

"Let's go to Scotland." He reached out and stroked her belly.

"Why?" She suddenly said that she was going to take her to Scotland. She was not prepared at all. When she was eighteen years old, she had never left Taiwan.

"Isn't your dream to travel around the world? And I lived in Scotland when I was a kid, and I have a castle in Scotland. If you go to Norway, you have to deal with too many relatives," he said softly, "then go to Scotland first. Waiting for delivery, after giving birth, I can take you around Europe, of course, including Greece where you want to go."

"...Okay." It's too unprincipled, I despise myself first, but Greece, Europe, my God!

Can pregnant women fly by plane? The answer to this question is, yes, if the pregnancy period is not more than eight months, there are no special circumstances, generally speaking, it is possible to fly by plane, especially Cole's private luxury plane.

However, Samara became airsick. She has been a healthy baby since she was a child, and she has been sick very rarely. She has been on an airplane before and has no problems at all. She didn't even think about it, that she would become airsick.

After more than ten hours of travel, she became very faint and fainted. Basically, the plane flew together. Her head started to faint. She vomited all the food and vomited even drinking water. Cole was almost anxious. To return the plane.

However, Samara was firmly opposed. She didn't want to vomit half-dead, and return to the original point. When the vomiting was all in vain, she would not do such a bad thing.

Therefore, for more than ten hours, apart from vomiting, she was lying in Cole's arms and dared not take the medicine for airsickness. She was afraid that it would be bad for the baby. Later, she was so tired that she fell asleep like that.

That's okay, at least it's not so uncomfortable, and she woke up again and was taken aback.


Lying on a four-poster bed like a cloud, with a thin silk quilt covering the body, the room is faintly scented with a faint fragrance of flowers. In the spacious bedroom, the furnishings are very simple, very elegant, and very British.

All the furniture lines are simple and simple. Cole is an efficient person. His room is just like his personality, simple and clear, modern appliances are readily available, and the space layout is very reasonable.

Getting up from the soft bed that was about to suck people in, her head didn't seem to be so dizzy. She was wearing her favorite flower pajamas, which made her mouth a smile line. He must have helped her put it on, he knew Her favorite is this pajamas.

Just a few steps away, there were a few cautious taps on the heavy wooden door. She answered and the door opened. A young girl in a black dress and white bib came in with a splendid face on her face. Smile, "Madam, you are awake."

Madam? Samara sighed again. She didn't expect to leave Tina. There were still people waiting for her. She smiled and nodded.

"My name is Ruth, and my husband asked me to take care of you."

"Hello, Ruth, how long have I slept?"

"Since yesterday, Mr. took you into the manor." She checked her watch. "You have slept for twenty-three hours."

Ah? Can she sleep so much? Feeling embarrassed, Samara looked at her dark red hair and brown eyes, and changed the subject, "You speak Chinese very well."

Ruth smiled, "My family used to live in China for international students, they taught me." Thanks to learning Chinese back then, she can now find a good job with first-class salary and benefits.

In any case, in a foreign country, hearing a familiar language still feels very kind, Samara nodded, "Where is Cole?"

Ruth heard her calling her master s name directly, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she soon hid it, politely replied: "Mr. has gone to the company, he has ordered, when Madam wakes up, he will let you eat. , Does Madam want to eat in the room or go to the dinning room?"

Samara looked at the sky, the sun was very bright, it seemed that it was noon, "Let's go to the dinning room." After sleeping for so long, the bones were all crisp, and she didn't want to stay in the room anymore.

Under Ruth's guidance, they walked through more than a dozen rooms, then walked through the long circular stairs, and walked into the small dinning room on the first floor from the side. It is said to be a small dinning room, which is about 20 square meters. There is a rectangular dining table. The tabletop is cleaned spotlessly, and there is a bouquet of white and fragrant roses.

Stewed crucian carp with tomato and lemon, shrimp with lemon sesame seeds, pumpkin beef soup, spinach with garlic, simple and rich Chinese cuisine, sour taste, Samara's eyebrows smiled, and the discomfort of airsickness was wiped out.

Biting on the big clean apple, she was very comfortable sitting on the sofa. Ruth came over with the phone, "Madam, it's Mr.." Thanks and took it.

"Baby, awake?"

"Um..." Her mouth was full of sweet and crispy flesh, and she responded vaguely.

"Eating again?" There was a chuckle, mixed with the sound of pages turning.

"Apples are so sweet." She swallowed the apples in her mouth, she said. The fruits of Scotland are really delicious. Even the apples are very sweet and delicious, with a slightly different taste.

"You little thing." sighed helplessly: "Did you miss me?"

In fact, since waking up, she was too busy to think. He stuck out his tongue and acted sweetly, "When will you come back? It's so boring to be home alone."

Cole was disturbed by her soft voice, and almost impulsively wanted to push away the pile of files, and ran home to hold her, but it was a pity, "Go back later, you forgot, we are about to have a wedding. I want to schedule a holiday, and of course I have to work hard. I have missed a lot of things in Taiwan before and I have to make up for it."

"Isn't that hard work?" she said distressedly.

"Boss, please, it's been twenty minutes since the meeting time, so you don't want to be numb anymore, okay?" Jason's wailing came from the microphone.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you to go home." She said hastily, she must be a personal wife, not always pestering him, and be considerate of his hard work.

"You think the working hours are too short, don't you?" Cole was very dissatisfied with Jason's courage to interrupt his call.

"Ignore him, baby."

"No." She soothed softly: "You can go to work early, so you can go home early. I'll wait for you."

"Okay." He said a little unhappy, and didn't forget to tell her carefully: "If it's too boring at home, you can let Ruth walk with you in the garden, or go to the audio-visual room to watch the video..."

"I see, you're so long-winded." She protested with a smile, and finally, under his repeated instructions, hung up the phone.

The Rose Villa was named to commemorate the first countess. Her name is Rose. I heard that she is very beautiful and very attractive. It attracted the nobleman from the East and married him. Their love The story has become a legend.

This manor has gone through more than four hundred years, but it is still very well maintained. It can be seen that it has been maintained very carefully. Like many castles in Scotland, Rosehill Villa is also made of boulders. It is surrounded by a wide and clean moat. After Samara carries her skirt on the thick wall of the castle, she is completely obsessed with the beautiful scenery in front of her. Subdued.

With a wide field of vision, all you can see is a large area of ??green grass, fresh woods, and small purple-blue flowers spreading across the grass, one after another small two-story villas, all over the grass and woods. Keep away from the castle, but surround it tightly.

If she were not convinced of the neat roads and cars running on them, she would really think she was in medieval Scotland, and it was as beautiful as a painting.

Edinburgh is worthy of being the capital of Scotland. It is the most popular tourist city in Europe. It can be painted in any scene. The strong Scottish style makes people reluctant to look away.

"This is the small town of Kent. It is Mr.'s property." Ruth put on a silk shawl for her. The castle is high and the wind is not too small.

"You mean here..." Her little hand waved in the air, "Does it belong to Cole?" Where is this small town? Look at the houses, and this huge castle, it s a small town, people wouldn t doubt it, right? This Cole, scared her like this again, she really wanted to run away.

"Yes, Kent has been his family's property from a long time ago. The residents of the town, 70% of them, have served his company." Her family is no exception. The Cole family has supported the young The town s population of tens of thousands is the hero and glory of the whole town. In recent decades, the town s tourism has developed very well, with a steady stream of tourists. The most attractive thing is the Gregg s castle. Unfortunately, no one has the opportunity to come in and feast their eyes on it.