

"It's a bit scary, isn't it? But the boss said it would be fine to adapt. And because they were too busy to organize, they hired me as a part-time work-student clerk!" She seemed to see what he was thinking. Yes, Samara explained with a smile. "Thank you for sending me here, I'll go to work, goodbye." After she said, she immediately pushed the door and jumped out of the car.

"Sam." He stopped her.

She bent down to look at him.

"I will pick you up after get off work at night. Also, be careful."

She smiled and nodded, then waved and turned and walked into the company she was going to serve.


Cole really likes to worry too much, because after working all night, she is not tired at all, but it also gives her many opportunities to practice foreign languages. She likes this job.

Samara raised her hand to look at the time on the watch and found that it was already 8:05. She hurriedly picked up the unfinished work on the table, and then turned to look at the boss who is still working on another desk. .

Well, if she says that she wants to go home from get off work now, would it be too much, after all, this is her first day at work, but Cole may have already come to pick her up, she can t go downstairs, and there is a strange thing about Cole. The habit is to insist on not using a mobile phone, so she can't call him and ask him not to wait for her at all.

Forget it, it's already time for get off work anyway, shouldn't she be too much to leave work on time?

"Boss." She stood up from her seat and shouted with courage.

Her boss, Mr. Wong, looked up at her from the desk. "What's wrong?"

"It's past eight o'clock, can I get off work?" She asked embarrassedly.

"It's already past eight o'clock, why is time passing so fast?" Mr. Wong raised his hand and quickly glanced at the watch on his wrist. "I'm sorry to let you overtime on the first day of work! But I still have an urgent letter in German. Can you translate it for me before leaving get off work? I will pay you overtime."

"Oh, well, it's okay." Samara was embarrassed to refuse, so she nodded and agreed, and she walked forward.

"Come here, the letter is here." Mr. Wong said, pointing to the computer screen facing him.

She didn't doubt, walked around his desk, came to a position beside him and bent over to read the letter. In the next second, she found her hand was tightly held, and one pulled her hard to sit on Mr. Wong's thigh.

"Boss!" She yelled in surprise, but he immediately covered her mouth.

"Hush, don't yell, little beauty, as long as you are obediently I will not treat you badly. I will give you a lot of money so that you can live a good life without having to work, and I will buy a small apartment for you as long as you are obediently. Follow me, I will not treat you badly. You are so beautiful..."

"Um..." She shook her head vigorously and struggled, but her thin body and strength were not at all an opponent of a big man weighing over 80 kilograms and taller than one hundred and seventeen.

Mr. Wong lowered her head and kissed her neck. She was terrified and dodge desperately, but still couldn't avoid the nausea and moist feeling encroaching on the skin of her neck.

Do not! do not want! Why treat her like this? She just wants to prove that she has the ability to take care of herself. Why should she encounter such a thing? Why?

The nausea and moist feeling gradually moved to her face, still with a disgusting breath. Samara screamed aloud, but only heard a series of "Uhhhhhhh" unspoken voices.

Disgusting! Stop it, don't! Who will save her? Cole, Cole!

"What are you doing?" As if hearing the wailing in her heart, Cole's voice suddenly broke through the air.

She looked at the voice coming from tears, and before she could see the person s face clearly, a black shadow had come to her quickly, and then she only felt that all the restraints on her body were loosened in an instant, and she fell. On the ground, there was the sound of a fist hitting the human body.

"You are—ah! What do you want—ah! Stop! Ah! Don t fight—ah! Ah! No, I beg you—ah! Ah! Ah! I was wrong, I was wrong, don t Hit me—Ah! Don't hit—Ah!..."

The male voice begging for mercy and wailing seemed to be coming from far away, and Samara hugged herself tightly and shrank in the corner and wept.


The voice from a distance suddenly got closer, and she was so frightened that she drew back into the corner, her empty teary eyes widened, and her whole body trembled to the point of trembling.

Seeing her like this, Cole suddenly had the urge to turn around and twist the head of the beastly creature to kick the ball. Fortunately, he came up. If he stayed patiently downstairs and waited for her in the car, he wouldn't dare to imagine the consequences.

Oh shit! What kind of society is this? No wonder Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang s reaction to her wanting to move out to live an independent life alone would be so big and so worried, and now he can finally feel the same. But fucking, he didn't want to realize that because of this happening.

Seeing her with tears and fright in front of him, he barely suppressed the anger in his chest, squatted down one meter away from her, and then cautiously opened his mouth, not wanting to frighten her again.

"Sam, it's me. Your Cole, don't you know me?" He said softly to her.

She was completely motionless for a while, like a wounded animal, glaring at him with frightened and alert eyes, but slowly, his words seemed to finally reach her mind. A little hope suddenly appeared in her teary eyes.

"Cole?" Her voice was low and inaudible.

"Yes, it's me." He nodded quickly and said softly, "Look clearly, it's me!"

Samara looked at him hollowly for a long time, and finally recognized him. She stretched out her hand to him, and he held it tightly in an instant, then pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"Cole, Cole, woo..." She clung to him like a driftwood in the ocean, crying sadly.

"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay." He kept calming her softly, but she still couldn't cry so much that she was terrified.

Once again, Cole turned his head and glared at the beastheart boss who had passed out in a coma. He vowed that he would never let go of the guy who was inferior to the beast, and he would definitely make him regret it.

He swears to god!


She opened her eyes and sat up from the bed. The familiar and unfamiliar environment in front of her made Samara sit on the bed for a long while, not knowing where she was.

"you're awake."

A familiar voice rang from the door of the room. She turned her head and looked around, and saw Cole crossing the door of the room, slowly walking towards her.

"Cole?" She blinked, and finally realized that this somewhat familiar and strange place was Cole's room. "Why am I here?" she asked blankly, turning her head around.

"Have you forgotten?" He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Forgot what--" She suddenly stiffened, and the memories of last night returned to her in an instant, the blood quickly faded from her face, and she involuntarily trembled with horror due to the lingering palpitations.

"It's all over, it's okay." He held her hand tightly and calmed her with a gentle tone.

She stared at him intently, tears filled her eyes, and then dropped drop by drop.

"It's okay, don't cry, huh?" He gently wiped away the tears from her face.

"Am I really useless, Cole?" She stared at him chokedly and asked, "I can't do anything well, thinking I found a good job that no one else can find, but in the end..."

"It's not your fault." Cole interrupted her gently.

"It's my fault." Samara cried, "I am too stupid and self-righteous to forget what you told me. Don't just trust strangers, don't just be in the same room with strange men. You have already explained. Passed me, but I was so proud and lost everything, God must be to punish me, that's why—"

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't I say that it was not your fault?" He interrupted her again.

"But if I hadn't forgotten what you told me, what happened last night would not have happened." She kept shaking and sobbing. "Mr. Wong said that there was a German letter for me to translate, telling me to come to him, and then... he suddenly grabbed me and held my mouth with his hand. I kept struggling and screaming. But the sound can t come out. He is disgusting, really disgusting, he licks my neck, I am so scared, I keep screaming and screaming, but...oooo, no sound comes out..."

"Okay, don't think about it." He hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back.

"This time I screamed, really. I was struggling and screaming desperately. He was covering my mouth and my voice couldn't come out. I was so scared, so scared..."

"Shhh, it's okay, listen to Cole's words, don't think about it anymore, eh?" Cole softly calmed her, but his head couldn't help thinking about what she said "this time". Could it be that apart from this time, she has also encountered the same thing?