

"What are you talking about? Are you mad at me? Then why do you keep avoiding me and ignoring me?" He frowned.

"Because I feel so embarrassed." She still refused to look up.

"What's the meaning?"

"I talked a lot in front of you, and kept saying how much I thanked my uncle with long legs, but when you were in front of my eyes, I couldn't recognize you as him. I felt embarrassed."

"It's not your fault, you were only seven years old, and after eleven years, both you and me have changed our appearance."

"But I should remember you, should recognize you, you have the most beautiful silver eyes in the world--"

"This is the problem. I didn't let you see the real color of my eyes, so it's not your fault."

Samara shook her head. "Even so, I should think of you a little bit when I hear Gregg; when I hear your father is Kemi Gregg and your eyes are silver, let alone your name is Cole. Cole. Gregg and Cole. Joe Gregg, there is only one word difference between these two names, and I didn't notice it at all. I was really stupid and very late." She said in disgust.

"So you have been hiding from me for this reason?" He sighed and suddenly felt like crying without tears. Why did the physical and mental torture he has suffered in the past week come from?


"You should be sorry to me, do you know that in the past week, I was almost driven crazy by you?" He said softly, and there was an unbearable complaint in his tone. "You hide from me and ignore me. The words you say you want to divorce me keep playing in my mind over and over again. In the end, all of this is only because you feel embarrassed. Sam, I beg you, don t torture like this again. I."


"Don't be sorry to me, I only want you to promise me, no matter what happens in the future, don't ignore me, don't hide from me, and you are never allowed to say the word "divorce" to me again."

Samara can't help but pay attention to what he cares outside of his words. He really loves her and really cares about her. Her nose suddenly became sore, and her eyes became hot. She looked at him and said hoarsely, "You have a lot of demands."

"Not much, only these." He said softly.

"you sure?"

"I promise."

Looking at him, her whole heart was filled with love for him. She couldn't restrain her sudden urge to kiss him, leaned over and kissed him lovingly.

"Okay," she said to his lips, "I promise you."

His breathing became heavy in an instant. "Sam, do you want to cause us to have a car accident?" he asked in a dumb voice.

"But I want to kiss you." She blushed embarrassedly and replied with an innocent look. At the end, she stretched out her lilac small tongue and licked her red lips as if she didn't want to, so that he almost didn't groan.

This witch!

Feeling that the part between his legs was beginning to swell, he moved his gaze out of the car window and began to patrol quickly toward the advertising signs and billboards lined on both sides of the road.

"What's the matter, did they chase us and we were followed again?" His focus on the reaction outside the car window made Samara nervous.

"No, I'm looking for a restaurant or hotel."

She was stunned for a moment, and then quickly flushed her entire face. She knew what he wanted to do when he suddenly wanted to find a restaurant or hotel without asking, but—

"Aren't we going to the airport or Japan?" she asked timidly.

"Japan can wait."

The implication is that he can't wait anymore.


"Oh my God, I'm dying."

Turning off his wife, Cole weakly and contentedly pulled his wife into his arms, joking in a hoarse voice.

Samara twitched her lips gently, she didn't even have the strength to laugh.

what time is it now? How many hours have passed since they walked into this room?

In the past week, she really allowed him to accumulate too much energy without venting, but really, he doesn't need to rush to vent all at once, right?

He said he was dying, but she should be the one who was dying. She was exhausted by him and starved to death by him!

She is so hungry but she has no energy to move her body to find food, but fortunately, it doesn't take much effort to speak.

"Cole." She whispered.


"I'm hungry."

He was silent for a second. "Give me another ten minutes to recover, and I will be able to satisfy you later."

Samara couldn't help but raised his hand and gave him weakly, "I'm talking about the belly, I'm hungry."

Cole gave a quick chuckle and couldn't help kissing her. "I know, I'm kidding you! What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever, I just need to fill my stomach." Because she is really hungry.

"Then I call room service and ask them to bring something to eat." He kissed her again before jumping out of bed to call.

After the phone call, he walked back to the bed and looked at his tired wife who was lying on the bed, unable to even move. He involuntarily showed a man's arrogant and complacent smile.

"Should I take you into the bathroom to help you take a shower?" He asked her with a smile.

He even dared to make fun of her and didn't want to think about who caused it! Samara opened her eyes and glared at him and said, "No."

"Really? Do you have the strength to get up?"

She gathered the strength of her whole body and sat up from the bed, and then gave him a provocative look.

Cole was amused by her childish behavior and couldn't help but leaned in and kissed her hard, so scared that she thought he wanted her again. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, because his next move was to pick her up and send her to the bathroom, and then gently helped her and herself take a bath that was enough to restore strength.

When they took a bath and put on their clothes, the doorbell in the room just rang. Their food is here!

Seeing her look hungry and expectant, he smiled and walked to the door, reaching out and opening the door.

As soon as the door opened, Cole hadn't had time to see the appearance of the person outside, who had already stretched out his long legs and kicked him, causing him to kick back three steps.

