

Fifty million? !

When the old man sent his son away and said the price of selling the business rights, Samara only felt breathing difficulties, and she was about to faint.

"It's reasonable." Cole nodded in agreement.

Samara glared at Cole. She was about to faint, she was really fainting, did he know what he was doing?

"Cole..." She couldn't help speaking, but was stopped by his tapping the back of her hand.

"I thought you would always charge a higher price." He smiled at the old man, always feeling that there is no such cheap thing in the world.

"I really like 3Gre's products, and I also admire Daniel very much, knowing that he shouldn't be treated like this by my unfilial son, I only charge this price. But..." The old man suddenly sold off.

"Do you have other conditions, right?" Cole knew very well, he knew that this old guy couldn't be so easy to talk.

"You know it well," the old man laughed.

Cole immediately gave him a nice expression. "Please tell me, what else do you have?"

"I can sell you the right to operate, but I want to keep 30% of the shares."

"50 million is worth only 70% of the shares?" He couldn't help raising his brows. "You are really good at doing business, but if I do this business with you, am I going to lose a lot?"

"Meaning you don't want to buy it?" The old man looked at him motionlessly.

"50 million to buy 90% of the shares, this is my biggest compromise." He shook his head lightly, and unhurriedly stated his reserve price.

"Young man, you don't seem to understand. Right now, the decision is not in your hands, but in my hands." The old man shook his head shook his head.

"As far as this matter is concerned, you are always right. The decision is indeed in your hands." He nodded in agreement, "But as long as I am willing to wait, within half a year, maybe I only need to spend this amount of money. At half price, or even less, you can get what I want now. Needless to say, you should know this too, right?" He looked calm and smiled confidently.

"As long as I take back the management rights and don't let my unfilial son go around here, my store will only add value," the old man said.

"The premise is that your son will never care about things, and Daniel can continue to stay to serve you." Cole shook his head slowly, "but did you forget one thing? The reason why I will discuss buying this with you The reason for this shop is for Daniel. If you intend to continue appointing him as your store manager, I don t need to do it any more, right?"

The old man finally changed his face slightly. "You kid really knows how to make a wish, anyway, do you just want to beat me?"

"I dare not." He said respectfully.

"If you don't dare, no one will dare." The old man sneered in disbelief, and then frowned again.

"It's weird, why do I always feel a sense of deja vu for you? Have we met?" He was silent for a while and asked.

"It shouldn't be!" Cole's eyes flickered uncontrollably.

"No, I must have seen it." The old man shook his head vigorously, "Although I am old, but I don't have Alzheimer's disease, where did I meet you?" After speaking, he continued to stare at Cole intently. He looked like he would never give up unless he remembered who he was.

"I always think you are a bit like Mr. Kemi Gregg who founded 3Gre." Daniel on the side said the doubts in his heart.

kemiGregg is not only his target, but also his idol. He used to have a relationship with him on official business, and cheekyly asked for a photo with him. The photo is now being cherished by him in the room, and he will watch it almost every day. Last time, so he remembered the idol s looks very clearly.

After Daniel said that, the old man's eyes widened in an instant, and suddenly he pointed to him and shouted, "It's you! You are Kemi's youngest son!"

Cole closed his eyes and almost didn't blurt out the words "Let him die".

"If I tell you I am not, would you believe it if you admit it wrong?" He couldn't help showing a wry smile. Unexpectedly, they only met once, the old guy actually remembered him.

The old man shook his head quickly, and Daniel stared at him dumbfounded, with a frightened look. As for Samara, he was even more horrified, with big eyes of suspicion, staring at him intently.

"Your dad is really the founder of 3Gre?" She stared at Cole and asked.

"Yes." He seemed to smile at her wryly. What will she say next? Why didn't you tell her, why I never heard him mention it, why—

"Are you a foreigner?!" she yelled accusingly, making Cole a little dumbfounded.

He blinked and couldn't help showing a dazed expression. "What's so surprising, don't you always know that I am a mixed race?" He asked her.

