

Her eyes were soaked with tears in an instant.

As if to get angry, Samara wiped away the tears from her eyes, and then walked and took a deep breath on the way home, which was three stops away.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, she was suddenly caught by a force, stopped, and there was a voice above her head.

"Hey, I keep calling you, haven't you heard?"

"What?" She raised her head blankly. Before she could see him clearly, a keyboard-sized paper box was stuffed into her hands.

"Come, help hold it, and this." Add a white plastic bag full of things.

Samara stared blankly at what was on her hand. For a moment she couldn't figure out what was going on. It wasn't until he threw another sentence "Wait for me" at her, and she looked up at the other person in recollection. There was only time to see the back of the other person who had fallen into the computer shop not far in front.

What is going on here? Who is he? Why should she help him take these things? Did he admit the wrong person?

definitely is! Because she had just moved to the neighborhood for a month, and she didn't even know anyone around here.

Really, what happened to her today, why is she so unsuccessful, encountering these messy things one after another, and she doesn't even have the ability to adapt, so she can only accept it stupidly? Could it be that God is telling her that if she wants her to recognize her cowardice and incompetence, she has no ability to take care of herself and live alone?

Thinking of this, her vision blurred again.

"Okay, let's go!"

The sudden resounding of the male voice made her wink away the tears in her eyes, and she looked up and saw a large box appear in front of her.

Samara blinked, and moved her gaze a little higher, finally seeing the owner of the voice.

It was a smiling face, with gentle features, bright and energetic eyes. He was a very handsome man, but it also confirmed what she had just thought. She really didn't know him, and he must have admitted the wrong person.

"Sir, I think you have admitted the wrong person?" She spoke politely.

"Admit the wrong person?" He raised his eyebrows, "Don't you know me?"

She was stunned for a moment, and looked at him carefully with suspicion for a while, because he spoke in a tone as if she should have known him, but she was pretty sure that she had never seen him.

She shook her head at him, and then asked uncertainly, "Should I know you?"

"Of course. We live on the opposite side of the neighbor, Miss. Samara."

She was stunned for a moment.

Neighbor? Live on the opposite side? Oh my God, no way! Is he the one who moved into the house opposite her a few days ago?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I've never seen you, so I don't know—" She flushed, but was interrupted by him with a smile.

"It's okay, the point is that I know it." He smiled happily, "It's great, fortunately meeting you can help me, otherwise I will have to take two trips to carry these things, let's go! "

His feet are very long and his steps are huge. Samara has to trot to keep up with him, and because of this, she simply forgot that she hadn't promised to help him. He was leading the nose to walk without knowing it.

Then, along the way, businesses on the side of the street kept greeting him passing by.

"Cole, are you going to buy a computer?"

"Cole, do you want to come back to me to play cards at night?"

"Cole, wait for me, I'm going to close the stall, and there are two bowls of noodles for you to take back for supper."

"Mr. Cole, I would like to ask you to be my son's tutor. I wonder if you are free?"

"Cole, when are you free, how about a small drink together? My boss wants to meet you."

"Hey, boss, don't forget what you promised me yesterday!"

Samara watched suspiciously as he easily dealt with all the people who greeted him, wondering if he had just moved in a few days ago, why did he walk down the street, as if there was no one he didn't know, or didn't know him? What is going on here?

"Did you live near here?" After entering the apartment door, she finally couldn't help asking him the question in her heart.

"No, what's the matter?"

"But why does everyone seem to know you?"

"I have lived here for a week, of course I know!" He answered naturally.

But she has moved here for a month, why doesn't she even know anyone? She suddenly felt so sad, is she really so useless?

"come in!"

She lowered her head and climbed the stairs, and unknowingly, she had climbed to the third floor. He was indeed a new neighbor who lived across from her, but she didn't even know his last name. She was really useless.

"Why are you still standing outside? Come in quickly!" He turned back to the door, stretched out his hand, first took what was in her hand, then pulled her into his room by the way, and kicked the door with his foot.