"Sam, go into the bathroom and lock the door!" he yelled amidst her screams, and quickly defended.

How could these guys find them, and how could they come so fast? Cole dodges while thinking. He can't figure out who he has offended and will let that person spend money to ask the underworld person to attack him?

There was a sudden scorching pain in his arm, which made him more sure that these people are mafia, otherwise, how can ordinary people slash people with a watermelon knife? The only thing he was grateful for was that their object was him, and they didn't have any intention of catching Samara.

hateful! He couldn't remember when he had offended others. Why would anyone want to attack him?

Grabbing the pillow on the bed as a shield, he dodged from the left and right under unarmed. Finally, the pillow was still hard to beat the watermelon knife, and his fists were still hard to beat the six hands. He was chopped twice again, one on his leg and one on his upper arm. On the shoulders, the same blood was flowing in both places.

These two knives made the other party finally stop with satisfaction, gave him a cold look, and then dropped a sentence, "This is just a lesson, you'd better be careful next time." After speaking, they suddenly turned and left.


Samara kept crying and crying until the emergency room of the hospital was almost flooded.

"I'm fine, it's just a small injury." Cole softly calmed her 108th time.

Although his three stab wounds were still full of length and looked serious, only one needed to be sutured, and the other two were just wound up with medicine. The murder weapon was a watermelon knife, and there were three murderers. As far as unarmed, his injuries are indeed only minor injuries, even the police say so.

The police left after doing their routine work. Before they left, they told him that the murderer would be caught as soon as possible. If there is news, he would be notified, but he didn't expect them to pay more attention to the case. After all, he was not dead. , He is not a celebrity, is he?

Relying on others is worse than relying on yourself. For no reason, he always has to pay back some gratitude to go back, and even if it is not for himself, he has to seek justice for the tears Samara shed. A cold light flashed under his eyes.

"Sam, did you bring your phone? Give it to me."

She choked and gave him the phone in her bag, and asked with a choked voice, "Are you going to call your brother?"

Cole shook his head slightly, and quickly pressed a set of numbers.

"Hello? KK? It's me, Cole."

"Yes, I'm a bit annoying, but you don't need to do it, someone has already taught me for you."

"That's why I called you."

"Everything does not go to the Three Treasures Hall? Haha, when I was not like this, I thought you were used to it."

"Help me check if someone has paid for someone to teach me recently?"

"Yes, I am sure it is from the Mafia."

"They didn't use guns, but they used watermelon knives quite smoothly."

"Why, you want to see me? Don't worry, it's just a small injury, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Yes, I will wait for your good news, thanks, KK."

"Lend me this phone for the time being." After closing the sliding cover of the phone, he raised his head and said to Samara.

She nodded and couldn't help but curiously asked, "Who is he?"

She had been listening to him since just now. Although it was only a one-way conversation, she could still feel that the other party was not an ordinary person. Otherwise, how could their conversation mention guns?

"A friend who is ganging up." Cole said to her honestly, glad that she finally stopped crying.

"Do you even know anyone from the Mafia?" She almost dropped her chin in shock.


She stared at him blankly, always feeling that the people he knew seemed to be from all over the world. She shook her head, forget it, after these days of getting along, she has become accustomed to and understands that she cannot judge anything about him with common sense.

"Will the wound hurt? The doctor said that you need to be hospitalized for observation for a day, and the wound is not inflamed before you can go home." She told him, seeing the bandage on his arm, her eyes became red again.

"Don't cry. Didn't you say that you are hungry? There should be some food near the hospital. Go outside and buy something to eat."

Samara shook her head vigorously. She does not want leave him.

"I'm hungry too."

She blinked, and immediately got up and nodded and asked, "What do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you."

"As long as you want to eat, I want to eat it."

She knew that the reason why he said this was all for her. He was already injured like this, and he was still worried about her. He really was...

"I love you, Cole." She couldn't help but blurt out affectionately.

Cole grinned, then reached out his index finger and hooked her.

Samara leaned forward in confusion, he suddenly stretched out his hand and hooked her on the back of her neck, and kissed her passionately. "I love you too." He pressed her lips, staring at her with a smile, and then let go of her.

The scene was silent. Whether it was a medical staff or an emergency patient who came to see a doctor, everyone looked at them motionlessly as if held by time.

With a bang, her entire face was red. I saw her clutching her backpack, lowering her head, and walking quickly towards the exit, unable to stay for even a second. OMG! He is really defiant and do whatever he wants, but she still loves him and loves him so much.

When she first met him, she didn't know what love is, until he told her that she had fallen in love with him, she vaguely peeped into the face of love. Then his deception made her angry and sad, and she was ashamed to avoid missing him when she met. These are the faces of love. She knows, but she doesn't know that in addition to these superficial emotions, love is deeper and more profound. The thicker, more memorable side.

Because just when she opened the bathroom door and saw his bloody appearance, her heart almost didn't stop beating, and then there was only one thought, that is, if she loses him, she will not live.

She knew that if she said this idea, she would definitely laugh off people's teeth, but she was serious.