

"I thought you were asleep." He gently embraced her delicate and smooth back, and said softly.

"Do you think I should resign?" She turned around in his arms and asked him hesitantly.

"Don't you like this job very much?"


"Then continue to do it, there is nothing to worry about."

"But if today's things happen again, if I really cause the store manager to lose his job because of me, what should I do?" She said worriedly.

"With Daniel's ability, only an idiot can fire him."

"I don't like to say bad things behind people, but that person doesn't seem to be a smart person." She frowned lightly to him.

"If he is really an idiot and really causes Daniel to lose his job, don't worry, I will help Daniel find a better job than he is now." He assured her.

"What you said is true? Can you help the store manager find a better job than now?"

"When did I lie to you?" He stared at her with a smile.

Samara shook her head vigorously and nodded vigorously, believing that he is definitely the one who can do it if he wants.

"Can you sleep at ease?"

She nodded again.

"I'll turn off the lights." He kissed her, got out of bed and turned off the lights.

With a snap, the room plunged into darkness. He returned to the bed, and as soon as he lay down, her soft body immediately snuggled into his arms.

"I love you." She whispered to him in the dark.

He shuddered her tightly, lowered his head and kissed the tip of her hair.

"Go to sleep!"


When the wind bell rang, Samara raised her head and was about to speak, but after seeing someone coming, she reflexively went to the back of the store, and the store manager Daniel's office retreated.

"Manager, he is here.

"Who's here?" Daniel looked up from his desk.

"Boss's son." She frowned and looked at him worriedly.

"Don't be nervous, I'll deal with it." He smiled slightly.

"Who are you going to deal with? Deal with me?" Weller opened the door and walked in, causing Samara to move closer to Daniel.

"Samara, you go out and do your thing." Daniel stood up and said.

"Okay." Samara nodded quickly, and being in the same space with that guy made her feel uncomfortable. She walked outside the door, but was blocked by Weller, and she immediately retreated.

"What I'm going to say later has something to do with you. You stay." Weller stared at her and said, finding that she was even more beautiful than he remembered. He must get her!

"It seems that Mr. Huang came prepared today?" Daniel said.

Weller slowly turned his eyes to him, then curled his lips and sneered.

"I said I won't let you go, but I am a tolerant person. As long as you kneel in front of me and apologize to me and accept all my arrangements, I am willing to give you another chance."

"I'm very busy, please say something quickly, don't waste my time." Daniel's face was expressionless.

"You dare to be so arrogant when you die? Didn't my old man call you to tell you? From today on, I will be in charge of this store." Weller raised his chin and squinted at him triumphantly.

"So?" Daniel looked at him unmovedly, "Are you going to fire me?"

"If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe I will let you continue to be the manager of this store." He pulled a chair and sat down, shaking his feet.

"If the boss is really too old and dizzy to hand over this shop to you, I will leave here directly without your dismissal." Daniel has no attachments. "Anyway, I can predict that if this shop is replaced by you, it will be closed in a few months at all."

"What did you say?" he yelled angrily.

"You don't have to give me severance pay." Daniel said as he packed his personal belongings, "Samara, let's go."

"Hold on! I didn't say she could go." Weller got up suddenly and stopped her path again.

"It doesn't matter if you fire me." Samara said boldly with Daniel guarding her.

Daniel couldn't help laughing, then stretched out Weller's hand that was blocking their way, ignoring his yelling and clamor, leaving the office one after another with Samara and heading to the staff lounge to get Samara's personal belongings. , Leave together.

"Manager, do you really want to leave?" The clerk couldn't help but ask when they left. When she just went into the staff lounge to pick up something, she heard their conversation in the office.

"You have to take good care of yourself." Daniel looked at the subordinates who came to him in an instant, and said earnestly to them.

"The manager?"

He tapped the clerk on the shoulder, and he walked out the door first.

The wind bell rang with the opening of the automatic door, sending away everyone's hope and the pillars of the store, and the future of this store will be in jeopardy.



As soon as she walked out of the store, Samara's tears of self-blame couldn't help but fell. Although she had been mentally prepared for such a thing to happen, when it did happen, she still felt so sad, so sorry for the store manager.

"Sooner or later, it's not your fault." Daniel patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"What happened?"

The sudden sound made Daniel suddenly stunned, and Samara's teary-eyed Samara lifted her head, whirled, and plunged straight into Cole's arms, crying sadly.

"What happened?" Cole held her, picked up her head, and asked Daniel in a deep voice.

"I was fired." He shrugged.

"You were fired?" The voice came from an old man with gray hair who had just stepped off a black-headed car and was nearly seventy years old.

