

She couldn't help but shed tears on the spot, wasting a table of good food, because he accidentally comforted her on the bed in order to comfort her, and when they both thought of the table of food, it was all cold.

But after microwave heating, they happily finished them.


"Hi, Samara."

The sudden greeting made Samara raise her head, and saw that Jackie, a classmate who is usually popular but only nodding to her, was standing in front of her with a sunny smile.

"Hi!" She nodded softly at him, not sure what he wanted to do with her.

"Have you ever watched the movie Gods and Ghosts?"

She blinked, and never thought he would ask her this question. She nodded slightly. The movie has been broadcast many times on cable television.

"Have you seen the first and second part?"

She shook her head. "The second part hasn't been watched yet."

"Great!" He said excitedly, "Did you know that the second film has already been turned in the second round? It will be released today. May I ask you to watch it?"

She was a little dumbfounded, is this—is it a date?

"I'm sorry." She blinked and apologized.

"Don't you want to watch the second part?" Jackie frowned slightly. "That's right, I heard that the second part is not as good as the first one, and there is no ending, so what do you want to watch? Theatrical movies are also available, not necessarily two rounds." He actively invited.

"May I ask, why do you want me to watch a movie?" Samara couldn't help but ask.

"Because I like you, I want to pursue you." His generous answer immediately drew cheers and whistles from other students in the classroom.

"Wait a minute." Someone jumped out and shouted, "I want to challenge."

It is Zack, the senior of the same department. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, he walked up to Samara at a chic pace and smiled at her.

"School girl, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, and always think you are very cute. Would you like to date me and be my girlfriend?"

"Zack, did you come to trouble me on purpose?" Jackie frowned at the senior. Although the two of them are seniors and juniors, they are also good partners on the basketball court. They have a good relationship, which is why he feels that way.

"No, No, No!" Zack shook his head and shook his head, ". A school girl as cute as Samara, my eyes are not blinded, how could I not notice?"

"But I never heard you say you like her."

"I never heard you say it!"

"Senior, you are so popular, you can give me Samara!"

"No, No, No, three thousand water, I just want to take this scoop."

"Then let's go to the basketball court for a bullfight. Whoever loses will quit."

"you are serious?"


"Then-well, shall we go now?"

"Sorry, will you two listen to me?" Samara suddenly said when Jackie was about to nod.

Jackie and Zack turned to look at her at the same time.

"Senior girl, what do you want to say? As long as you don't tell me that you have actually made a decision, you can say that you like this guy." Zack jokingly hooked Jackie's shoulder, and it would be shameful to lose without a fight.

"No." She shook her head quickly.

Zack's lips curled up in satisfaction, but Jackie looked disappointed and lonely.

"What I want to say is that I am already married, so—"

"Married?!" Zack and Jackie blurted out in unison.

"School girl, are you kidding? If we want to refuse, we should think of a more persuasive reason?" Zack didn't believe it at all.

Jackie nodded vigorously, and involuntarily moved his gaze to her flat stomach. How old is she, eighteen or nineteen? In this age, apart from being ordered by children, who would get married so early? And she didn't look like she was pregnant at all.

"No, I am really married. Look, this is my wedding ring." She said, showing them the ring on her hand.

The next moment, all the classmates gathered around.

"Wow, is that real diamond?"

"Samara, when did you get married, why didn't I hear you mention it?"

"Did you have this ring on your hand last week? Why do I have no impression at all."

"Are you really married? You can't just take a ring out to bluff people?"

"Is your husband from our school or outside? How did you meet? How old is he? Isn't he handsome?"

"It doesn't matter whether he is handsome or not, but the point is whether he has money?"

"Are you pregnant?"

Everyone's questioning made her have no idea where to start.

"Stop." Jackie suddenly raised his hands and shouted.

Everyone was very cooperative and closed their mouths instantly.

"Are you really married?" After seeing everyone calm down, Jackie turned his head and looked at Samara intently.

She nodded.

"Haha..." Jackie was silent for a while, and laughed suddenly. "Zack, it looks like we are destined to be broken in love." He hooked Zack's shoulders and smiled self-deprecatingly. Regardless of whether she was married or faked, there is one thing that can't be wrong, and that is that they were rejected.

"Yeah!" Zack sighed with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry." Samara couldn't help apologizing to them.

"Forget it, it's not your fault." The two big boys said in unison, then glanced at each other, and then unanimously said: "Youth should still be wasted on the court."

After speaking, the two of them laughed out loud, and walked out of the classroom with their backs on their shoulders.

