

She was dumbfounded in astonishment, and it took a while before she could ask in a suspicious voice, "Is that a joke?"

"Didn't I say that I was serious?"

"So you are serious?" She still couldn't get into the situation.

"I mean it," he emphasized again.

"Aren't you playing the "Who is afraid of whom" game with me?"

He frowned. "Do you think I am the kind of playboy who uses kissing as a game?"

She stayed and shook her head vigorously. "I didn't mean that, Cole, don't get me wrong." She blurted out nervously, fearing that he would be angry and ignore her.

"Since that's not what I mean, then why would you think that I proposed to you and kissing you was just a joke, a game, and not serious?"

"That's because..." She frowned, she didn't know where to start.

"Because of what?" Cole studied the uncertain look on her face, and suddenly a flash of inspiration, "Is it because I didn't send flowers to chase you, didn't take you to watch the sunset, didn't follow you until dawn, didn't follow you I said how much I like you, and I like it so much that I can t wait to become a Siamese baby with you, sticking together 24 hours a day, breathing the air you have breathed, eating what you have eaten, and drinking what you have drunk. Drink, use what you have used-except toilet paper."

At first, Samara couldn t help but flushed when he said something she didn t know about her own mind. But as he talked more and more exaggerated and said less serious, in the end even the toilet paper came out. She finally couldn't help but chuckle.

He took the opportunity to hug her into his arms, her laughter stopped abruptly, and the body nestled in his arms was a bit stiff, but did not struggle.

"Sam, I really like you, like your company, like looking at you, like listening to you, I hope you will be by my side every day in the future, sharing every joy, anger, sorrow and joy with you, and sharing Yours." Cole hugged her and said softly to her, "Will you give me this opportunity to marry you?"

His confession made Samara so shocked to speak, but God knows how far-reaching what he said to her.

She has an older sister, but she has been separated from her since she was a child; she has a pair of guardian uncles and aunts who take good care of her, but keeps on the separation line between guardian and ward, and refuses to let her go over and call them. Mom and Dad; she has an uncle with long legs that only appears in fairy tales, but just like in fairy tales, he hasn't appeared since she returned to Taiwan at the age of seven, and it seems mysterious that he doesn't exist.

Her life has always been abundant, but her soul has always been lonely. She can't find a sense of belonging or a shoulder she can rely on with confidence, because she has no father or mother, and her only sister is far away.

But he appeared. Not only did he take care of her and protect her everywhere in the past month or so, but now he also told her that he likes her and wants to have her company and share everything with her every day in the future. He even proposed to her, hoping that she could marry him.

marry? She never thought about it, after all, she was still young, only eighteen years old, but—

She stretched out her hand and gently pushed him away, raised her head to look at him. "Cole, are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious." Cole said, staring at her with an extremely serious expression.

"That..." She hesitated, but he waited with bated breath. "good."

"My God!" He blurted out, "You are going to scare me to death!"

After letting out a breath, he realized that this was the first time in his life that he was so nervous. She was really a real witch, born to test all the limits of his body.

His exaggerated statement made Samara who was a little embarrassed couldn't help but smile.

"You are not so easily scared."

"How do you know, maybe I really am a coward." After finishing the serious business, he resumed his relaxed posture and raised his eyebrows at her jokingly.

"You are not." She shook her head.

"How do you know I am not?"

"I don't know, but I know you are not." Her tone was firm.

Cole was very happy about her confidence in him, but deliberately teased her, "Are you tongue twister?"

Samara was dumbfounded and couldn't help but glared at him. "Yes, I'm tongue twister."

He couldn't help laughing out loud, then suddenly leaned in and kissed her again. "You are so cute, Sam."

She blushed and looked at him a little bewildered.

"Let's go, we should get out of the car for dinner." He reached out and rubbed her hair, opened the door and got out of the car.

She followed and got out of the car. He walked by and took her hand freely. She glanced at him and lowered her head slightly in shame.

