

After staying in the hospital for a night, because the wound was not inflamed, the doctor sent Cole home to recuperate.

Cole was injured, of course it was impossible to go abroad, so they had to go home. Inevitably, you have to face Cole's eldest brother Cohen.

Coen jay Gregg and his brother Cole, except for the pair of silver-eyed pupils, can be said to be totally different. He looked like a foreigner, and he couldn't find a trace of Eastern origin. If Cole hadn't nodded her head repeatedly to assure her that he was his brother of the same father and mother, she would probably not believe it in death.

Compared with Cole, Cohen is obviously an adult, calm, serious, and restrained, but not at all scary or annoying. And obviously he is also an elder brother who loves his younger brother, because when he saw Cole's injury, his whole person changed from a gentleman to a Satan in an instant, and the bloodthirsty appearance made her feel shocked every time he thought of it.

Cole secretly told her that when he was young, he was often teased and bullied because he looked weak and looked like a foreigner. Once when he was bullied, he happened to be seen by Cohen who was passing by. Without a word, he rushed up and had a fierce fight with the bully. As a result, he had to lie at home for three days before getting out of bed, because He was one against five at the time.

After hearing that Cole introduced her as his wife, Cohen immediately gave her a bear-like hug and kissed her to express his welcome. It was still in this extraordinary period-the mastermind has not yet caught-voluntarily Being her driver, taking her to and from get out of class every day, she was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say.

"Thank you for coming to pick me up, brother, I'm sorry to trouble you every day like this." She said to Cohn in the car waiting at the school gate.

"Stop talking about this. Instead of talking about this, tell me how you and Cole met?" Cohn smiled and shook his head, while driving the car on the road, chatting with her, "I thought he likes wandering and adventurous. The guy will never settle down until he is thirty-five or forty years old. How did you manage to let him take care of you?"

The admiration in his tone made her a little embarrassed.

"I didn't do anything!" She whispered.

"So that guy himself stalked and chased you wildly?" His tone was full of curiosity and smile.

She immediately shook her head vigorously. His statement made her feel as if she was raising her own value, which was not the case.

"Actually, Cole and I met when we were very young. He is my benefactor. If he hadn't been silently supporting me behind the scenes for more than ten years, I wouldn't be who I am today." She confessed. tell him.

"What do you mean? What kind of benefactor, what kind of—" Cohen opened his mouth to look at her, and suddenly understood. "Are you the little girl that guy brought home and lived there for a month?!"

Samara nodded.

"Oh my God!" He couldn't help but mutter.

He was studying in a foreign country, so he didn t meet her, but after returning home, he heard his mother talk to him for a month, saying how much she liked the little girl and wanted to accept her as a daughter. His ears are almost out of calluses.

Unexpectedly, time flies, and the years flies. The little girl who almost became his sister turned out to be his sister-in-law. This is really - wait a minute, what did she just say? benefactor?

"Samara, the reason why you married Cole was not to repay you?" He En glanced at her with a serious attitude.

"What?" Samara was stunned.

"I said the reason why you married Cole was not to repay you?" He said again.

"No, I am not! No." Her head shook like a wavy, and even the tears of grievance in her eyes were shaken out. She didn't stay with Cole to repay her kindness, she wasn't.

When he saw the tears in her eyes, he became stiff and almost couldn't help groaning. It's over, he said the wrong thing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't cry, it's just a little joke, nothing else, really." He apologized to her quickly, his tone full of regret and apology.

"I'm sorry." She wiped away the tears from her face, embarrassed for her gaffe.

"It's not your fault, I said something I shouldn't have said, I'm sorry!" He apologized to her again. "Could you not tell that guy that I made you cry, otherwise, he will definitely beat me up."

"I won't say it."

"Thank you." Cohen said gratefully, but the phone in his pocket rang before he could say anything. "Sorry, I'll answer the call." He picked up the cell phone and talked on the phone.

