

"Simply put, I asked KK to help me find the people who slashed me, but I didn't expect that those people happened to be his subordinates. He just brought people to take the blame."

"So, you decided to forgive them?"

"It's not that I let them go, but I already know who is causing me trouble."

"who is it?"


She opened her eyes wide in disbelief. "Weller?"

He nodded slowly. "I should have thought of him long ago, because apart from him, I didn't seem to offend anyone when I came to Taiwan this time."

"How can he do this? Where did you offend him? I'm still responsible for all this, I'm sorry, Cole." Samara couldn't help but choked up with red eyes.

"Fool, how can this be caused by you, if I hadn't forcibly intervened to jeopardize his inheritance and management rights, this wouldn't happen."

"But you will do it, all for me."

"But this is my volition, and you didn't force me to do it? If you really want to pursue it, it's me who introduced you to work there that will trigger this series of incidents, isn't it? So, it's not your fault." He stared at her tenderly, brainwashing her.

"Cole, why are you treating me so nicely?" Although she had asked him this question earlier and knew the answer, she wanted to hear him tell her again.

"Do you want to be spanked by me? You are still asking me this question." He patted her pretty buttocks and held her in his arms and kissed, "I treat you well, of course because I love you. ,fool."

"I love you too." Samara replied immediately.

"I know that." Cole couldn't help but smile. Just seeing how hard she was just not afraid of death and hitting a rock with an egg, she knew that her love for him was not under him. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to teach her.

"Sam, no matter what happens in the future, you are not allowed to take the initiative to do something to someone who is obviously stronger than you, especially a man, you know?" He raised her face and said to her with a serious look.

She knew what he meant, but--

"I can't see you being attacked without helping you." She stared at him earnestly and affectionately, her tone firm.

His heart softened instantly. "I don't want you not to help me, but I hope you can put your own safety first. If you are injured, I will suffer more than you."

"It's the same with me. If you are injured, I will also hurt." Her gaze moved to the bandage on his hand, and she reached out and touched it lightly.

"I promise, in order not to make you hurt, I will never hurt myself easily in the future." Cole sighed and hugged her into his arms, assuring her softly.

"You have to do it if you say it." She snuggled in his arms and choked.

"Okay." He kissed the ends of her hair.

"Cole, the reason why I married you has absolutely nothing to do with repaying grace." She told him.

"What do you mean?" He was dazed, and couldn't help but gently push her away and asked.

"I didn't marry you just to repay ur gratitude." She said to him firmly with red eyes.

"Of course I know this, because when you married me, you didn't know who I was, did you?"

Samara stayed for a while, staring at him in amazement, her head was blank, she didn't even think of this at all. Yes, when they got married, she didn't even know that he was her long-legged uncle. How could she marry him to repay her kindness?

Oh my god, what kind of joke did she make? It's so funny!

She couldn't help but chuckle, and then slowly turned into a big laugh.

"Ha ha……"

"What's so funny, don't you share it with me?" Cole asked with a finger on her smiling face with a smile, his eyes full of tenderness and love for her.

"I just kept worrying about whether you would misunderstand that I married you to repay your kindness. I don't want you to misunderstand, because then you will be sad." Samara stopped laughing and stared at him seriously, and said She couldn't help but chuckled again, and said while laughing: "I completely forgot that when we got married, I didn't even know that you were my uncle with long legs. It was really funny."

"It's funny." The corners of his mouth raised slightly, "but why are you suddenly worried about this?"

"Because your brother asked me--" She fell silent, showing a worried expression on her face. She forgot that she had promised Brother Cohn not to tell Cole about it.

"My brother questioned you, thinking you married me to repay me?" He frowned, and his tone suddenly became a little dangerous.

"No, he is just a little curious, and he has already apologized to me, don't blame him." She quickly helped Cohen argue.

"Apologize to you? Why does he apologize to you?"

"Uh, this... is that he thinks he shouldn't doubt me, so..."

"Did you cry?" Cole asked, narrowing his eyes.

Samara closed her mouth immediately and shook her head vigorously. She is such a fool, she is getting more and more wrong!

"Cole, what do you plan to do with Weller?" She plans to change the subject to divert his attention.

"Do you want to change the subject?"

"Come on, Cole, I have promised that your brother will not tell you this. Can you pretend that you don't know, don't ask any more, please." She begged for mercy.

He looked at her intently for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly, answering her question just now.

"Regarding Weller, KK's subordinates will automatically come forward to clean up the aftermath. We don't have to do anything."

She was obviously relieved.

"Really? Does this mean that we don't have to worry about someone coming out to follow us or attack us in the future?"

He nodded.

"This is really great!" She said happily.

"What's great?" Cohen asked, who had just walked into the door.

"That's--" When Samara was about to answer him, Cole suddenly broke in.

"Brother, would you please come over?"

"What's the matter?" Cohen stepped forward without hesitation.

"Help me."

Samara looked at him uneasy, wondering what he wanted to do. Hasn't he already promised her just now?

No, he didn't seem to agree to her at all!

Just as this thought flashed through her mind, she heard Cohen groan. It turned out that when Cole used Cohen to help him mercilessly, he punched him in the stomach and saw Cohen couldn't straighten his waist in pain.

"Cole!" She exclaimed, how could he know that he grinned at her, and then said innocently—

"I don't know anything, I just wanted to punch him suddenly. Nevermind."

This man is really...

She was dumbfounded and speechless on the spot.