

"I don't know or don't want to know."

"This shop is owned by my family."

She opened her eyes wide for a moment, then shook her head, refusing to believe what he said.

The wind bell rang at the door again, and Daniel walked in from outside and saw them as soon as he looked up. Samara was happy when the rescuers arrived, but heard him start to say in surprise, "Huh? Weller, why are you here?" The blood faded from her face in an instant.

Weller let go of her without a trace, smiled triumphantly at her, and greeted the man walking towards them.

"Hi, Daniel, is the business in the store okay?"

"Don't you know if you look at it?" Daniel replied with raised lips, and suddenly saw Samara's pale face. "Samara, what's the matter with you? Why are you so pale and uncomfortable?" He asked nervously.

Before Samara could answer him, Weller on the side had already intervened and asked: "Daniel, this is the new lady, won't you introduce me?"

"This is a new employee who only joined the company last week, Miss Samara. Samara, he is the son of the owner of this 3Gre Taiwan agency, Mr. Huang." Daniel quickly introduced them to both of them, and then ignored Weller. , Staring at her pale face with concern again and asked, "Are you okay? Do you want to take you to the hospital?"

"I'm fine." She shook her head slowly.

"Then you go to the staff lounge to take a break." He still worriedly suggested.

"Wait a minute." Weller interjected, "Is it my illusion? Or do you always care about the waitresses in the shop?" He asked like a joke but also a sarcasm.

"Manager, I'm fine." Not wanting Daniel to be embarrassed, Samara shook her head quickly. "I went to work."

"Wait a minute." Weller stopped her.

Samara had to stop and look back at him.

"You are only eighteen years old, you shouldn't even graduate from college, right?" He turned his head to look at Daniel. "I remember the company's regulations on employment, at least you have to graduate from university?"

"Samara is just a working student, not a full-time employee." Daniel said.

"That's even more weird. When did our company start working-study students? Why didn't I even hear it?" Weller raised his eyebrows, as if deliberately making things difficult.

Hearing that he was deliberately looking for trouble, Samara looked at Daniel anxiously, she didn't want to drag the store manager because of her relationship at all.

He gave her a look you don't worry about, and then turned to Weller.

"I think since the boss is willing to give me the full power of this shop, I should have the right to decide who I want to use?" He said unhurriedly, "Although Samara is still a student, she is proficient in English, German and Norwegian are a rare helper that I can't find after searching for a long time."

"Proficient in English, German, Norwegian?" Weller raised his eyebrows again. "You didn't lie to me?"

"You can try it."

"You know I only speak English, how do you want me to try?" Weller glanced at him displeased, and suddenly grinned unkindly. "That's right, I have been wanting to learn German recently. Since you are proficient, you can teach me, Samara, teacher."

Samara's eyes widened in astonishment.

"No." Daniel refused for her.

"I didn't ask your opinion, Daniel." Weller said coldly.

"Samara will go to class during the day, and will come here to be my assistant after three o'clock in the afternoon. She has no spare time to teach you German." Daniel excused Samara.

"You will look for the assistant again, I want you to give her to me." He gave orders domineeringly.

"Impossible," Daniel said bluntly.

"Daniel, don't think that my old man trusts you, I can't move you." Weller squinted and threatened him.

"If you really want to learn German, I can teach you. Although Samara's German is good, but not good enough to teach others, let me teach you." Daniel looked at him calmly.

"Who wants you to teach it! I want her to be the one!" He pointed to Samara angrily.

"Impossible." Daniel shook his head and refused without saying a word.

"I'm going to take her away now, see how you stop me?" Weller clasped Samara's wrist and pulled her to go outside.

The stature flickered and blocked his way. "Please let go of her, Mr. Huang." Daniel stared at him with a serious face.

"Step aside!"

"Unless you let go."

"Do you really think I can't move you? Daniel." He scolded loudly and furiously, and instantly attracted the attention of others in the store.

"Enough." Samara pushed Weller's hand away and couldn't help but uttered. "You don't have to trouble the store manager anymore, I'll resign." Then, she turned to Daniel apologetically, "Store manager, thank you for your care this past week. In order not to increase your troubles, I think I should resign. ."

"You don't have to do this, don't worry, he can't move me." Daniel calmed her.

"Oh, you are so sure?" Weller sneered, "I tell you, even if she resigns, I won't let you go. Wait and see!" Weller looked at them and snorted. Huo Ran turned and left.

Snapped! Snapped!

As the wind bell stopped at the door, two applause suddenly sounded in the quiet store.

Samara turned her head abruptly, and it was Daniel who was standing beside her clapping her hands. The people in the store are just like her, giving him all his attention in an instant.

"Sorry to disturb everyone's interest in shopping. To express our apologies to our shop and myself, please remember to ask the checkout lady to send you a pair of 3Gre knives and forks to show your apology when you check out later. Please continue to visit and shop, and I wish you all a happy shopping." Daniel said with a smile, and instantly made everyone forget the episode and restore the original normal atmosphere in the store.

