

"It's cold!" Cassia sighed and rushed into the car on the side of the road. Nanda put down the palm computer in the back seat and touched his beloved wife's face.

"Your face is so ice." She looked down and fixed on the big box of ice cream in her hand. "Fel's bad habits are all from you."

In January in Washington, the temperature was only one degree Celsius. His young wife liked to challenge the cold virus. This happened to his son yesterday. He saw Felix dressed like a snowball standing in front of the refrigerator digging for ice cream. , Mother and son are really alike!

"Nonsense!" Cassia retorted vigorously. "He is only seven years old, but he likes to do experiments all day long. You taught him badly."

Nanda's mature face was full of laughter. "Fel's interest in experiments is not a bad habit."

"Then what's wrong with him eating ice cream?"

"Okay, okay, there is no need for your mouth to be so high, I will send someone to add another refrigerator tomorrow, which is filled with ice cream, so that you mother and son can eat enough."

That s how my wife was spoiled, right?

"That's not bad!" She grunted. "Dad also likes to eat with us."

Her father-in-law, Will Chetan, has officially retired. He gave the business to his two sons-Matt and Nanda. This was his decision after he realized that he could not be too partial.

Because of his father's reliance, Matt no longer fooled around, he worked hard to make some achievements, so that his father admired.

Nanda totally agrees with his father's decision. He has no objection to the dual chairmanship of the Chetan Group and Matt. For him to do business, his greatest pleasure now is to go to the laboratory with his son.

The son who was hailed by the professor as a genius child of the century often had many amazing opinions, which made him stunned. He cherishes his current happiness very much.

"Are we going to be late?" someone asked while eating ice.

"You insist on stopping to buy ice cream to eat."

"That blueberry ice cream is the best!"

"Who do you say would accept this kind of reason?"

It's rare that Cas would close her mouth and refute. Nanda thought she was confessing, but when she lowered her eyes, she stared at the clear ice cream box in annoyance.

"Are you praying the ice cream that you ate?"

"Why don't I buy two boxes?"


There was a traffic jam because of the heavy snow. When they arrived at the Hilton Hotel, twenty minutes later than the agreed time, they found Susan in the coffee shop.

"We have been married for eight years, and your relationship is still so good. Are you trying to make me cry?" Seeing their fingers clasped together, Susan made fun of them.

"We are okay on the surface, for others to see. In private, we hate each other, so you must not envy us. To be honest, being single is more comfortable than getting married."

Cassia took off her coat and gave it to the waiter. Unconsciously, she was flicked on the top of her head.

She turned her eyes quickly and stared at the man.

"Domestic violence! Someone has committed domestic violence to me!" she yelled lifelessly.

But Nanda didn't listen to her. He sat down leisurely, first ordered two cups of hot coffee and cake from the waiter, and then said, "Do you miss the days of being single? Don't forget that you proposed."

"I haven't finished talking yet," Cassia curled his lips. "Although being single is more comfortable than getting married, I would rather be uncomfortable, because married life is sweet and fulfilling, and my husband is the world's first wife who loves his wife, so in the next life, I will marry you as a wife!"

"Now you are talking." He was satisfied. "Hurry up and drink coffee! I ordered your favorite chocolate cake."

"Long live!"

They flirted and cursed unscrupulously, completely forgetting that there was a third person present, and Cassia didn't remember until a few sips of coffee.

"By the way, Susan, what is going on with us today? Why can't I talk on the phone?"

Susan took a few sips of coffee and stared at them. "Do you know that Iri has been released on parole?"

Nanda and Cassia glanced at each other, and the representative of Cassia spoke, "I don't know."

Eight years ago, Will Chetan personally handed Iri and Lolo to the police for investigation, and thus solved several abetted murder cases, including Nanda's mother, babysitter, bodyguard, driver, etc., and the hunting dog was poisoned by Iri. of.

However, after a lengthy investigation process, the surprising conclusion is that the mastermind is not Iri, but Lolo.

Originally, Iri turned bad, but there was no harm. It was Lolo who seduce him and threatened to tell Will Chetan with his sex video tape. That s why he made the first murder case. Threatened him with the murder case and forced him to continue committing the crime. In the end, he gave birth to a son for him, and then threatened him with his son, asking him to eradicate Matt and Nanda with her.

This conclusion even shocked Will Chetan. He did not expect that Lolo was such a terrible woman. When they met, she worked in a flower shop. She was a poor widow. She often looked sad and pitiful. The heart is so vicious.

So Lolo was sentenced to life imprisonment, and Iri was an accomplice, and the sentence was relatively light, but although the sentence was light, he was also sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

"He came to me the other day." Susan lowered her eyes. "He said he was very unwilling, he wanted to retaliate against you, and the goal is the current results of the laboratory."

"No?" Cassia pursed his lips with an expression of intense fear.

Susan "kindly" warned them, "I think you'd better be careful. If there is an accident in the laboratory recently, he must have done it."

"Understood, we will be careful, thank you for calling us out and telling us."

"Okay, I gotta go."

After Susan left, Nanda and Cassia picked up the coffee cups and drank coffee respectively. After drinking one cup, they renewed another cup. Cassia didn't dare to speak flatly until the last cup was finished.

"Unexpectedly, this woman is so resilient. It has been eight years. She still doesn't give up on you. It's terrible!"

Nanda said nothing.

For this kind of thing, it s smarter to be a husband not to talk, otherwise, a wife will definitely think about it and think that he has a problem.

"If I told her just now, I've seen her and Matt's "butt", I don't know what color her face will turn into? Um! It must be green! Because of the shit! Haha!"

"You are so naughty." Nanda smiled, but secretly decided in his heart that he would send someone to "protect" Susan, so that Susan would not harm his Cas and the little naughty boy.

"Fortunately, Iri is not as bad as hers. After parole, he not only came to you first and sincerely confessed to you, but also asked his father to start with a guard."

This was also unexpected by Nanda. "If it weren't for your suggestion that he accept deep hypnosis, maybe I would also doubt whether he really changed."

Cassia showed a charming smile. "So you have to believe that this world is still beautiful!".

Blue eyes condensed on her suddenly, and stroked her cheek with his hands. "The day I saw you in Miami Beach, I knew how beautiful the world is."

Cassia muttered intoxicated, "Listen to you, my God... I was getting hot! This is a hotel, there are so many rooms upstairs, we... like this... Go upstairs, okay? Husband ?"

"Okay." He picked up the bill.

Hey! Don't blame his wife for flying over him in the future, because he spoiled it all by himself!

"So excited!" Cassia took her husband's arm and walked into the elevator with happiness. "By the way, find time to see Sammy! Fel said he missed his gentle little aunt!"

Nanda nodded. "Understandable, because his aunt is not like his mother at all, it's no wonder she missed it."

Someone fisted and threatened, "Speaking of which? Besides, I'll be violent to you!"

"I love you, Cas." At this "crude moment", his mouth suddenly uttered a sweet and unworthy gentle and honeyed voice.

Cassia's eyes widened. "I told you to do domestic violence! So you still love me?"

"I love you forever."

The raised fist involuntarily let go, and turned to wrap around his neck. Before the elevator door dinged open, the kiss was inseparable..

The elevator door opened, and the battle between the two of them moved from the elevator to the room. Nanda gently pushed Cassia away, saying that he was going to take a shower and get ready.

Cassia smiled softly here, nodding in agreement.