As soon as the two of them left, everyone's attention returned to Samara, and they asked her about her marriage with full firepower. The questions were endless and weird, which made her regret the public announcement of this matter.

Oh my god, who will save her?


That night, when Samara suddenly remembered the incident, she told Cole about it.

"I didn't expect you to be so popular in school." He expressed his thoughts after listening.

"I didn't expect it either!" She grinned, "This is the first time someone says they like me. But recently, classmates seem to like to chat with me, and often people want to find me to go shopping, sing or socialize."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I forgot, and the point is that I have no interest in those activities, so I refused."

"Is it really uninterested, or do you mind me?" He looked at her thoughtfully and asked.

"What do you mean?" She blinked and looked at him blankly.

He looked at her seriously for a while, then suddenly shook his head. "Forget it, it's okay."

She thought for a while, and continued to fold her clothes indifferently.

"You just made a mistake, it shouldn't be the first time, right?"

"What?" She looked up at him, completely unable to understand what he was talking about.

"Am I not a human?"


"You just said that this is the first time someone says they like you, but I told you a long time ago, am I not a human?" Cole looked at her with a sad expression.

Samara couldn't help but chuckle. "You are a human, but you are also Cole, so except." She said with a smile.

"Meaning that I am special?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah." She smiled and nodded, putting the folded clothes into the drawer of the closet.

He grinned in satisfaction at once, looking very happy.

"What are the names of those two guys?"

"Which two guys?"

"Just to confess to you."

"Why are you asking this?" She gave him a weird look.

"Nothing, curious." He lay on the bed and shrugged.

"Oh, one is called Zack and the other is Jackie." She didn't doubt.

Zack? Jackie? Cole secretly remembered these two names.

"I think the two of them are not as tall and handsome as me?" He blinked at her in a pose he thought was the most handsome on the bed.

Samara couldn't help laughing. "Cole, what are you doing?"

"I'm so handsome, can't you tell?" He changed another ridiculous posture.

She was amused by his weird posture. "Why do you want to be handsome?"

"Of course it is to fascinate you, so that you will never see other men in your eyes!" He replied naturally, and then changed a weird posture, and winked at her, "How handsome?"

She turned over with a smile, sitting on the floor holding her belly, laughing until tears came out.

He looked at her with a smile, his eyes full of tenderness and love. He likes the way she laughs, even if she laughs without image, it is better than her usual restraint, cautious, and serious manner that makes him feel tired for her. He wanted her to forget all worries and sorrows, and sway her eighteen-year-old youth with smile and happiness.

"I will take you to school tomorrow morning."

"Are you going to work there tomorrow?" She finally stopped her laughter and asked.


"May I ask you what you are going to do?" His mysterious and thoughtful expression made her ask.

"Get rid of rivals in love."

Samara stayed, and laughed again. She thought he was teasing her again, but the seriousness in his eyes made her laugh slowly and involuntarily.

"You can't be serious, Cole?" she asked tentatively.

Cole didn't answer her question, but grinned at her instead.

"Cole!" she yelled warningly, sometimes thinking that he seemed to be younger than her, always playful and not at all like a 27-year-old mature man.

"I think I should show up, lest people say that you are lying and bluffing." He shrugged at her with an innocent look.

"I don't care what others say, as long as I know what I'm telling is the truth." She said to him with a serious face, trying to make him dispel the thought of her school appearance.

"You don't care, I care, I don't want a second Zack or Jackie to come out coveting my wife's beauty, so the easiest way is to clearly call the world, you are mine."

Although he was saying these things jokingly, Samara had gradually distinguished the difference between jokes and seriousness in his words. And now, he is serious.

"Cole, don't you believe me?" She stared at him quietly. Does he think that after marrying him, she will be fascinated by other boys or men and cheat him? She suddenly felt a little hurt.

Maybe it was the expression on her face that had revealed something, he suddenly got out of bed and walked towards her, and then sat behind her like her, embracing her in his arms.

"It's not that I don't believe in you, but I don't believe in myself." He sighed, hugging her. "I know why you marry me, Sam, because I treat you well, I let you have family, depend on, and feel safe. You said that you like me, but you still don t know what love is, but love is wrong. It is the most important part of the relationship between men and women. Without it, everything will collapse and fall apart. I am nine years older than you. If you say that there is a generation gap at three years old, we are three generations away. How would you tell me this old man to be with you? Young people of the same age compete, how can I believe in myself-I will not lose you?"

She turned around suddenly and hugged him tightly. "You are not an old man, I don't allow you to say that about yourself, Cole." She choked up, not even knowing why she wanted to cry.