Samara looked at the moving scenery outside the car window, and couldn't help thinking about what Cohn had just said. Couldn't even Cole have this idea, thinking that she would marry him to repay her favor? She feels so upset. If he really has such an idea, how can she convince him that she really loves him?

The most important thing is, if he really has this kind of thinking, every time he faces her and says that he likes him or loves him, wouldn't he feel very painful and feel that she is lying?

She doesn't care about being misunderstood by him, but cares about his pain because of misunderstanding her. She hopes that what she brings to him is happiness instead of pain. She wants him to be happy.

Suddenly, she felt like she wanted to go home quickly.

She hopes that Big Brother Coen can drive faster, and she hopes to go back soon and tell Cole that she never marries him with any kind of gratitude. The reason she will marry him is entirely because she really likes the feeling of being with him. , And now it is because she loves him, loves him very much.

As a result, Cohen spoke on the phone all the way to the door of his house, and the phone call had not been finished yet.

Samara, who couldn't wait to go back to see her husband quickly, had to tell Cohen that she should get out of the car first. He nodded, she waved, and immediately pushed the door to get out of the car, and then ran all the way upstairs.

The door of her house is not closed. This is something that has often happened recently, because since the neighbors knew that Cole was injured, some people would come to visit the sick with a bunch of food every now and then, and some would show up with three meals. So in order to make it easier for everyone to get in and out, Cole almost does not lock the door during the day, and this is one of the reasons why he is popular, and he trusts his friends completely.

Knowing that there were guests at home, she had no choice but to suppress her eagerness, and after standing outside the door and taking a deep breath, she walked into the house in a usual dignified manner.

"I come back--"

Her voice stopped abruptly for an instant, because she actually saw the person who rushed into the hotel suite with a knife to kill Cole!

The blood color faded from her cheeks in the next second, and she screamed and rushed towards the man with the backpack in her hand before she thought about it, and then slapped.

She never thought that her behavior was hitting a rock with a pebbles. With a delicate woman, how could she beat a man weighing more than seventy and taller than 170, let alone if the opponent still had a knife in his hand, She was undoubtedly committing suicide.

However, at this moment, she didn't think so much, she had only one thought, and that was that she would never allow them to hurt Cole anymore. If he had any problems, she would definitely die with them.

"Sam, stop! Sam!"

Cole's loud yelling suddenly came into her ears, making her turn her head suspiciously, and saw her husband sitting on the chair in the living room with ease, even his hair was not messed up.

She blinked, thinking she was dazzled.

"Come." He beckoned her gently.

She ran to him immediately, hugged him with a choke. "You're okay, you're okay..." She cried tremblingly.

"I'm okay." He patted her gently, comforting her softly.

"I saw them, I thought they were chasing here again, I thought you...u..." Samara thought of the shock just now, and began to cry with lingering fears.

"Sorry, I scared you." Cole kissed her heartily.

"I should have said this sentence."

A strange voice suddenly sounded, making her more alert to stop crying. She raised her head suspiciously, and saw a strange man who was about fifty years old and very quack-like sitting on the only single sofa in the living room, smiling apologetically at her.

"Sam, I'll introduce it for you." Cole took the opportunity to say, "This is the boss of the KK help, Mr. Ke.

KK, this is my wife, her name is Samara. "

"You are very lucky." Mr. Ke said with a glance at him. "Samara, I'm sorry to scare you just now."

"No, Mr. Cole, don't say that, I can't afford it!" She shook her head in a daze. A gangster apologizing to her? Please, did she accidentally fall into another dimension?

"It doesn't matter." Mr. Ke laughed. "Okay, I'm leaving. Thank you for not pursuing those bastards." He said to Cole.

Cole joked indifferently: "No way, we are friends."

Mr. Ke laughed out loud again.

"Take care." After he finished speaking, he got up and left, and the others in the room immediately followed up, leaving no one in sight for an instant.

"Who the hell is he, what is he here for, and why the few people who cut you are also here, what the hell is going on?" Samara immediately asked as soon as the house full of people left. She just feels dizzy and confused now, she can't figure out what happened just now?