

She laughed even harder now.

He raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and his eyes flashed with love and pampering for her. He hoped that she could laugh so happily as she does now, and be so happy every day. This is definitely one of the directions of his future efforts.

The car drove forward steadily, and Samara, who was already crying with a smile, finally stopped.

"Finally laughed enough?" He glanced at her sideways.

She just closed her mouth and grinned involuntarily, then nodded vigorously.

"What did I say that made you feel so funny?" He asked seriously.

She did not answer his question, and instead stared at his face with a curious expression.

"What's wrong, is there anything on my face?"

"Cole, I found out that you are actually very handsome!" She announced in the tone of discovering the new world.

Cole rolled his eyes in an instant, as if muttering to himself: "Oh my God, should I be happy or sad? A handsome guy swayed in front of her for more than a month, and she didn't realize it until now."

Samara was amused by him again.

"Sorry, Cole, I like your cheerful personality and your kindness to me more than your looks. It was my fault to discover that you are a handsome guy so slowly, I'm sorry!"

"Do you like me?" His eyes lit up, only caring about her words.

"Yeah." She nodded and admitted without hesitation.

"How do you like it?"

"I like you very much, very much."

"Then will you marry me?"

She stayed, couldn't help but laugh again. Cole really loves to make fun of her!

"Okay, I'm willing." She raised her lips and promised, and decided to play with him, to see which of them couldn't bear to surrender first.

"Are you serious?" Cole's eyes widened in an instant, and he took a serious look at her.

"You are serious, I am serious."

"I was serious."

"Then I'm serious too." She imitated his serious tone.

"Are you really willing to marry me?"

"Are you really willing to marry me?" she asked him back according to the script.

"I do." He nodded without hesitation.

"Then I am willing." She answered immediately when she lost or not. Hey, are you scared?

He glanced at her thoughtfully, and a piercing light flashed quickly in his eyes. "That's great, let's have a kiss first! Anyway, I'm about to get married. I haven't kissed it before. It seems too shameful."

"Huh?" Samara stunned, never expected that he would make such a trick.

"I'm driving. It seems a bit dangerous to put my face in and kiss you. It's safer for you to kiss me. Come on!"

Does he really think she dare not? It's just a kiss, who is afraid of whom?

The determined smile on his face aroused Samara's unyielding personality. She only hesitated for a second before she stood up and quickly pressed a kiss on his cheek.

But he was not satisfied at all.

"That's it?" He asked disappointedly.

"Of course not only that, but because you are driving, you can only do this for safety." She smiled triumphantly. Who can't make excuses? She will also look for it.

"Well, it seems that this kiss of love will have to wait until we reach the destination before it can be fully executed. I will wait and see."

He still wants to keep playing?

"I'll wait and see." She did it!

It was past seven o'clock in Hualien, and the sky was dark. Cole drove the car directly into the parking lot in the city, planning to settle the dinner first, and then accompany Samara to go shopping, buy some necessities and change clothes. But before that, they have one more thing they must solve first.

After he parked the car steadily into the parking space, he put on gear, pulled up the handbrake, and turned directly to her.

"bring it on!"

The store lights outside the car window on the side illuminate the unclear expression on her face.

"Ah? What?" She blinked and asked.

"We have reached our destination."

"I know." Samara grinned happily. It's finally here, and she has a pain in her ass! "Let's get out of the car!" He said, turning around with a look of excitement, ready to push the door to get out of the car.

"Sam." He had to stop her.

"Huh?" She looked back at him.

"Are you pretending to be stupid, or did you really forget?" The answer may be the latter.

"What?" She asked instinctively, but in the next second she saw him reach out and click on her lips, suddenly remembering the game that hadn't been divided yet.

Oh my goodness! She remembered that he was telling her the kind of affectionate kiss that she was going to owe him, not on his face, but on his lips, mouth-to-mouth. But now the problem is not whether she dare or not, but she has never kissed anyone at all, and she doesn't know what to do so that she won't be teased by him.

She didn't want to admit defeat.

For this idea, she stared at his lips seriously. She unconsciously stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, completely unaware that these actions had caused Cole's mouth to become dry and his body was getting hotter and hotter.

"Remember it?" he asked hoarsely.

Samara glanced at him quickly, then nodded and licked her lips again, which almost made him groan.

