

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, people coming and going at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, a tall and thin man wearing a peaked cap, a blue and white hiking bag on his shoulders, wearing a white shirt, low-rise denim pants, and a tall, thin man walked through the arrival hall leisurely , Walk to the taxi stand outside the door.

His hair is casually tied with a pony tail behind his head, his facial features are not hard, he has a frank and playful feeling, but his dark eyes are full of intelligence and courage, and his casual appearance is a bit different, making He has a charming sensual charm.

He has a relaxed look and light walks. He is not like a business person coming or returning to Taiwan, nor is he like a student. On the contrary, he is a bit like a person on vacation, except for the backpack on his shoulders. He has no other luggage in his hands. It is confusing.

Even so, from the time he entered the realm hall to the time he was hidden outside the gate, his charming and handsome figure has penetrated into the hearts of everyone present.

Cole walked to the taxi waiting on the side of the road, pulled the door and threw the backpack on his shoulders into the back seat, before getting into the car.

"Where are you going, sir?" the taxi driver asked politely.

"Wait for me." Cole took out a piece of paper from the bag on the side of the backpack and handed it to the driver. "Here, thank you."

After the driver took the paper and unfolded it, he nodded and drove quietly on the road.

As the taxi left the airport and drove onto the highway, Cole looked at the scenery quickly passing by outside the car. It was a little hard to believe that time would pass so fast. Eleven years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Eighteen years old! The Samara in his memory was obviously a dark, skinny, runny nose, and apart from the big black and bright eyes on his face, he could barely see the other features of the seven-year-old girl. In a blink of an eye, she turned out to be eighteen years old, and she declined his financial support and guardian care in expressing her own opinions, insisting on moving out alone to be independent!

This is really... how to put it?

Have a girl in my family grow up?

Time urges people to grow old?


Although Samara did grow up on his financial aid, she is not his daughter, at best she can only be regarded as a younger sister. And he is only twenty-seven years old this year, not seventy-two. It is too early to lament that the years are urging people to grow old, and it is not too late to wait until he is 72 years old to lament.

At the age of sixteen, he and his friend Nanda assumed the responsibility of educating a pair of orphans by chance. Nanda took her sister Cassia back home, and he was in charge of Samara.

Originally, he, like Nanda, took Samara back to Norway. She was accustomed to the subtropical environment and couldn t adapt to the Nordic climate. He had to send her back to Taiwan and find a trustworthy and trusted guardian family for her. She grew up in Taiwan.

When he entrusted her to a Taiwanese family, she was only seven years old, and she almost knew nothing. So everything about her was relayed to him by her guardian in Taiwan. Occasionally, he would receive Thank you card from her.

In fact, over the years, he has always remembered her existence, but everything about her has become standard and life-like after many years, so that he didn't realize that she had grown up to be able to decide on her own.

Eighteen years old! Think about what he was doing when he was eighteen, playing hide and seek with his father? It s not enough to play with other people s companies, so he started another company to play with? Then, play everywhere?

Hey, why are you all playing? However, he did not ask for a dime from his family long before he was eighteen years old—in fact, he made his own money when he was fifteen years old. So Samara resolutely asked for independence at the age of eighteen. He was acceptable, but the problem was the worries of Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang in the custody of the family.

They said, "She is still so young at eighteen. She has always been taken care of by us. She hasn't allowed her to cook a meal or sweep the land. How can she live by moving out alone?"

They said, "She is so thin and has no muscles. She has just been admitted to college. How can she work part-time?"

They said: "The most important thing is that she is beautiful, innocent, and kind. Now that there are so many scam groups in Taiwan and the crime rate is so high, how can we rest assured that she lives alone?"

After that, they sent him a few more photos, making him damn have to agree that their worries were not unreasonable.

Samara, he never thought she would be like that, thin, delicate, white, and weak, just like the flowers in the greenhouse, beautiful and flawless, inviting people to commit crimes.