She thought she needed some time to get used to his intimacy.

He thought that she would get used to his intimacy in a while.

They thought, the feeling of holding hands with him (her) is really good.

The two looked at each other and smiled, one cheerful and the other shy.

They stayed at the Farglory Hotel that night, and Samara knew from the decoration of its exterior and entrance that its consumption was never cheap. In order to save money, when the lady at the counter asked how many rooms she wanted, she quickly rushed to speak before Cole, "One."

At that time, she had only one idea, and that was to save money. But now when faced with a double bed and a double quilt, she has only four words to describe her feelings at the moment, that is, regret.

OMG! Don't all the hotels now have two single beds in the same room? What's wrong with this restaurant? Why is this happening?

However, what she didn't know was that the lady at the counter looked at her so positively and specially arranged for her a suite with only one large bed.

Worst of all, she frowned and turned to look in the direction of the bathroom. Why did she pretend to be generous just now? When Cole asked her if she wanted another room, she should immediately nod her head and say okay. As a result, she said something "It's okay, didn't you say that we are unmarried couples? It should be okay to sleep in the same bed!"

Oh my goodness, let her die!

She covered her face with her hands in regret and wanted to scream, but the sound of the bathroom door came from her ears, and she immediately put down her hands, looked at her nose, and sat upright with her nose and heart.

"Sam, you turn." Cole wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom, wearing only boxers.

"Oh, good." Samara only took a look, then quickly lowered her head, then picked up her clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

OMG! She really shouldn t be sympathetic that he must be tired after driving for several hours. She insists on letting him wash first. She should wash first, and then fall asleep as soon as he finishes the bath. Whether he can sleep or not, as long as Close your eyes and pretend to sleep. She believes that his personality should respect her sleepiness and resolutely, right?

But now? He kept appearing in her mind as he was sitting topless and leaning on the bed waiting for her. He smiled, hooked at her, then opened the sheet and invited her to bed with him, but he accidentally exposed part of his hip under the sheet. His skin reveals the fact that he is lying naked under the sheets.

She knelt down, covered her face with her hands, and moaned in shame. OMG! What's wrong with her, she is fantasizing about his nakedness, and fantasizing about what he might do to her later. What's wrong with her? Could it be that this is the real reason for her insisting that there is only one room, and it has nothing to do with saving money?

can you? What's wrong with her? It must be too much comics! Uh...

Suddenly standing up, Samara shook her head vigorously, then quickly took off all her clothes and ran under the shower head to turn on the faucet.

The sudden rush of cold water made her almost scream, she shrank her shoulders and gritted her teeth to hold back, because this was exactly what she needed, and the cold water on her head could cool her mind.

The temperature of the water gradually changed from cold to warm, which also calmed her head.

Don't think about it, no matter what happens or won't happen later, just let everything take its course! She only needs to know one thing, and that is that Cole will never hurt her, that's enough.

Emotions seemed to have found a strong backing, which made her calm down. She quickly took a bath and washed her hair, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. After drying her wet hair, she naturally pushed open the bathroom door and walked out.

Samara walked all the way out of the bathroom threshold, and she was stunned as soon as she raised her head, because Cole, who was lying on the bed, had fallen asleep long ago.

God, she almost laughed out loud. What was she worrying about before, what was she afraid of, and what was she expecting? She should have understood from the beginning that when he wanted to book an extra room for her to sleep, she knew that he didn't mean to have an intimate relationship with her at all, she was such a fool!

Great, she can finally sleep at ease now, can't she? She told herself mockingly, then walked to the side of the bed and climbed onto the bed he left for her to sleep.

He was still on the bed, and he was not disturbed by the act of going to bed.

She lay down quietly, looking sideways at him who was sleeping. His eyelashes are long and dense, his chin is covered with unseen beard, his facial features are handsome, and the long hair that is usually tied behind his head is draped over his shoulders and pillows, making him look like A pirate, his unique earrings on one ear deepened this impression.