

"What's wrong, is there a problem?"

"Why are you saying these things to me, so good to me?"

He was stunned for a moment, "Uh, this...well, we are destined to meet each other. Moreover, we are not only meeting each other, but also neighbors who live next to each other. We should take care of each other and help each other, right?"

Although his statement seems a bit far-fetched, it is not unreasonable, and the most important thing is that he was the first to know and treat her unconditionally since she moved here for a month, without making her feel timid or unreasonable. Comfortable friend.

"I..." Can I be your friend?

"What's wrong?"

"You..." Would you like to be my friend?

"What do you want to say?" Cole looked at her who was hesitant to speak, with an encouraging smile on his face.

Samara looked at him hesitantly for a while, and finally plucked up the courage to say what was in her heart. "Can I be your friend? Would you like to be my friend?"

He grinned at her suddenly, then laughed loudly, "Of course I can, of course I do."


"Cole, let me tell you, where are you? I got a job!"

Before she arrives, the voice arrives first. Cole, who had just taken a shower in the bathroom, couldn't help but curl his mouth when he heard Samara rushing up and down looking for him in the room.

He pushed open the bathroom door, walked out, and said, "I am here."

She was originally shy and cowardly, and she became a lot more lively and talked a lot during this month. She becomes yelling loudly, laughs broadly when she is happy. Although she is still muffled when she is unhappy, at least she will not laugh or cry silently anymore, and will do her best by herself.

She became more and more like she should be at the age of eighteen, and he was very happy to see her change like this.

"Where did you hide just now, why didn't I see it?" She ran into his room from outside the door like a gust of wind, and asked him with a blushing face.

"I'm in the bathroom."

"So that's it." Samara suddenly realized, and immediately announced to him with a look of excitement, "cole, let me tell you, I got a job!" Two months after moving out, she finally found a monthly salary, and It s not an hourly paid principal job anymore.

"You just yelled so loudly, I have heard it." Cole smiled and embarrassed her. "What kind of job is it? How do you calculate working hours and salary? You wouldn't be so happy to be treated as a cheap worker, would you?"

"Not really!" She retorted loudly. "That's a trading company. Because the clients we deal with are all companies in Europe and the United States, so we need to have foreign language skills and can cooperate with employees who leave work late. Then, the boss will make an exception and hire me. I can go to work at 4pm and leave at 8pm. Of work-study students."


She nodded vigorously.

"I told you that I can speak English, German and Norwegian, do you remember?"

"Remember, in order to be able to personally thank your long-legged uncle who lives in Norway in the future, so you have been studying foreign languages ??from elementary school." Cole looked at her quietly and said.

When he saw her reading the original English book for the first time, he was surprised that her English was so good. Later, he learned that she could not only speak English, but also German and Norwegian. The purpose of learning those languages ??is just to personally thank him for the money he has given her over the years.

Originally, he was surprised how she knew this. It turned out that she overheard the Tangs' conversation when she was a child, so she also had some basic understanding of him.

He never knew that she had kept his kindness to her firmly in her heart, wholeheartedly wanted to be a strong and useful person, and then one day could go to Norway to say thank you to him on her own.

When she told him these things, her expression and tone were full of incomparable seriousness and seriousness, as if this was her only mission in this world, and he was so shocked that he was completely speechless.

To him, helping her is nothing more than a trivial matter, but he did not expect to be grateful for her for a lifetime.

She is only eighteen years old, but she has spent eleven years preparing to thank him. God knows that she will spend a few more years doing this in the future. When will she know how to live for herself? Seeing her like this, he really feels distressed.

"Yes, this company needs someone who can understand German. When I went to apply, the boss didn t believe I could speak German. There happened to be a call from Germany. The client s English was not very good. So I answered them for them, and the boss accepted me immediately afterwards." She hurriedly told him how she went to apply for admission, her face was filled with an irrepressible smile.

"Working for four hours a day, two days off a week, with labor and health insurance, the monthly salary before the expiration of the three-month trial period is 12 thousand, and after the expiration period, there will be 15 thousand!" She told him, "This salary is very good, right? , Cole?"