"Boss?" Daniel blinked, calling out in surprise.

The old man walked towards them step by step with a cane, his wrinkled face was filled with uncontrollable anger.

"That guy really fired you?" He asked Daniel again, his tone full of disbelief.

"I'm sorry, boss." Daniel bowed deeply to him, "Thank you for your care over the past few years. If there is anything you need me in the future, please feel welcome. You can come to me anytime."

"You don't have to wait until later, I need you now. You come in with me." The old man ordered in an authoritative tone, and then walked toward the store with his cane.

"Boss." Daniel hurriedly stopped him.

The old man stopped and looked back at him.

"I must first let you know that Mr. Huang and I are not one-sided. If you have decided to give this shop full control to Mr. Huang, I'd better leave now. , Otherwise the situation in the future will only be worse and not better." Daniel stared directly at the old man with firm eyes, and said to him honestly.

"I know that my unfilial son is very unsuccessful, but can't you stay and continue to assist him because of my care?" The old man was silent for a while and asked with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, boss. Mr. Huang and I seem to be born at odds." He apologized and shook his head.

"So for the sake of this store? You like this job very much, and you like the design of 3Gre? Only in Taiwan we have their exclusive agency rights. If you leave here, you will never find the same. Work. And most importantly, if my unfilial son is allowed to run this shop alone, the shop will be destroyed in less than half a year. You hope that you will never be able to buy or see it in Taiwan in the future. Go to 3Gre's design products?" The old man tried to move emotionally, "I don't want it."

"If you don't want it, why not just sell the right to manage this store to Daniel?" Cole suddenly interjected.

The old man turned his head to look at him suddenly. "Who are you?"

"Under Cole, it's Daniel's close friend." Cole nodded lightly at him.

The old man slightly narrowed his sharp eyes and looked at the young man in front of him. From his casual dressing, he could not see his details at all, but he had a very strong sixth sense. He felt this young man with calm eyes and firm expression. People are never simple.

"Young man, how much do you know about the way our store operates?" He slowly said, "We are only 3Gre agents, and we have a contractual relationship with 3Gre, not that we can sell if we want to sell the right to operate. "

"But just let 3Gre understand and get the other party's approval, right?" Cole said.

"This matter is not as simple as it needs to be said."

"Is it as simple as it can be said? Let's not discuss it for the time being. The problem now is that the boss is reluctant to give up his love and sells the management rights of this store to Daniel."

"The problem now is not whether I am willing to give up love, but whether he wants to buy it." With that, he turned his head to look at Daniel.

"Daniel, do you want it?" Cole asked him too.

"Owning this shop is my dream, but I have no money." The person shook his head with a wry smile.

"Don't worry about money, I have." Cole said while looking at him.

Daniel looked at him in amazement, while Samara's mouth opened wide. How much does it cost to buy this store that exclusively distributes 3Gre products? Let alone tens of millions! Because the furniture sold in it costs 10,000 yuan for any small chair, does Cole know what he is talking about?

"Young man, don't speak so loudly. How much do you think this store is worth? How many millions?" The old man shook his head slowly, with an expression that forgave him for the child's ignorance.

"We won't know how much it is worth until after the evaluation, so let's go back to the store and sit down and talk about it!" Cole didn't seem to care how much it cost.

The old man narrowed his sharp eyes, looked at him thoughtfully for a while, and finally nodded. "Then go in and talk about it." After speaking, he walked into the store first.

"Cole." Daniel stopped before he led Samara into the store.

Cole stopped and looked back at him.

"Even if you have money, I can't borrow such a large sum of money from you." He shook his head with a serious face.

"Then treat it as my investment. I ask you to help me manage it."

"But why? We haven't known each other for a long time. You don't have to do these things for me."

"Because I admire your personality, and thank you for taking care of my wife these days. You can keep your promise and do your best for the friend I just met. Why can't I do something for you?" Cole said, bowing his head. Looking at Samara tenderly.

"And most importantly, I have promised Sam. If you really lose your job because of this, I will help you find a better job than now, right?"

Samara didn't know what to say, because she never thought that he would use this method to find a job for the store manager.

"Cole, although you promised me before, but..." She looked at him with a worried look. She didn't want him to do things beyond his abilities, to force himself too much.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Cole lowered his head and kissed her softly.

Unexpectedly, he would kiss her suddenly. Samara looked at him blankly when he raised his head and grinned at her, and saw Daniel behind him raising her eyebrows and smiling at her. She then returned to her senses, her entire face flushed. .

Cole gave a chuckle and put her arms around her and walked into the glass front door first, while Daniel followed them, thinking about that sentence, would he buy this shop and let him run it? Really or not?