"I'm sorry." Samara apologized in a low voice.

"It's not your fault." He shook his head and said. "That guy was originally a dude who didn't learn and know nothing. He would behave and be arrogant because of the wealth of his family."

"But if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have a conflict with him today." She blamed herself very much.

"It's not the first time anyway, just get used to it." He shrugged indifferently. "But when you see him in the future, ignore him, avoid as far as you can. The most important thing is to never get alone with him, you know?" He gave her a serious face and confessed to her earnestly.

"Will my resignation be better for you?" She looked at him hesitantly and asked.

"No," he said categorically.

"Don't worry so much, he can't move me, nor you." He was very sure, and then vowed to add: "If he dares to move us, believe me, he is definitely the one who regrets it."

Seeing his dangerously confident appearance, Samara hopes she has such unwavering self-confidence. It seems that she is still not strong enough, she must learn to be stronger, independent, and more confident, so that she is worthy of Cole, so that he will not be embarrassed, and she has to cheer up.


"Do you want to tell me something?" Cole said suddenly when he took a shower and was ready to go to bed at night.

Samara froze for a moment, not knowing what he was referring to for a moment. "What's the matter?" She turned to face him.

"Daniel called me just now." He sat up and said.

She blinked, and suddenly followed him to sit up from the bed. "Did the store manager tell you? I would have hoped..." She sighed softly and then stopped.

"Hope what?"

"I seem to be a troublesome activity, no matter where I go, I will increase the trouble for others." She was silent for a while! Said sadly.

"Who said that?" He frowned instantly and reached out to hug her into his arms.

"Needless to say, I feel it myself."

"Stop talking nonsense. You have never been a trouble to me. You are my wife, my family, the most important, precious, and cherished dear in my life. I can meet you and own you. The happiest thing in my life."

Samara couldn't help but tremble, and looked up at him, with confusion in her black jade-like eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know." She looked at him bewildered and said, "What you say should make me feel very happy and very happy, but I don't know why I tremble. There is still a feeling of indescribable feeling in the whole person. Disorder, I don t know what s wrong with me, am I really sick?"

He smiled helplessly, shook his head, and gently stroked her face, "It's not that you are sick, you just fell in love with me."

She opened her eyes wide, as if she had been taken aback, and then she slowly showed an expression of uncertainty and doubt, and then replaced it with hope, expectation, surprise and joy. Her eyes were bright, and the corners of her mouth involuntarily expanded to the sides. The already beautiful face made his obsessed face instantly become more sexy and bright, and it was so beautiful that he almost couldn't breathe.

"I'm in love with you?" She stared at him intently and asked softly.

Cole looked back at her and nodded slowly.

Samara is so happy. She was always worried about what he had said before, saying that if her love didn't happen to him, he would let her go. She couldn't imagine the feeling of not having him around. Every time she thought that one day he might leave her, her heart was so sad that she was about to suffocate. Now she finally understands. It turns out that the strong feeling that is increasing day by day, so that she can't express and can't describe it is love, she is in love with him!

"Cole?" She called him softly.

"Huh?" He looked at her intently, looking forward to it all.

"I love you."

He couldn't help trembling. Knowing that it is so different from hearing her say that he loves him in person, he now finally knows why women love to hear men say the three words "I love you".

"I love you too." He muttered to her.

She stared at him dumbfounded, showing a shocked look again.

Cole couldn't help but chuckle, stretched out his hand to close her mouth softly, and bowed his head to give her a kiss.

"Hi," he pressed to her soft lips, calling her in a low voice, "My confession is not so scary, is it? It makes you so scared that you can't speak."

Samara stayed for a while before shook her head at him, then stretched out her hand to hug him tightly, her eyes flushed uncontrollably, and confessed to him again, "I love you."

He shuddered again. It seems that he will never get used to it, he thought so in his heart, because it feels damn good to hear her say that she loves him!

He took a deep breath of the fragrant smell of her body, feeling her body softly clinging to him, and thinking of the fact that she loves him, his body became hot and dry. He held her neck and forced her to raise her head to accept his kiss.

She seemed to have the same desire as him. As soon as she felt his tongue, she immediately sucked him into her mouth, causing him to moan with pleasure. He let her lie down and covered her with his body. When he wanted to take off her pajamas, she took the initiative to straighten her body and stretch her arms to help him.

He kissed her breasts, tasting every inch of her body's skin, until she could no longer stand his teasing, and crawled onto him under the coax of his soft voice, and wrapped his hardness with her softness.

He taught her how to find satisfaction in him, satisfying herself and satisfying him. At first she was a little shy and at a loss, but slowly she got better and more slutty and enthusiastic, causing him to almost surrender before she was satisfied. She really is a witch.

Afterwards, they hugged each other gaspingly, and closed their eyes contentedly.

There was silence around, and their gasping sounds gradually eased. When Cole thought she had fallen asleep and was about to roll over and get out of bed to turn off the lights to sleep, Samara spoke at this moment.