Oh my god, what happened to him before, there is a way to treat her purely as a younger sister, a little girl? No, she is not a sister or a little girl, she is a witch, a witch who can easily seduce him.

Watching her stick out the tip of her attractive tongue and lick her lips again and again, he found that his sanity was gradually losing and his self-control was ruining.

Nothing, he couldn't bear it any longer, and waited any longer, and he would lose control if he continued like this for a while. In order not to lose control, he must taste her now, temporarily comfort his desire for her, and wait until the next time to give her the initiative!

He stretched out his hand and held her face, so shocked that she called out in surprise: "cole--" but the voice fell into his mouth in the next second.

For a moment, Samara went stiff, because she didn't expect him to kiss her suddenly, and she was not ready yet.

But when she thought that it was him who kissed her, she relaxed a little, and then thought that if she really wanted to take the initiative, she would probably not be prepared for a lifetime. It was indeed better for him to do it than herself, which made her more relaxed. point. Then after removing these, she was only a little nervous, a little overwhelmed, and a lot of curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

So kissing is such a feeling! It was warm, hot, wet, and a little bit unable to breathe, but it seemed a lot different from what she had heard. Was it because he didn't use his tongue?

The eager curiosity made her hesitate and struggle for a while, and finally couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, sticking out her tongue and licking his lips, and immediately felt that he was still still suddenly.

Did I do something I shouldn t do? For a moment, she only had this idea. Unable to contain the anxiety in her heart, she couldn't help opening her eyes to peek at him, but in an instant she fell into his hot and deep eyes, unable to move.

Cole originally wanted to just taste it, and just want to kiss her tenderly, so that she could get used to his taste and touch first, and then look for opportunities to teach her more about desire. However, her sweetness, seductiveness, obedience and initiative completely exceeded his expectations, completely disintegrating the little sense and self-control left in his body.

He kissed her deeply, put his tongue into her mouth hungrily, stirring her unknown desires and cravings violently.

She uttered a faint groan, her hands involuntarily grasped his clothes. He pulled her hand to the back of his neck, brought her petite and slender body closer to him, and kissed her deeply until they were almost out of breath, then lifted his head and gasped hard.

Oh my God, he had never had such a strong desire, even when he was just infatuated with the pleasure of the flesh when he was young, he had never felt this kind of intensity that was hers.

It turned out that his fate had brought the most important person in his life to him as early as the year he was sixteen. He didn't know it until now, but now he knows that it is not too late, it is also the time, right?

"Are you okay?" Cole gently raised her chin, looked at her red cheeks and misty eyes, and asked softly.

Samara blushed and looked at him, with confusion and shyness in her eyes. She lowered her eyelids in shame, and whispered dumbly, "It's okay."

"This is your first kiss, right?"


"Did I scare you?" He gently pushed the hair that fell to her cheek back behind his ear.

She looked up at him, shook her head at first, then nodded again.

It was puzzled in his eyes.

"In the beginning, it was not there, but then..." She bit her lower lip lightly, not knowing how to describe the feelings that made her feel frightened, terrible, like, and bewildered, which she had never felt before.

"I'm sorry." He stroked her lower lip, preventing her from biting herself. "I didn't intend to progress so fast, but the feeling of kissing you is so good, you make me feel uncontrollable." He confessed dumbly.

She didn't know what to say, and her face turned redder again.

Cole couldn't help but lowered his head and pecked her again.

She was taken aback by his sudden behavior, she reached out and touched her lips, looking at him with a shy, confused and confused expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't a kiss of love enough to kiss once?" She asked naively.

"And then?" He didn't understand what she meant by asking this question.

"You just kissed me again." She pointed out.

"Don't you like me kissing you?"

She suddenly didn't know what to say. Doesn't she like Cole kissing her? No, not really, but she can't just kiss people just because she likes it, right? Isn't this kind of thing that you should do with your boyfriend, lover, and husband? And her relationship with him...what is the relationship between her and him?

"Cole, do you think our relationship is a neighbor, a friend, or a brother and sister?" She looked at him suspiciously.

"Unmarried couple." He replied unhurriedly.

"What?" Samara looked at him blankly, thinking she had heard it wrong.

"You heard it right, our relationship is indeed an unmarried couple now, because you have promised to marry me, haven't you?" He said seriously.