"Yes, but—"

"Young man, what have you done to your eyes? Why do your eyes change color? Are your eyes not silver? If your eye color does not change, I will recognize who you are right away." The old man said Puzzled his intentions.

Samara looked at the old man in horror, then slowly turned her head and stared at Cole.


He closed his eyes and sighed silently. What a mess!

"Silver eyes are too eye-catching in Taiwan, so I wear brown contact lenses to cover the color of my original pupils." He explained to her.

"Even at home and while sleeping?"

He suddenly got a headache.

"We'll talk about this when we go home," he told her, then turned to look at the old man. "Regarding the transaction, please consider carefully before telling me your decision. Daniel has a way to contact me, and I will wait patiently for your good news. I have something else, please excuse us." After that, He got up and pulled Samara to turn away.


Since leaving 3Gre, Samara kept her mouth closed and kept silent until they got in the car and the car drove forward for a while. Cole called her several times and she ignored him, so he knew her. Really angry.

After returning home, he closed the door, dropped the car key on the table, looked at her back with a sigh and asked, "Are you going to ignore me like this?"

Turning around suddenly, angrily threw the heavy backpack with the book in his hand at him.

He was taken aback, and reflexively caught the backpack she had thrown, but the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lifted up. Because compared to being silent, at least she has reacted a little bit now, isn't she?

Seeing the smile on his face, Samara became even more angry, tears falling from her anger.

Seeing her tears, Cole suddenly stiffened and immediately put down her backpack and walked towards her, but she pushed him away forcefully, not allowing him to approach.


"Go away," she whispered, turning her back to him.

How could he walk away? He ignored her resistance and hugged her tightly into his arms from behind.

"I'm sorry." He apologized to her, "I didn't mean to deceive you. It's just that I didn't say many things at first, and it becomes very difficult to speak again, but no matter what I concealed from you or didn't tell you anything, That won t affect the fact that I like you and I love you, you have to believe me."

Although she still didn't speak, she didn't try to shake his hug anymore.

Cole knew she wasn't that angry anymore, so he turned her around in his arms and protected her to face him.

"Why did your reaction suddenly become so big? When you were in the store before, you didn't get so angry with me, did you?" He took her face and gently wiped away the tears from her face.

"I feel like a joke, I keep saying I love you, but I don't even know the color of your eyes. You make me feel so idiot, so stupid, and so funny." She sniffed and muttered.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, forgive me?" He whispered for mercy.

"I want to see what you really look like." Samara asked.

He looked at her, raised his hand without saying a word, and took off the mask from his pupil.

In an instant, a pair of Samara was the only one she had ever seen in her life, the most beautiful and charming silver dress eyes twinkling like a galaxy suddenly appeared in front of her, making her eyes wide open, staring at him in a daze, forgetting everything.

"Is it weird, with yellow skin, black hair, but silver eyes? If you lived in ancient times, you would probably be considered a monster!" He joked.

She shook her head and couldn't help but stretch out her hand to touch his eyes like she was fascinated.

"It's beautiful," she muttered to herself.

"Isn't it like a monster?" The corner of his mouth raised slightly, joking to himself.

She shook her head, still staring into his eyes with a fascinating and cute look, and he couldn't help lowering his head to kiss her.

When he kissed her, he kept looking straight at her, fearing that she would refuse him before she was angry. But he worried too much, so he stretched out his tongue and licked her lips, and she took the initiative to open her sweet lips, welcoming him enthusiastically. He accepted her invitation without hesitation, and kissed her gently and passionately.

As she groaned softly, he held her tighter. Their kisses gradually changed from tenderness to deep, slow and sensational, and then naturally developed to the bed.

"I'm sorry." Afterwards, he apologized to her again.

"Are you hiding anything from me and forgot to tell me?"

"Hmmm..." He hesitated unexpectedly.

"Cole!" She called him by name and surname for the first time. It was incredible that he had something to hide from her! The previous anger and sadness rushed back into her body in an instant, hitting her whole body dizzy and heartache.