

"I love you, I really love you." Every time he heard her say, a huge wave surged in his heart. This fierce emotion rushed in his chest and his breathing became heavy. Get up, look at her lips, the lips that whispered love him, lust suddenly strikes.

He kissed her, fiercely, impulsively, and even with a bit of despair, as if this was the last kiss, completely long, gentle and crazy, and greedily involved everything in her mouth, she His saliva was too late to swallow, and he sucked all of it over, and she also swallowed what belonged to him. This kind of lover's intimate friendship is their favorite way.

He hastily unbuttoned the buttons of her cotton hot pants. The small copper buttons were actually not difficult to unbutton, but he was so excited that his fingers didn't listen. He couldn't pull it apart anyway, and he wanted to tear it up when his temper came up.

She twisted her waist and ran away from his tyrant. For some reason, after everything slowly settled down and life stabilized. She discovered that he was a man who could not be called gentle. He slowly lost his usual gentleness. Maybe this is the real him, domineering and somewhat controlling. When he was in bed, he was even more impatient, and a lot of her clothes were turned into rags under his hands. What's the matter with man's hand strength?

Why does the clothes become so fragile in their hands? She obviously tried to pull on her own clothes. She was very strong, but why was it so vulnerable in his hands?

Even though he had bought her a whole large wall cabinet for her dress, but this pair of hot pants was not good, they were her favorite hot pants.

"What the hell?" He frowned dissatisfiedly, disliked the woman who had always been in bed and let him do what he wanted, and suddenly disobedient.

"I like this one very much, don't break it again."

"I'll buy you a hundred more." The man whose brains are on the worm doesn't have much patience.

"No way." Buying a thousand more is not this one.

"Samara!" He was angry. She must discuss the importance of clothes with him when he is so impulsive, right? Looking at his impulsive part, he gritted his teeth.


When she woke up again, she had been carried on the soft bed, put on her favorite Snoopy nightdress, covered with silk quilt, in the big bedroom, she was alone.

She sat up, the pain in her legs reminded her of her previous indulgence, and her face turned blush. That man, no matter how much he spoils her, he still has to listen to him when he gets to bed. He had to have fun before he let her go.

Putting on the beautiful hibiscus flowers and taking off her shoes, she planned to find the man who looked like a beast to get revenge, and she didn't have to think about it or know, he must be in the study again, dealing with his many business affairs that can't be done.

After a few taps and no response, she pushed open the heavy door. He was indeed in the study, but he did not sit at the desk to deal with business affairs. Instead, she stood in front of the huge French window and thought. There was still half of the cigarette in between, and the faint smoke rose up, giving her a very melancholy feeling.

She didn't know, it turned out that he could smoke. Seeing his appearance, she suddenly lost the mood to be awkward with him. He walked over, took the cigarette between his fingers, and put it out in the crystal ashtray placed aside. Fortunately, she had always thought that the ashtray was beautifully placed.

"I don't like you smoking, okay?" She hugged him from behind, her face buried in his generous back.

He felt his body stiffen suddenly, and then relaxed, "Okay." A low echo came from the muscles of his back to her ears. She narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"Why don't you sleep more?" He covered her little white hand.

"It's all on you." She beat him less hard, her tone of voice more coquettish than blame.

"What's wrong?"

"I...I'm still not feeling well." Her face was red, embarrassed to talk about such an in-depth topic.

"I hurt you?" He turned around nervously, raised her face, and looked carefully.

A faint flash suddenly flashed over her head, she shook it, maybe she was too tired, except that her face was a little pale, she looked okay.

"Baby, tell me if you feel uncomfortable, you know?" Hold her and let her stick to his heart.

She laughed, what a fool, so nervous, she has always been a healthy baby, even if she can't bear his endless energy, she won't be uncomfortable, and now she says that most of them are acting like a baby.

"Okay." Replied sweetly, raised his head, looked at his handsome face, and reached out to smooth the wrinkles between his eyebrows. He didn't seem to be very happy, why? Did not work well?

The raised hand didn't know why, it became too weak, and his familiar face also began to blur.

"Baby Baby!"

