

"Well, then I will marry you."

Then he smiled with satisfaction, stood up, and put her in his arms

"But I still feel that I don't know you at all." She doesn't know what his family background is like, who else is in his family, or even whether he is permanent or temporary in Taiwan. . Even after he settled down, his temper didn't seem to be as gentle as before. Although he still loved her very much, she gradually felt that their relationship slowly began to feel strange. It felt like she didn't know how to describe it, but she felt that the cole in front of her was a bit strange.

"About me, you will know immediately, you can know as much as you want." He chuckled lightly

He embraced her, his baby was actually very, very stubborn, but this stubbornness made him like it.

He knew everything about Samara's life experience. She was abandoned since she was a child. Although she was lucky enough to be picked up by the old man, she still couldn't help but wonder why she was abandoned. Maybe their parents have died, maybe they have encountered difficulties in their lives, maybe they are just irresponsible.

She caressed her belly unconsciously, unable to imagine how anyone could be so cruel and unsympathetic to their own children.

My dear baby, I will realize your future one by one.

Resting in the big villa, every day being nourished by Tina's invincible nutrient soup, Samara's face quickly became rounded, her skin became matte and shiny, and her whole person exuded a charming style.

"Hey, you have been raising piglets at home for so long, why can't you always make an appointment?" Bea's dissatisfied words came over on the phone, is it too much? Bea is Samara's best friend. They used to be together every day on vacation, but now this Samara is in love and she can't even see Samara. How did she bully her alone?

"Aren't you going to work?" Samara drank cranberry juice, the sweet taste made her feel so comfortable.

"I don't have to work all the time." Although her part-time job has become full-time after the vacation, there are also vacations, OK? I was so tired that I wanted to ask a friend out to relax, but I found it terribly that I couldn't do it! "I have sent you so many text messages, why don't you reply?"

"Ah, that..." Cole is the overbearing person. He said that mobile phones have electromagnetic waves and are not allowed to be used! Confiscated her mobile phone, so she can only use her home phone to find Bea, but fortunately, she doesn't like to go out too much.

"What's the matter with you?" quickly changed the subject.

"I must have something to call you? You have no conscience, and you have forgotten me when you live with your boyfriend, right?" She went to Samara's house and found out that she was not at home, not even at night. . The damn woman must have lived in that mysterious boyfriend's house. She didn't expect that their conservative Samara would progress so fast.

"Ah..." Through the phone, she still blushed, "Well, do you want to come over?" The weather is so hot and her current physical condition can't go out. Just ask Bea to come and play.

"Why, are you willing to let us see your hidden boyfriend?" teased.

Because of going to different universities, Bea's school is a bit far from Samara's school, and the two of them don't meet each other often. But they often chat with text messages, and Bea also understands Samara's character, so she never invites them to hang out. So Bea and Cole have not met yet.

Well, in fact, it's not her boyfriend, it's her husband, but Samara dare not report so on the phone, lest the fierce Bea directly kill her and skin her.

Bea's personality is the opposite of Samara, outgoing and active, and very talkative.

Samara hurriedly reported the address. About two hours later, two friends with different looks stepped into the living room. Bea came with her friend Crystal.

"Sam, you are dead this time!" Bea stared fiercely at this elegantly decorated but not tacky hall, her face gloomy. In fact, she and Crystal fell into this private land from Crystal's car. In the weird silence.

Crystal, on the other hand, looked thoughtful, "Bea, Crystal, sit down." With a smiley face, and two friends sitting on the sofa, Samara felt guilty.

Tina immediately offered two iced strawberry milkshakes, which drew Samara's coveted eyes.

"Mistress, your coconut stew is ready, I'll bring it to you right away." Looking at Samara's greedy eyes, Tina smiled pityingly.

"Mistress?" the gasping scream repeated.

Samara sighed weakly, this Tina, even after correcting countless times, she still insisted on calling her mistress, but couldn't hold her back, so she had to obey.

When they had a drink, Tina repeatedly told Samara to drink the stew while it was hot, and then left with confidence.

Because Cole doesn't like too many people in the house, except for the people from the fixed cleaning company who clean the house every day, the entire villa, except Tina, is only Shawn who manages the lawn trees and flowers, plus the security staff at the door. .

"Crystal, we are not in the wrong time and space, are we?" Bea asked in a daze while drinking a fragrant milkshake. What age is this? Some people still call it mistress?

Crystal ignored her question and asked Samara directly: "What's your boyfriend's name."

"...Cole." Answered quietly and guiltyly.

"Which Cole." There was a wave of fluctuations in the always cold face. She is very clear about the dynamics of the business world.

"That's, um, I don't know." These days Jason brought some company materials to let her know how rich the person she was going to marry, and Jason even said that this is just Part of family.

Samara sips and sips the tonic that Tina carefully stewed for her. After a long while, she finally said: "Um, in fact, I...I'm pregnant, and we are actually married."

The power of this bomb is really big enough!


"So, being scolded terribly?" Cole hugged the aggrieved girl with a distressed expression on his face.

"Yeah." She nodded obediently, her pink lips pursed, her eyes pitiful. Today, Bea was scolded by Bea bloody, because she got married, but did not notify her good friend, but she was also wronged, obviously, the marriage was decided suddenly.

Fortunately, a friend is a friend after all. Although she is not happy to be told so late, her happiness and happiness are still the top priority. Bea also said: "If Cole is not good to you, you must tell me and I will help you teach him. !"

She is very happy that she has the best friend and will accompany her at all times.

"Don't be sad." He kissed her rosy cheeks lightly, "You will say it sooner or later anyway." When he came back from the company, her good friend had already left and didn't see each other. However, through her description, he also understood that she was scolded miserably this day, "Did you eat the supplements prepared by Tina today?"

When it comes to supplements, her cute face wrinkles even more, "Go tell Tina, don't take supplements with three meals and supper, okay? I'm so sick to vomit." Tina is terrible, ginseng today, bird's nest tomorrow There are endless flavors of abalone, ginseng, winged belly, ginseng and dried seafood. It s summer, so she will breathe fire.

"Don't worry, Tina is very knowledgeable about traditional cuisine. She will make up for the season. You have to be good." Touching her increasingly slippery skin, she was so satisfied with Tina's craftsmanship that she secretly decided to raise her salary.

"I've eaten a lot recently." She complained, not liking her swollen appearance.

"Where is the fat?" The big hands wandered around her badly, covering her breasts, and weighing them, "Here, it seems to have grown a lot."

"I hate it!" Blushing, he tried to pull away his hand that was troubling her chest, but he refused.

Cole stopped abruptly, raised his head, looking at the light red finger marks, panting heavily, as if running five thousand meters.

After a long while, he gritted his teeth, "Wait four months later."

He lay down bitterly and took the eye-catching woman into his arms, "Don't seduce me with your eyes."

How can it be! Samara bit her lip aggrievedly, but she lay down obediently and didn't dare to move anymore, because next to him, she clearly felt how excited he was.

After a long time, he slowly calmed down, and said lightly: "Next month, let's go to Scotland."

"Huh?" Why suddenly...

"I think, have you heard Jason mention it? Part of Our family and career are based in the UK."Although Cole's family is the royal family of Norway, the family also lives in Norway. But part of his career is also in the UK. Cole lived in the UK for a long time when he was a child.

"Yeah." His companies, banks, etc. were too terrible. She fell asleep in the middle of Jason's words. Thinking of this, I feel a little bit embarrassed. She still said loudly that he would not mention anything about himself, but when he said it, she thought it was too boring and fell asleep.