

"Of course, because you said I was your husband."

Samara froze for a moment, even more puzzled. "You are my husband originally, aren't you?"

Her bewildered and cute expression made Cole couldn't help but reach out and hook her into his arms, then bowed his head and kissed hard.

She was kissed inexplicably.

"My decision is indeed correct." He kissed her and smiled happily.

"Decide what?"

"Decided to trust you."

She was still puzzled.

"I helped you find a job."

Samara's eyes widened instantly.

"Didn't you say that you want to increase your life experience and want to find a job? In fact, the reason why I will pick you up today is to send you to apply for a job."

After hearing the words, he looked at him blankly, unable to speak for a long while.

"What's wrong, or have you given up the idea of ??part-time work?"

She stayed for a while, then quickly shook her head. "But haven't you been opposed to it? Why did you suddenly change your decision?"

"If I say it, you can't be angry!"

She looked at him suspiciously, then nodded.

"I always feel that you are still too young and your mood is still uncertain. Doing everything depends on a word of thought, not only for more perfect considerations, so I am not at ease. But I seem to underestimate your determination. Although your appearance is weak, But you have the strongest will and the determination to move forward. After recognizing this, I decided to be your strong fortress and backer instead of opposing it, so that someone can rely on when you are tired, and someone can share when you are happy. Success or failure is not the point, the point is trust and love."

"Trust and love?"

"Yes." Cole has a gentle expression on his face.

"I don't understand very well." She hesitated in her words.

"It doesn't matter, you will naturally understand in the future."


"Don't you thank me for helping you find a job?" He suddenly leaned toward her, lowered his head against her forehead, and stared at her closely.

Samara blinked, reached out and hugged him tightly, then offered a deep kiss. "Thank you, Cole." She winks a silky smile at him.

"If I knew I could get such a reward for helping you, I would have acted early." Cole jokingly sighed with an expression of gratitude and contentment.

She was amused by him.

"What kind of company is that?" She couldn't help but ask curiously.

"A company that specializes in selling European furniture boutiques. Don't you want to practice your foreign language? You will have a lot of opportunities there." He started the engine and drove the car toward the exit of the parking lot.

"How can you do it?" She looked surprised and stretched out her hand to fasten her seat belt.

"For my dear wife, of course I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate." He still joked nonchalantly.

"Stop it, I'm asking seriously!" She gave him a light hammer.

"Didn't you say that I am good at making friends, as if everyone can't resist my charm? I accidentally made a friend who is engaged in imported furniture from Europe, and then asked him to introduce you." Cole watched She glanced at it and slowly explained.

"Will this trouble him too much?"

"If you want to trouble people, you also have to rely on your strength. You have to pass the application later."

Samara froze for a moment, and smiled involuntarily, but the smile disappeared in an instant, replaced by nervousness and worry.

"What if I fail to be admitted later? Will it embarrass you?"

"You will never make me feel ashamed." He reached out to hold her and assured her. "As for if you fail to be admitted, I will help you through the fire and water again, if one is not enough, twice, three times, four times, five times, or dozens of times—"

"Hey, I shouldn't be so bad, am I?" She finally couldn't help but protest, dozens of times!

"Just kidding!" Cole grinned at her, then raised her hand to her lips and impressed a kiss on the back of her hand affectionately. "Trust me, you are the best, there will never be a problem."

The unwavering trust and encouragement in his service allowed Samara to slowly regain her confidence. She took a deep breath and nodded to him. "Well, there will be no problem." She told him and told herself.

"Great, because we are here." He shook her hand lightly and told her.

"How can it be so fast?" She suddenly turned her head and looked out the car window, asking in surprise.

"Because it is near your school, it's only a short distance by bus, and it only takes ten minutes to walk. That's one of the reasons why I will choose this company for you." He said, he stopped the car on the side of the road. The parking lot was vacated, and then turned to look at her.

