

"What if your love didn't happen to me? Sam, the last thing I want is to see you sad. If one day you really fall in love with someone, don't hide me, I will set you free."

"No!" Samara called out loudly, tears rushing into her eyes quickly. Thinking of him leaving her, her heart suddenly tightened. She was immersed in unhelpful panic and fear. She squeezed her hands and hugged him strongly, and said again, "No."

"I mean if one day you accidentally fall in love with someone else--"

"No! No! I won't fall in love with anyone except you." She hugged him tightly and interrupted his hypothesis loudly.

"I hope so too, but love is not something you say you won't," Cole couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Just like him, if someone jokingly told him before he came to Taiwan, he might fall in love with this little girl who is nine years younger than him, he would definitely say impossible. But the fact is that he not only fell in love with her, but also married her, and even for the first time in an unprecedented way, he lacked self-confidence in himself and worried that she would not love him.

"No!" Samara raised her head and stared at him earnestly, tears still flashing in her eyes. "Although I don't understand love, Cole, I know I will never like someone like I like you again, I know." She said, tears constantly falling from her eyes.

Cole didn't expect that she would cry like this for his truth. He looked at her crying in a dumbfounded manner, and a thought flashed in his mind that made him almost unable to breathe.

"Sam?" he called out tremblingly. She fell in love with him, she must have fallen in love with him, otherwise there would be no such reaction.

God, she loves him, she loves him!

"I know, I know..." She kept crying and assured him.

"Okay, I see." He gently wiped away the tears from her face, said to her soothingly, and then couldn't help holding up her face, ecstatic and moved to peck every inch of her face. The skin, finally covered her red lips.

He tasted the shape of her lips first, and then slowly deepened the kiss until she gasped.

The floor was too hard, so he hugged her to the bed, while kissing her, while taking off all his clothes for her, and then covering her.

Her smooth as satin, white as snow skin, no matter how many times he looks at it or touches it, will still make him admire and love it. In addition to petting, he prefers to kiss it, lick it, from the neck to the chest, then slide down to her flat abdomen, and then down.

When he went down again, she stiffened and made weak protests and struggles, as if she could not accept his unimaginable intimacy, but he turned a deaf ear and continued to love her the way he wanted. Her arched body became tighter and tighter, and she let out broken moans from time to time, until she got past that point and her whole body weakened weakly.

He moved up to kiss the tears in the corner of her eye, and then slowly teased her again, helping her build another wave of desire.

This time he joined her and rushed with her to the joy he would never forget in a low voice.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the weather outside the window was a bit cloudy.

After the professor left after class, Samara slowly packed her things, and then walked out of the classroom with her backpack, ready to go home.

She walked out of the college building, passed the baseball field and badminton court along the pine forest road. When she turned a turn and was about to go out toward the gate, a group of excited female classmates passed her with a leaping pace, talking in high spirits. Their words came to her ears verbatim.

"I won't lie to you, that guy is really amazing. Even the princes Zack and Jackie are not his opponents when teaming up. The most important thing is that he is handsome!"

"How handsome, will he be more handsome than Takuya Kimura?"

"have equal shares."

"you're lying!"

"I'm telling the truth. He is tall and handsome, with three-dimensional features, like a mixed race. The way he tied his hair behind his head, dribbling, shooting, wiping sweat, grinning. Looks like, oh my god! Just thinking about that scene makes me want to scream."

"Is it really such an exaggeration?"

"If you have any, you will know later, hurry up, I ran out during their intermission, I hope they haven't started the game yet."

As the voices of their conversations got farther and farther, Samara heard them speeding up the pace. She turned around and saw that the girls could not help but use running instead, rushing straight towards the basketball court. .

Seeing their drifting back, she couldn't help frowning, because their conversation gave her a familiar feeling, as if the guy who was as handsome as Kimura Takuya was someone she knew.

is it possible? It has been several weeks since that incident, and she never heard him mention the incident of coming to school to show up. Will he be the one playing with Zack and Jackie on the basketball court now?

She bit her lower lip hesitantly, and finally decided to go to the basketball court to take a look.

Before she reached the stadium, she could hear the cheers from that direction from a distance. The loud voices made everyone who passed by could not help turning their heads and looking around, or directly changed the direction of walking and walked towards the stadium.

There were so many people on the court that it could be described by the words "people, mountains and seas". For the first time she saw so many people watching the basketball court, and regardless of men and women, everyone seemed to have teammates participating in the game. passionate.

Because there were so many onlookers, Samara, who stood on the periphery, couldn't see anything even if she stood on tiptoe. In the end, she couldn't help but squeezed into the crowd and drilled desperately inside.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She apologized as she squeezed, pretending not to see anyone staring at her.

Please, just let her take a look and make sure there is no one she is looking for, and then she will leave. So please, she just has to look at it, just one look.

Relying on the cheeky, she finally squeezed to the forefront, but she never dreamed that an orange-red basketball was chosen to fly towards her impartially at this time.

She opened her eyes wide, and before she could scream, she hit her forehead by a basketball. She suddenly fell backwards. Fortunately, what followed her body was not the hard floor, but the crowd squeezing behind her. But even so, she was dizzy.

"Sam!" Cole's anxious voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

She thought dizzy and headache, he was here as expected.

She felt her body quickly moved into a steaming bosom, and then his familiar breath penetrated her nose.

Cole patted her cheek. "Sam? Can you hear my voice? Open your eyes to see me if you can." His voice was full of worry.

Samara slowly opened her eyes to look at him, only to see him breathe in relief.

"How are you feeling?" He frowned and looked concerned.

"It's okay except for a little dizziness, headache, and forehead headache." She closed her eyes and remained silent for three seconds before opening her eyes to tell him honestly.

"Why did you suddenly appear here?" He asked, reaching out and touching her already red and swollen forehead.

"I thought this sentence should be made by me." She said with a wry smile.

"I just wanted to come to pick you up from get out of class, because it was still early, so I just walked around and looked around, who knew it would turn out to be like this." He had a helpless and innocent expression on his face.

She looked at him suspiciously.

"If you don't believe me, I can swear."

"Cole, how did you know Samara?" Zack finally couldn't help but ask aloud after standing next to them watching them and listening to the conversation between them.

Cole looked at Samara with a faint smile, and decided to let her answer the question.

"How do you know him?" Samara turned to look at Zack and Jackie.

"He was sitting next to watching us play, with a look of enthusiasm. We asked him if he wanted to be together, and then we met." Jackie replied truthfully.

"You took the initiative to find him?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

They looked at her with a puzzled expression at the same time, and Cole shrugged her shoulders and used a look, I didn't lie to you.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you." She immediately grasped his hand and apologized to him softly, knowing that she was wrong.

Zack and Jackie both looked dumbfounded when she had never seen her showing such a delicate and charming appearance.

"Samara, what are you two..."

"Sorry, let me introduce him. He is my marriage partner, my husband, Cole." She smiled shyly.

Suddenly there was silence at the scene, and everyone was dumbfounded and dizzy by the explosive introduction, and could no longer say a word.

Seeing Cole smiling so that the corners of her mouth were almost cracked behind her ears, Samara couldn't help frowning, suddenly becoming uncertain.

"Cole, did you lie to me?"

"What lie to you?" he asked still grinning.

"You didn't come to the school to find them to demonstrate?"

"I thought everything that happened just now has been explained, and you already believe that I didn't lie to you, didn't you?" He raised his eyebrows, his mouth still grinning.

"Yes." She nodded hesitantly, "but why are you so happy, do you know that your mouth is about to crack behind your ears?" She asked puzzled.