of course not." Cassia smiled. "People talk too much, too many people will drive away the inspiration. I paint quietly by myself. There are only two people in the room, me and the model. When painting is booming, we don t need to eat. Just painting is full. ."

He restrained the urge to shake her violently while holding her shoulders. "In addition to painting, do you do anything else?"

"Of course! We..."

"Cas!" A fat boy opened the door by himself, holding a large bag of food in his hand, and his chubby pancake face was bright. "I went to the supermarket to buy everything for you."

Cassia's eyes lit up too, and she stared at the fat boy closely. "Even cream bacon rolls?"

The fat boy proudly raised his fleshy chin, "I got it!"

"Black vinegar sauce?"

"I got it."

"Oh! Rob, you are such a genius!"

Cassia rushed over and hugged the fat boy's short neck, giving him a passionate cheek kiss.

Nanda's eyes fired, and he hurried over to pull her off the fat boy.

"What are you doing?" He yelled, exuding a gloomy and terrifying anger that made the scalp tingling.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce it to you." Cassia patted the forehead exaggeratedly, then leaned back affectionately on the fat boy, curled up a sweet smile and said, "He is my fiance Rob; Rob, dear , This is my long-legged uncle Mr. Nanda Chetan. He made a special trip to attend my graduation ceremony and wedding ceremony. Hello, you two! We will be a family from now on."

Nanda glared at Cassia.

The fucking family! Is she really going to marry this radish? After he was "strongly kissed" by her? After he was inexplicably touched by her?

"Do you love him?" Nanda's eyes went back and forth between Cassia and Turnip.

"Of course." Cassia nodded without thinking.

He felt sap in an instant. Only he knew the influence of this answer. He seemed to...have a little bit of care and taste...

He asked the fat turnip with a stinky face, "Do you love her too?"

The fat boy nodded sharply. "Yes, sir. The boys in Miami Beach love Cas. I'm very lucky. I'll be her servant for the rest of my life."

Nanda frowned. What is Cassia doing? Is she "in love" with this radish?

Fuck him! He doesn't need to understand what she is playing, anyway, he won't agree that she will get married at the age of eighteen.

"I'll wash my face." He glared at Cassia with warning eyes, and quickly changed to Chinese, "Give you a minute to let him go, or I will find a rabbit to eat the carrot!"

Cassia chuckled and said, "Uh, just say it if you want to pee! Why do you want to wash your face around, it's really funny!"

Nanda walked into the bathroom with a frosty face, cursing.

Damn Miami, Damn Spire High School, Damn Class, Damn Bruce! He knew it would be like this.

The lady he was hoping for did not become a lady, she was still the naughty girl before, and doubled as naughty.

When he came out of the bathroom, the radish had already gone, and he smelled a scent, a scent that filled the air and was so fragrant that he couldn't help but drool.

"I made fried rice."

Looking for where the scent came from, Cassia had already smiled and brought a plate of fried rice to him.

Judy said that if you love a man, you must take care of his stomach. In order for him to look at her differently, she not only practiced cooking diligently, but also worked hard to change, change, and change! Look at my seventy-two changes! Drink soup to enlarge your breasts and go to the gym to shape your body in order to transform yourself into a woman.

She knew that her trick was successful, because from his deep blue eyes, she no longer saw the look that looked at her like a kid, but judged. He judged her again and again, as if he wanted to read it. Understand her, yeah! Awesome!

Nanda was eating the fried rice in silence. It tasted so good that he wanted to pick up the plate and lick it, but it was weird. Didn't he hire two babysitters for her to take care of her daily life? Why does she still have a good cooking skill?

"Where are the babysitters?" His eyes swept like a detector.

The room was "swiftly" not like someone was cleaning. The living room sofa was hung with torn jeans and colorful shirts, and the counter was also "swiftly", full of unwashed dishes.

"I told them to go on vacation." Cassia smiled slyly.

"Vacation?" Nanda's expression changed. "What do you mean?" He hired a nanny for her, but she let them go on vacation? What about her?

Cassia shrugged. "Anyway, I'm alone and I don't need two people to take care of me, and I often have to paint. They are inconvenient for them. I like to paint wherever I go. I don't feel the cleanliness of cleaning."

"How does it feel?" Four years away...No, the correct way to say it is ten years. They never lived together at all. He was only responsible for bringing her to the United States, and then they were separated all the time, so he didn't understand her too. It should be.

So, he didn't know her?


Why does this fact make him bored?

"You don't understand, we are from two worlds!" Cassia picked up the mug and pretended to be busy drinking coffee, secretly laughing.

He looks very unhappy! Can she think he is jealous?

There is hope, come on, come on!

Nanda narrowed her deep blue eyes in her understatement.

What she said was really harsh. He kindly picked her back and raised her, but she said that they are people from two worlds, so who is from the same world as her, that fat radish? She is also a rhizome?

"By the way, Rob's wedding and I will be held at Phil Church next Saturday. Bruce said, "You have a small island in Hawaii. You have a holiday villa on the island. Can you lend us our honeymoon? We have to enjoy it, only In a two-person world, it's best to have a honeymoon baby..."

Blue eyes flashed and surrendered. "Let's talk! What conditions do you want to cancel the wedding?" It seems that he has raised a master negotiator.

Cassia's eyes flashed with a smile. "I didn't force you!"

"You didn't!" He gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Do you think so too? That's good." Cassia stroked his jaw, shook his head and thought for a while, and said relaxedly: "It's actually nothing, I want to go back to Washington..." Hehe, smirk, the following is the conspiracy Homepage. "Live with you."