"It's good for a working student." Cole nodded.

His affirmation made Samara smile and bend her eyes.

"When do you start working?"


"So fast?" Cole was a little surprised. "Can your school schedule match?"

She nodded swiftly, "I tried to schedule all classes in the morning at the beginning. There are only two classes in the afternoon at most, and classes will be over at three o'clock."

"So starting tomorrow, you will have to go home after 8 o'clock, or even 9 o'clock, and then you have to get up before 7 o'clock in the morning to go to school?"

She nodded again.

"Are you sure if you can take it for a long time like this?" He stared at her earnestly and asked. Although he knew this was the way of life she had always hoped for in order to prove that she could be independent, he couldn't help but worry that she was too aggressive.

Samara reached out and pulled her eye sockets down and made a grimace at him. "My body is so good that I won't be so vulnerable!"

"I hope so." Cole said with a smile. "Let's go!" He stretched his hand around her shoulder and led her to the door.

"where to?"

"Of course it's to celebrate, to celebrate your finding a job, and then help you replenish your body by the way." He lowered his head and smiled at her.

When she heard the words, she gave him a brilliant smile. It's really good, good to be able to get to know him!


On the first day of work, Samara didn't want to be late, so after class, she carried her backpack and rushed outside the school gate.

"Ba! Ba! Ba!"

Outside the school gate, a sedan suspended on the side of the road blew her three horns, causing her to stop involuntarily and look back.

"Sam." Cole poked his head out of the car window and greeted her with a smile.

She widened her eyes unexpectedly and ran towards him quickly.

"Cole, why are you here?" she asked in surprise.

"Get in the car first."

She nodded immediately, opened the door and got into the car. "Why are you here?" She looked at him and asked impatiently.

"It just happened to be nearby, so I stopped by to take you to work. In addition, I also want to know how to get to your company by the way, so that if you are tired at the company by then, I want to pick you up in less trouble." He said solemnly.

"Cole!" She puffed up angrily.

"I'm kidding!"

"That's it! You don't believe that I can take care of myself, do you?" She stared at him and asked.

"I believe you are capable." Cole took a deep look at her and said, "It's just that I don't want you to be exhausted in order to prove that you are capable of taking care of yourself. After all, you are still developing and growing. Damage to your body will only make you lose more than you gain."

"Development? Growth?" Samara repeated in amazement, "Cole, I've grown up."

"Oh? Why can't I see it?" He glanced at her chest intentionally.

"Cole!" She blushed and couldn't help but stretched out her hand and punched him.

"Okay, I'm joking!" He smiled and flinched toward the car door, then put on a serious expression again, "But what I just said is serious, I hope you can promise me not to be too aggressive. Do everything according to your ability? To prove that you have the ability, there will be many opportunities in the future."

"Cole, why do you treat me so well?" The deep concern in his tone was touching.

"I don't know, this is probably the so-called fate. I can't just ignore you." He glanced at her and said slowly.

"I think I'm so lucky."

Cole raised his brow.

"I used to have Uncle Long-legged, and now I meet you again, Cole, will my good fortune in this life be used up after meeting you two great people?"

"Stop talking nonsense." He scolded, "If I'm really lucky for you, believe Cole, your good fortune in this life is just about to begin."


"Is there any money to lie to you?"

"No." She grinned.

"Well, you haven't promised what I just said to you." He reminded.

"Don't be too aggressive, do everything within your power?" She looked at him and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"This is my good girl." He reached out and rubbed her hair.

The car drove forward steadily, until she approached the area where Samara was working, and Cole didn't ask her to show her the way.

It was a trading house set up on the first and second floors of the residence. Looking inside through the glass door, there were only a few merged desks in the middle area where a few people were sitting at work, making it look like a company, otherwise just look at it. It is piled up with cardboard boxes taller than people on both sides of the wall, and you will definitely think it is a warehouse.

Is this place really suitable for work? What if those piled cardboard boxes fall from the wall and hit her? Should he persuade her to give up the job now?