In the last impression, his eyes, like black gems, were full of panic and dizziness, which once again enveloped her.

In the dim, there is a pair of warm hands that always hold her, full of familiar feelings, and many people's voices, which are not very clear, but they often appear. Many people came and went, as well as the sound of mobile phones and Weiwei's machine running. She didn't know why, but she could hear them.

Finally, she could open her heavy eyes again, and what imprinted in her eyes was a beautiful and complicated ceiling pattern, clean but unfamiliar.

"Sam, you are finally awake." The slight movement between the fingers made Cole immediately notice that he approached her with a nervous expression on his face, "How do you feel now?" He raised his hand and pressed the bell on the side.

"What's wrong with me?" The hoarse voice made her startled, but her whole body was soft, as if she had no strength.

A touch of guilt flashed in his eyes, "You fainted, do you remember?" She frowned, remembering that she was in his study that day and seemed to feel uncomfortable.

"Am I sick?" She has always been in good health, so why did she faint?

The female doctor in white robe led the three nurses in and interrupted their conversation. After a careful examination, she respectfully said to Cole: "Mr. Gregg, don't worry, Mrs. Gregg is a little weak, everything is normal."

She observed the IV bottle, "After the drip is finished, take a break and you can be discharged tomorrow." Cole nodded his head grimly, and the doctor and nurse walked out.

"What's wrong with me?" She looked at this scaryly spacious and luxurious room that didn't look like a ward. What happened to her?

How could she get into the hospital? Did she have a serious illness without knowing it?

He fixedly looked at her, put her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly, and said, "Sam, we may not be able to go to Greece right away."

"Why?" Is it true? She is sick, can't even take the trip?

"Because..." He gently stroked her abdomen with one palm, "Here, we have our baby."


My dear baby, one o'clock a day, the speed at which you cannibalize is really unambiguous.

pregnant! What does this mean for an eighteen-year-old girl?

Samara held her cheek and stared coldly at the green lawn outside the window in a daze. From the day she was discharged from the hospital, Cole stayed in this villa. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe it. In the golden city of Taipei, There are people who are so extravagant that they own a few thousand square meters of private territory.

This villa, built on the hillside, occupies a large area. Before entering the main house, there is a large area of ??dense woods, as well as a very clean and level private road. There is a large lawn in front of the house with a perfect slope, which can be used for golf.

If Jason had not repeatedly assured her that she did not go abroad, she really thought she went to the United States or Australia. How much would it cost for such a big deal?

Until that moment, she really realized a problem, how much did she know about Cole? Except for knowing his name, knowing his family business, knowing that he has an assistant named Jason, who is an American, she knows nothing else.

Although she had been thinking of Uncle Long-legged for so many years, she didn't know the man in front of her at all-even though he was the one she had kept in mind for more than ten years.

How terrible, she actually married a man she didn't know at all, and now she is even pregnant with his child. In the past three months of contact, she didn't even think about asking about his family background, or even his work and his experience. She didn't know anything about him, but fell in love with him madly.

The little hand subconsciously stroked his still flat belly, and couldn't believe it, there was already a small bean sprout growing inside, baby, she had a baby, she was going to be a mother.

She is obviously only a freshman in university. But now, Destiny made a big joke with her. She wants to become a mother, and she herself doesn't see much maturity.

"Hmmm..." She sighed, feeling so upset and confused in her heart that she couldn't believe what happened.

"Young mistress, you can't sigh, or the baby will be unhappy." A kind female voice sounded behind her.

"You...what do you call me?" I was completely stupid. young mistress? She suddenly felt dizzy.

"Young mistress." Tina, who is in her fifties, smiled and passed a glass of fresh milk. "You now have a young master child. Drink more fresh milk to supplement your nutrition. I am stewing a pot of chicken soup. Chicken, it's very nourishing, you just want to..."

"Ah, Tina, thank you." She quickly took it and interrupted the housekeeper's excessive concern. She is now in a shocking stage in her life and cannot cope with this fatigue bombing.

"Young mistress must drink while it's hot," he confessed uneasy.

"I see, thank you." She lowered her head and took a sip, then raised her head, frowning innocently, "I seem to smell a burning smell..."