He took the things in his hand and put it together with the cardboard box he had just moved, then walked back to her and pulled her onto the sofa to sit down.

"In order to thank you for your great help, I ask you to eat oyster noodles." He grinned, and then took out the two bowls of noodles that someone had given him on the way back from the plastic bag, lifted the plastic cover and pushed it. The bowl came in front of her. "Here, here's this bowl for you, and a spoon."

Samara looked at him at a loss, then looked down at the spoon he reached out and handed her, but she didn't accept it, she was not hungry at all!

"Get it quickly!" He urged, while pushing the spoon into her hand.

She froze for a moment, blinked, and then whispered to him, "I...not hungry."

"You can eat even if you are not hungry, or do you think I am not sincere enough?" He raised an eyebrow and asked straightforwardly.

She suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Hurry up, Wang's oyster noodles are so delicious that people can swallow their tongues. Even people who are not hungry can eat several bowls." After that, he started to snorting.

"You didn't do anything wrong, why are you sorry to me?"

She didn't know, but felt that she should apologize to him, so she said. Did she do nothing wrong? The first time someone told her that she had done nothing wrong when she habitually said sorry.

"Thank you."

"Did I do anything good?"

Samara shook her head silently, then lowered her head to continue eating the noodles.

"Has anyone ever said that you have very few words, and it doesn't fit your age at all?" He looked at her and couldn't help asking.

"Do you know how old I am?" She was a little surprised.

"Isn't it seventeen or eighteen? Everyone in the neighborhood knows that the beautiful little girl who has moved here is a college student, but I don't know why you live alone."

The word "beautiful" made her stiff a little, and she couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Rather than being beautiful, she would rather hear adjectives such as cute, lovable or smart and capable. Because being cute and lovable means that she is popular, being smart and capable is the direction she has been working hard for. As for being beautiful, it just reminds her that she is just a vain and useless person.

"What's wrong?"

She shook her head.

"If you don t say what s in your heart, how do I know what you re thinking? I don t know how to read minds. Ah, forget it, forget it, you should eat it quickly, otherwise the noodles will become unpalatable when it gets cold. ." He waved, then got up and left his seat to unpack the big cardboard box he had just moved back.

Samara watched him take out a computer mainframe, an LCD computer screen and a pile of things from the box, and then assemble them quickly with skilled movements. After a while, a desktop computer and some high-tech products that she couldn't understand were added to the desk that was originally empty on the wall.

"Are you a computer engineer?" She couldn't help but ask.

"No." He looked at her and shook his head. "you finish it?"

She looked down at the empty bowl with the bottom of the bowl facing the sky before her, and then nodded to him.

"Very good." As he nodded and spoke, the expression and tone on his face became so serious again, which made her nervous.

He walked towards her, sat silently on the seat opposite her, and then looked at her intently with his hands around his chest.

"I'm talking about you--"

He suddenly spoke, making her startled and making him close his mouth for an instant, then frowned, looking at her helplessly with a long sigh.

"Should I say you are courageous or timid?" He sighed, "I can startle you by speaking out, but you have the courage to go home alone with a man you met for the first time. Don't worry or fear at all that this man might do anything to harm you, you really are..."

He looked at her and suddenly sighed again. "I really don't know what to say."

Samara looked at him, was silent for a while, and said quietly, "I know you are not a bad person."

Cole froze for a moment, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked, "How do you know I'm not a bad person?"

"You have only moved here for a week, but you already know all the people nearby. The bad guys will not be so open and generous. Besides, if you are really a bad guy, you won't face me several times with such a serious expression. Sigh." She smiled quietly.

"It seems that regardless of the courage, you are quite clever." He laughed at her praise.

She blushed with shame.

"But, just in case." He changed back to a serious, serious expression, staring at her intently. "You still have to be careful what you do in the future. You must be defensive. You can no longer just trust a stranger, especially a strange man, and you can't just be alone with a man, you know?" He warned.

Samara nodded, but the expression on her face was full of confusion.