

Her eyes moved down involuntarily, and she looked at his body curiously-the body of a man. He has a broad chest, strong muscles, and a pair of slender hands. His hands are large and his nails are neatly trimmed and clean. One is placed on the side of his body and the other is placed on his muscular abdomen, half pressed against the sheet covering his waist.

The fantasy in the bathroom suddenly rushed into her mind, making her instantly stiff, but her eyes were fixed on the point where the sheet meets his abdomen, completely involuntary.

Will he be naked under the sheets? Does he have a habit of sleeping naked?

She had never seen a man s nakedness before, and she was curious about how different men and women looked. If he really sleeps naked now, then, let her take a peek, shouldn t it be great?

She bit her lip while struggling, staring at the same spot all the time, her imagination flushed her cheeks, and her breathing became involuntarily rapid. Look, or not?

Let's take a look, he is asleep anyway, he won't know at all, and maybe he didn't sleep naked at all, if she didn't figure out this question, she would definitely not have to sleep tonight.

Suddenly took a breath, she sat up quietly, making sure that he was still asleep, and after not even moving, she quietly lifted the sheet, slowly lifted it from her side, and then gradually moved to cover him. Sheets on the abdomen.

Come on, come on, just a little bit and--

"What are you doing?"

His voice shocked her so much that the sheet in her hand fell loose in an instant and fell back to the bed again.

Samara turned her head quickly to look at him, her eyes widened in shock, she just took a breath and fell off the bed. Oh my God, did she make such a big move just now? Woke him up!

"What were you doing just now?" Cole asked again.

"I--" She swallowed, her eyelids lowered with a guilty conscience. "I'm pulling the quilt and getting ready to sleep."


She felt that her cheeks were hot, and the reason was not just embarrassment. He must have been awake since she started pulling the sheets, otherwise how could he know that she was lying? Oh my God! He must be very disappointed in her now, very disappointed.

"Why do you want to lift the sheet on my body?" He sat up and asked, and the sheet instantly slid down his muscular abdomen, revealing the boxer briefs he was wearing.

She closed her eyes, dying of regret. She is going to be killed by her curiosity!


"I'm sorry!" She quickly pulled up the sheet and fell down, covering herself entirely, as if she didn't want to come out to see people for a lifetime.

Cole suppressed the laughter that had already rushed to his mouth, and stretched out his hand to pull the sheet on her. "Sam?"

She tightened the sheets, refused to let go, and did not respond to his calls.

With a silent smile, he decided to follow her to attack from the side, lifted a corner of the sheet, and went directly into the sheet to face her. Under the sheet, her eyes were round and she showed an unbelievable expression. She immediately threw the sheet away and wanted to escape, but he was pressed under her body with a corrective action, unable to move.

He smiled at her. "What did you just want to do?" He teased her.

God knows he was not asleep at all, just to make her feel more at ease, so he pretended to be asleep. However, she disregarded his good intentions. Not only was she covered with sweet fragrance lying close by him to confuse him, she also breathed too quickly while teasing his sense of hearing and smell. What's more, she actually Attempting to lift the sheet covering his desires, leaving him with nowhere to hide.

This witch! Didn't she know that men are the most unbearable teasers?

Feeling that she was constantly rubbing his most sensitive part while struggling, Cole moaned silently, she definitely didn't know.

"Don't wriggle anymore." He stopped in a dumb voice.

Samara stopped moving immediately, but sneaked her lower body again two seconds later.

"Sam!" he couldn't help gritting his teeth.

She stopped for an instant and looked at him with a helpless expression. "There is something hard against me, I don't know what it is, I just want to get out of it." She explained her behavior in a low voice, but she didn't know that she was adding fuel to the fire.

"What do you think it is? Who made it hard?" He looked at her intently, hoarsely.

She blinked, first with a dazed expression, and then suddenly opened her eyes, her cheeks flushed quickly. God, did he mean that hard thing is it? impossible?

"Aren't you not interested in me?" she blurted out.

Cole showed an unbelievable expression. "I'm not interested in you?"

"Isn't it?" Samara twitched back, "You originally wanted to book two rooms and sleep in a separate room with me, but then fell asleep before I took a shower. Just these two points have already let me know. ."

"Know what? I'm not interested in you?"

She nodded.

"Then, please, how do you explain this?" He deliberately pushed her with his own hardness.

She paused in breathing and looked at him with a helpless expression. "I...I don't know." She stammered.

He squinted his eyes slightly, staring at her with a gleam of light. "So, only if you really do it, will you believe that I am definitely not interested in you?"

"Do-what?" He swallowed involuntarily.

"Sex," he murmured, leaning over to kiss her instantly.


"Sam, Sam."

"No more, no more."

Samara's whispers begging for mercy in the dream caused Cole to laugh. He did exhaust her last night.

Last night was her first night. It is reasonable to say that he shouldn't have asked her several times in a row, but he can't be blamed. She was so delicious. Although the reaction was jerky but full of enthusiasm, and damn full of curiosity.

Every time after she finishes taking a short rest to regain some strength, she will continue to explore between his legs curiously, and she will just stare at him, and then even her hand will be stretched out. The saint can't stand it either. He had no choice but to exhaust her until she could not continue to do bad things, and he also exhausted herself miserably.

Even so, in the past twenty-seven years, he has not been more satisfied than now.

Seeing her closing his eyes and continuing to sleep, he raised the corners of his mouth. Her skin was as smooth as satin and white as snow, which made him love it. Although her breasts are not big, they are round and full, which fascinates him deeply. And her hair, slender waist, beautiful back and round buttocks all made him fascinated.

The reason why he likes her is because of her strength, seriousness, innocence, loveliness and weakness, but the reward he did not expect is too much and too much beauty.

She is indeed a witch who can charm people's hearts, and he is willing to be charmed by her.

The sky outside the window became brighter and brighter, and she would have no time to watch the sunrise unless she was awake.

Cole reached out and patted her cheek. "Sam, wake up."

No more..." She was still talking in sleep.

"Get up to watch the sunrise. Didn't you say yesterday that you must go to the beach to watch the sunrise with great interest and promise? You will miss it if you don't get up. Hurry up, open your eyes and wake up." He Patted her lightly again, while speaking to her softly.

Samara's eyes blinked for a while, and finally opened slowly.

"Cole?" she called sleepily.

"Aren't you going to watch the sunrise? Get up quickly and put on our clothes. Let's go to the beach."

"Okay." She replied softly, then closed her eyes again.

He shook his head with a smile. "If you don't insist on going to the beach, you can also see the sunrise view of the beach from the balcony of our room. Would you like to go to the balcony to see it?"

"Yeah." Her murmured answer, in his opinion, it was not an answer at all, it was just an unconscious false response.

Cole shook his head again and turned to look in the direction of the balcony. The eastern sky shone light, dark colored clouds covered the entire sky, and the sun was about to come out.

He dared not delay any longer, bent over and stretched out his hands to lift her up from the bed under the covers, and walked to the balcony. This series of actions finally awakened her a little bit.

"Cole?" Samara stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, raising her head sleepily to look at him.


He stretched his hand to the east, and she looked at it. She only saw a huge red sun rising from the sea level in the east, and the radiance spurted out from the colorful clouds bit by bit, slowly shining on the shimmering sea level, stunningly beautiful.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful." She couldn't help but mutter, and her whole body was awake.

She stared at the beautiful sunrise scenery in front of her, while he stared at her beautiful in front of her.

"Sam, shall we get married today?" he asked.