"Do you want me to accompany you in, or do you want me to wait for you in the car?" He asked gently. With her personality, he thought she would choose the latter.

"Wait for me in the car."


"Okay." He nodded in agreement, and then pointed to 3Gre, a famous boutique with modern art and design not far ahead, and said, "Go, I am here for your good news."

Samara nodded, then took a deep breath and pushed the door to get out of the car. After closing the car door, she waved at him, then she straightened her shoulders and walked towards the 3Gre door like a fighter.

Cole looked at her back and used the car phone in the car to make a call. The phone rang three times and was picked up.

"Hello, this is Daniel."

"It's me, Daniel." Cole said succinctly. "The person I want to introduce--Samara, she's already at the door of the store."

"okay, I get it."

"sorry to bother you.

"Don't say that."

Cole cut the phone off.

Now, he just needs to sit here and wait for her to come back happily and share her excitement and happiness with him.


Samara likes all the products in 3Gre design furniture.

At the beginning, she didn't know what 3Gre represented. She didn't know until after contact. It turned out that it represented the founder of 3Gre design furniture, Mr. Kemi Gregg's last name Gregg-three Gs, one R and one E.

3Gre design furniture is a boutique brand that has emerged in Northern Europe in the past 30 years. It not only combines modern art and technology, but also creates human needs and comfort. Therefore, in just a few years, its products have swept the world. , Has become the favorite furniture brand of modern rich and powerful people.

I heard that there is only one company in Taiwan that has won this honor to represent their products, so the shops are always crowded and the business is very good.

In addition to wealthy people, there are many foreigners here. No wonder Cole said that she would have many opportunities to practice her foreign language here.

She really likes this job. She can admire the amazing design furniture, practice her foreign language, and make money.

When the automatic door opened, there was a crisp sound of wind chimes on the door. She immediately raised her head, and naturally faced the entrance with a smile to welcome the guests.


The man is a 30-year-old man who is dressed up in fashion with brand-name clothing and accessories. She knows at a glance that he is an urbanite who knows how to enjoy and has a lot of money. This kind of person is also one of the main customer groups in the store, so Samara dare not neglect at all. .

"Hello, do you need me to serve you?" She greeted her in a gentle and respectful voice.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before." The other person looked at her and asked.

She froze for a moment. He is indeed a regular customer here.

"Yes." She replied with a smile and nodded, "Do you need a specific service person? I can help you ask him to come and serve you."

"What's your name?"


"Year old?"

She couldn't help but frowned. "Sir, what do you need to buy, if you want, I can introduce it for you."

"You didn't answer my question." The man wouldn't let her dodge.

"I think age shouldn't affect my service quality and professionalism. If you don't trust me, I can find someone else to serve you. I don't know what you think?" She looked at him neither humble nor arrogant.

"As long as you tell me how old I am, you will be impatient. Do you serve guests like this?"

What an inexplicable guy, how old is she? Why did she tell him? But-forget it, her age is no secret anyway.

"Eighteen," she said.

"Sure enough, no matter how I look at you, I don't think you are twenty years old." He looked at her up and down with interest, and then said surprisingly: "Be my girlfriend!"

"What?" She stared at him blankly. Did she meet a madman?

Stay away from the lunatic. She stepped back reflexively, not forgetting her responsibilities. "Please walk around slowly." After she finished speaking, she quickly turned around and left.


The man yelled from behind. She turned a deaf ear and looked around desperately, hoping to find a senior who was available to help her out, but they were either busy introducing products for the guests, or hurriedly running between the warehouse and the store. Busy, or busy packing and checking for the guests, no one noticed that she had met a madman.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear me?"

A rude tugging pulled her back, and Samara staggered and hurriedly got her feet on her feet to prevent falling.

"This gentleman, can I trouble you to show respect and let me go?" She suppressed her panic and anger, and said coldly.

"Do you know who I am?" The other party was very proud.