

Dear baby, it turned out to be addicted, not as difficult as imagined.

Once the taboo is broken, they will know the taste. They are young, they indulge, and they enjoy the sweetness and joy of love freely. Although he has a heavy workload and is too busy to score, he has to run around the world from time to time; although she has countless schoolwork, she attends classes. Even appointments have to squeeze time again and again.

However, they still love each other. She is getting sweeter and sweeter and more and more coquettish. He will tolerate even if she occasionally has a little temper.

His brows gradually unfolded, and the innate coldness in his expression was gentle when he faced her.

He pampered her, wholeheartedly, doing everything possible to make her happy, she loved him, she was willing to give everything in order to be with him, and the joy of love was infinite to them.

For Samara's safety and convenience, they moved to an apartment closer to the school.

This time, Cole no longer had to hide his identity and bought a luxury apartment.

In a hot July, she lay comfortably in his luxurious apartment in the best part of the city. The high-end Italian imported leather sofa is soft and cool. The quietly opened air-conditioning and the high temperature of more than 30 degrees outside form a strong formation. Contrast. Scooped scoops of pink strawberry ice cream, a fashion magazine spread on his knees, millions of high-end speakers relax with elegant music, everything is comfortable and leisurely like a painting.

He opened the door of the study and came out. What he saw was the silly girl biting a spoon and staring at a color magazine in a daze. The simple light blue T-shirt and white hot pants set off her refreshing and pure. The snow-white straight thighs lay lazily on the soft armrest of the sofa, tempting people to put their hands on the slippery piece and feel the silky touch, but he did not resist this temptation.

He walked over and took out the small spoon that she had been holding in his mouth, kissed her cold lips, tasted the sweet and sour smell of strawberries, sucked the kiss deeply, rubbed the big palm on her leg back and forth, "Looking What, baby?"

She smiled sweetly, and after letting him kiss her contentedly, she lifted the magazine on her lap, the blue sea, the flying seabirds, the white sails, and the charming sight of the Mediterranean Sea.

He glanced at it faintly, "Greece?" For him, who is commonplace to go abroad, this kind of picture can know where it is without even looking at it carefully.

"Yeah." She let go of the magazine excitedly, and rolled in his arms, "I have an appointment with my friend, and we will go to Greece together after our university graduation trip. Think about it, you can wander in beautiful On the Aegean Sea, listening to the calls of seagulls, the waves of the sea, what a wonderful thing."

Seeing her flamboyant expression, he didn't know why, he would feel unhappy, "What about me?" He couldn't help but stunned when he said the words. He would be jealous with a few teenage girls, this is really...

She was also stunned. His appearance... was really jealous. It seemed that he was not good at being jealous. Looking at his depressed face, her heart could not help but become sweet. She liked his secretly jealous look, but mischievously wanted to tease him, "By the time I graduate from college, maybe we will have broken up, uh..." The punishment for saying the wrong thing will soon come. .

He kissed her hard, without restraint, even deliberately bit her tongue, causing her to cry: "What did you say, say it again, eh?"

"Domineering!" complained sweetly: "You bite so painfully."

"Really? Let me take a look." He looked at her pink tongue in a hurry, a look of self-blame on his handsome face.

Seeing his anxiousness, she smiled charmingly, loving his nervous appearance so much.

"Naughty again." He raised an eyebrow slantingly, looking bad, fixed her in his arms, stretched out his palm to stroke her waist, and felt her weakness all at once.

"Haha, no, it's itchy." She struggled, unable to bear the "torture" brought by his fingers.

"It depends on you." Ignoring her begging for mercy, he continued to tickle her, wandering with his big palm, which was both punishment and his reward.

She was panting, tears came out, her hands pushed his big palms hard, her legs kicked indiscriminately, but she couldn't get away, her face flushed, and pitiful.

"How?" The low voice, with a hint of warning, the beautiful eyebrows were all relaxed.

"I will only be with you and only listen to your words." She told mercy softly, saying what he wanted to hear, her sweet face was all coquettish.

He closed his hands in satisfaction, put her in his arms, carefully wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then stretched out his hand to carry the ladle and then fed her ice cream.

"Want to go to Greece?"

"Yes, my greatest wish is to travel around the world in the future and use my feet to walk every corner of the earth." Eating sweet ice cream, lying on his broad and sturdy chest, she carefully Telling her dreams, this scene filled her with happiness.

"What a small request." He smiled low.

"Hey!" He beat him uncomfortably, "Don't underestimate other people's dreams, okay?"

"No underestimation." Stroking the broken hair that fell from her forehead, "I will take you wherever you want to go." She stared at him blankly.

"It's only Greece, how difficult is it? Why wait until university graduates, I can take you to play in a few days." His financial resources, even if she wants to go to space travel, he can help her to complete it easily, not to mention a small Little Greece.

He said, take her to Greece to play? Looking at him stupidly, she didn't know what to say. She actually knew how busy he was.

Just like today, for other office workers, they can rest on weekends, but he can't. He has been working in the study all morning, and his assistant Jason has just left. When he came, he was carrying a lot of documents, which she felt terrible.

He works late every day, and sometimes when she wakes up, she sees him busy in the study. He has cooperated with many companies all over the world, and has been busy with UK projects recently. She knows the time difference between Britain and Taiwan. He stayed with her all day long, and when she was resting, he had to deal with work. With such a hard work, he even said that he would take her to Greece for a little dream like her.

She obviously heard Jason complaining that there was too much work to finish, and orders could not be scheduled until the next year, but she was extremely willing to accompany her, a little girl.

Can she not be moved? It was all for her. From the beginning to the present, he was so good to her, and he thought of everything for her, and she understood all his thoughts.

"You'll spoil me like this." She bit her lip, complaining a little bit, and said a bit delicately.

"Then let me see how bad you can be." He smiled, his face soft and spoiled.

How can there be such a good man in this world, and how lucky is she, Samara, to be favored by him? Her eyes became sour and astringent, with a nasal sound, she threw herself into his arms, "Cole, don't you leave me, okay? Never leave me, otherwise I really don't know what to do. "He spoils her like this, so how can she leave him in the future?"

His eyes were gentle like water, but there was a complex light flashing, like melancholy and struggling, and finally all merged into that deep feeling.

"Okay, baby, I will never leave you." The voice was low and firm.

She smiled, sweet and sweet, lifted her head from his arms, kissed his beautiful lips that day, a strong and resounding kiss, Cole, I love you, I love you to death! "He was stunned, unable to react to her confession.

But she didn't have that kind of surprise and hesitation. Instead, she kissed him again and again. Since she was in love, she wouldn't want to think about things. There is a factor of special attachment in her character. Once she is engaged, it is the whole body and mind.

His lips were a little stiff, and he smiled sweetly, wrapped his neck, "Don't you like me loving you? Then I take it back."

"Dare you?" The reaction was really quick this time. He hugged her, "No, absolutely not, have you heard?" Hearing her saying that he loves him, he really didn't know how to respond. He knew that she loved him, otherwise she would not dedicate her pure self to him, but he did not expect that when he heard her such a warm confession, his heart would have a strange and strange soreness. .

"Of course not." With a smile, she caressed his handsome face, she couldn't believe it, such a man full of aristocratic aura, with a kingly demeanor in every move, it turned out to be her male. My friend, she was so kind to her. If someone told her that it was a dream, she would believe it.