

She was taken aback for a moment, and slowly turned her head to look at him. "Today?" Did she get it wrong?

"Yes." Cole stared at her, nodding at her solemnly.

Samara blinked, a little unable to keep up with all this rapidly changing.

When she walked out of the school gate at three o clock yesterday afternoon, her world was still as usual. Then he suddenly appeared and said that he wanted to take her to Hualien to play, and then they kissed suddenly, he suddenly proposed to her, and she changed from a girl overnight. A woman, now getting married, will all this go too fast?

Isn't this just a dream at all?

"What's the matter, don't you want it?" Her silence made him ask aloud.

She shook her head quickly, letting him feel relieved.

"I think all this is like a dream. When I wake up later, I won't be still in the school classroom, am I?" She told him about her worry.

"Fool." He couldn't help leaning over and kissed her.

"Cole, do you really like me?" She looked at him with a slight anxiety in her eyes.

"My performance last night hasn't let you know how much I like you?" He raised his eyebrows.

She blushed as she mentioned last night.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you so many times last night." He took the opportunity to apologize to her.

Samara's face turned redder in an instant, and she couldn't help but lower her head in shame.

"Let s go, let s go back to the cage. After all, neither of us slept much last night." He picked her up, walked back to the room, put her back on the bed, and then turned back to the balcony door and The curtains were closed together, and the room suddenly became dim and suitable for sleeping.

He climbed onto the bed, got into the sheet, then reached out and hugged her into his arms. "Go to sleep!" He said softly.

There was silence all around, and just when Cole thought she was asleep, Samara suddenly made a noise.

"Cole?" She whispered to him in his arms.

"Huh?" He responded softly.

"Although I still don't know exactly what love is, I really like, like, and like you very much," she told him.

He smiled at her confession. "I see, go to sleep!" He kissed her forehead.

"Yeah." She smiled at him, then curled up in his arms and closed her eyes to sleep.

Just after dawn, the two of them had just fallen asleep. They crossed their necks and fell asleep, all white clustered around them, as beautiful as a painting.


A simple but elegant white dress, a pair of simple rings, a quaint church, an amiable priest, and then two witnesses from local residents, Cole and Samara are married.

During a trip to Hualien, Samara never dreamed that she would change from Miss. Samara to Mrs. Cole, but this was not a dream, it really happened.

Looking at the elegant ring in her hand, she couldn't help but smile.

"What were you thinking about?" Cole asked, looking at the smile on her face when she came back from buying a drink.

"I'm just thinking, am I really married to you? It's all like a dream."

He raised his eyebrows lightly when he heard the words, suddenly reached out and pulled her towards him, lowered his head and gave her a hot and lingering kiss, which made her almost breathless.

"Do you still think this is a dream now?" He raised his head, staring at her red face with a smile and asked.

She shook her head vigorously, and her blush was about to burn. He actually kissed her like this in this simple downtown Hualien where people come and go. Oh my God, how dare he? Didn't he notice that the eyes of the people around him were so wide that they were about to fall off?

"Sorry, we just got married and I can't help it." He raised his head suddenly, grinning at the people around him. His cheerful and popular smiling face immediately won everyone's forgiveness.

"That's it, congratulations!"

"I wish you all grow old, and a hundred years of harmony."

"Giving birth to a son."

"Thank you, thank you! Thank you for your blessings, we will definitely." Cole immediately clasped his fists and thanked him, and Samara smiled so happily, but Samara was too red.

"Cole, didn't you mean to take me to Zhaofeng Farm? We are gone!" She pulled his clothes and whispered.

Because she was used to shouting for Cole, she couldn't change it for a while, and Cole didn't force her. Anyway, the most important thing is that the two are together.

"Are you embarrassed?" He lowered his head to tease her.

"Stop it!" she begged in a low voice, and pulled his clothes again. Who is embarrassed in this situation? Probably only the cheeky he would.

"Okay, let's go." He couldn't bear to make her face red again, he nodded with a smile, and did not forget to congratulate them on their humane goodbye before leaving. "Thank you for your blessings, goodbye, goodbye."

Having hurriedly escaped into the car parked on the side of the road, Samara couldn't help fanning her face with her hands to cool down.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Then Cole got in the car and couldn't help making fun of her.

"Why is yours so cheeky?" She blushed and asked back.

"Yo, you can talk back and make progress."

Samara glared at him, then couldn't help but chuckle.

"Can you talk to anyone and become friends in a minute?" She asked curiously.

"One minute is too hard, five minutes is almost the same."

"Aren't these all the same?"

"It's not the same, there is a difference of four minutes between one minute and five minutes." He replied solemnly.

"How did you do it?" She was really curious. Because she also really wants to have a good relationship like him, and can talk generously with everyone whether she knows it or not.

"I don't know, I'm born to be popular, and I can't help it." He shrugged his shoulders in a tone that was inherently beautiful.

I really want to hit him!

Samara glared at him, so envious and jealous of the confidence he exudes from the inside out.

How could a person like him, who is popular, handsome, and nice to others, like her? She still has an incredible feeling, and a slight anxiety.

If-she can't help thinking-someday suddenly a beautiful woman who is more confident than her, more beautiful than her, and even younger and cute than her, appears next to him! Then he... will he still like her?

"Don't worry, no matter how popular I am, you are the one I like the most." Cole gave her a smile.

Unexpectedly that he could see through her thoughts, Samara subconsciously denied, "I didn't say anything."

"You don't have to say anything, because your expression can speak."

She stared her eyes wide and smashed her cheeks with both hands.

He laughed heartily, thinking she was really cute.

They stayed at Zhaofeng Farm for only half a day and then left. Samara reluctantly looked at the red-tiled and white-walled cabins in the resort and the beautiful Dutch windmills standing beside the cabins. She wished to stay there for one night, but And because she herself insisted that she must go to school tomorrow. Therefore, they rode bicycles, took a walk, took photos, tried fresh milk ice cream, and finally had fun experiences such as milking the cows and feeding the calves to drink milk, and then headed back home.

During the two days and two nights in Hualien, although half of the time they slept in the hotel, this is still the most memorable trip for the two of them in this life. At least for Samara, she will never forget it.

After becoming a husband and wife, she naturally had to live together, and after living together, she realized that she was really married to an amazing husband, because Cole was almost proficient in everything, except that he would not have children. That's it.

The water, electricity and gas at home can't trouble him, cleaning can't trouble him, investment and financial management can't trouble him, and her homework can't trouble him. What surprised her most that she was almost speechless was that he even possessed a good cooking skill comparable to that of a chef in a five-star hotel.

Apricot-flavored roasted cod, pancake chicken broth, safflower seafood wings...These flavored meals they only ate once at Hualien Farglory Yuelai Restaurant, but because she accidentally said something that she wanted to eat again, she went home from school. , She saw these dishes appearing hot on the table at home.

He really is about to spoil her!

When she told him these words, how did he know that he answered her--

"Very well, I just want to spoil you."