In the past eleven years, he has seen several photos of her, but they were all photos before the age of twelve. After the age of twelve, according to the Tang family, she became uncomfortable taking pictures, so there is no photo to send. Show it to him, he said it was okay, and then he didn't receive her photos again until this time.

The eighteenth female change, this sentence really comes from its own!

Samara, how does he arrange this little girl's future? Should he respect her wishes and let her be independent, or should he step in and continue to serve as a financial aid until she is truly able to take care of herself?

This is the reason why he came to Taiwan this time. He decided to observe her for a while before talking.


The bus is overcrowded. The distance between people is zero. Elbow and elbow bumps and shoulder bumps are common occurrences. Occasionally, the front chest sticks to the back. This is for Samara who usually rides the bus to and from school. , Have become accustomed to. But this was the first time she felt the horror of the bus.

There is something hard behind her hips squeezing her, no matter how she dodges or avoiding, the squeezing feeling follows her and pushes her like a shadow.

How could this be? Who the hell is it?

It's disgusting and terrible, who will save her? Had no one noticed anything abnormal on the bus? Please, what should she do, who can save her?

She cast her help-seeking gaze to her surroundings, and all she could see were indifferent, straight-sighted and expressionless faces. No one noticed her panic and helplessness, and her eyes flushed unconsciously.

No, she can't cry, she can't be so useless, she just can't cope with the wolf of the bus. How can she live on her own in the future? She has to be brave and tough. Even if she doesn't do it for herself, she should have the courage to identify this bad wolf on the bus for the girls who might suffer the same thing as her in the future.

Yes, she must be brave, as long as she yells that there is a pervert.

She kept telling herself that she had no choice but to open her mouth, but there was no sound from her throat. Hurry up, hurry up, Samara!

"There... there are..."


Finally plucked up the courage to make the sound, but at this moment the parking bell rang suddenly, covering her weak voice easily, and the passenger sitting in the seat in front of her got up and stood up without even looking at her. After saying indifferently, he immediately squeezed in the direction of the car door.

Samara was so squeezed by the opponent that she had to step back sideways, which also gave her a chance to see the pervert who was always close behind her.

He was an honest-looking middle-aged man wearing a white shirt with a dark blue tie on his neck, just like ordinary office workers everywhere, no one would associate him with a satyr with a human face and a beastly heart. But because of this, he dared to commit such a blatant crime, didn't he? Besides her, how many girls have been victimized like her before? And then?

A spontaneous anger made her stare at the pervert fiercely, she was angry at her previous cowardice, and anger gave her instant courage.

"You--" she said angrily, just as soon as she uttered, the pervert squeezed toward the bus door like he had a foreboding, and got off the bus in an instant.

The door closed and the bus moved forward again. Samara opened her mouth to see the suspicious gaze from all directions, her face flushed involuntarily, she quickly lowered her head, her eyes flushed because she was angry that she had missed the opportunity.

She is really useless. No wonder her uncle and aunt kept preventing her from moving out, and they told her not to be aggressive, saying that her room would be reserved for her forever, and she could change her mind and move back to live at any time. She was a little angry at first, thinking they looked down on her too much, but she didn't expect that the facts proved that she was really useless.

Tears blurred her vision, and then dripped on her arm. She sniffed, unexpectedly attracting the curious eyes of the passengers sitting in the seat in front of her.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Unexpectedly, he would speak to her, she froze for a moment, and immediately shook her head vigorously.

Because of embarrassment, she turned her head to avoid his inquiring gaze, but unexpectedly ran into more gazes on her. In an instant, she had only one thought, and that was she hoped that a big hole could crack under her feet and swallow her whole person.

Of course, it is impossible for her to burst into a big hole and swallow her for no reason, so she immediately turned around and jumped out of the bus with the crowd who was about to get off, and fled the scene that made her stiff.

The bus closed the door and drove away quickly. The people who got off each set off on their way home. Only she stood blankly in place, and later realized that she had done another useless stupid thing. What the hell is she doing?