

After playing happily in Las Vegas for six days, Cassia lost three hundred dollars, but returned to Washington with a car of souvenirs. The most expensive one was a famous brand female watch. , She ran to the kitchen to find Henry.

"This watch is going to be given to my daughter?" Henry's eyes lit up. Nanda just announced the news of their marriage. Cassia was his mistress. The mistress was so kind that he was proud and uneasy.

"Matt mentioned you to me." She finished.

Henry was a little bit confused. "Miss. Cassia...oh! No, ma'am...you..."

She winked at him. "Everyone is our own, understand?"

"Understood, I understand."

"If you find anything in the future, tell me directly, I'll tell Matt, you don't have to contact him directly, so it will be less likely to reveal problems."

Henry kept nodding.

"Come, tell me now, how Matt traded with you, because you will be paid by me in the future, so I must know exactly."

Because Will Chetan likes to be quiet, while announcing his retirement six years ago, he built a mansion in the ancient capital of Alexandria, a suburb of Washington.

The majestic German Gothic architecture is very suitable for Alexandre. There is a vast green turf in front of the castle-like building. In the center of the turf there is a majestic and energetic bronze statue of Will Chetan himself, which is a sign of his full confidence.

At this moment, the restaurant with gorgeous crystal chandeliers was very lively. Will Chetan smiled at the young new daughter-in-law, raised the crystal glass to greet her, and talked about as soon as he opened the chatterbox.

"Nanda never likes to talk and has never had a girlfriend. I thought he was celibate! I didn't expect him to get married, I was so happy!"

"By the way, you said that you were married in Vegas. That's not okay. It's too rash. You must make up another grand wedding. I want everyone to meet my beautiful young Oriental daughter-in-law."

Until now, Cassia did not understand why Nanda would avoid hurting his father, because her father-in-law is really a good man!

Look down at her?


Spit on her?


He accepted her sincerely, accepting her because she was the person Nanda loved, and he didn't even ask about her origin. It was really the highest state of love.

She decided that from this moment on, she would respect him with Nanda, and spot the bad guys so that the good old guy would not be harmed.

So the meal was over, so when people moved to the conservatory garden to talk, she slipped out quietly, because she had just seen Mrs. Lolo also leave the table first, she saw her slender figure in the corridor leading to the bedroom in the living room, she was low The voice is talking on the phone, suspiciously low.

"I'm sorry, Nicole... He announced that he was married without warning. I didn't even have time to instigate Will to stop him... I will refund the money... No need to refund? Really? Let's contact again!"

As soon as Lolo closed her phone, Cassia coughed and pretended to be lost.

"Hello, ma'am, I'm looking for the bathroom."

Lolo's eyes slid in surprise. How long has she been here?

"The toilet is in the front." She stood still.

Cassia smiled without a smile. "This house is too big. I'm afraid I can't find it. Can you take me there?"

"Come with me!" Didn't this girl hear anything?

"This house is really magnificent. There are so many antiques in it! If you let it go, you can sell it for a lot of money, right?" She tilted her head and looked at the necklace around her neck in admiration. "Is that a 30-carat sapphire and diamond necklace? I seem to have read it in a magazine. A lot of money, right?"

Lolo gently stroked the necklace and replied, "This is Will's wedding anniversary gift from me."

"I envy you!" Cassia exaggerated strangely. "Nanda would not give me too expensive gifts. He said that I was young and would not even buy a Ferrari for me. It's damn!"

Glancing at her, Lolo asked calmly, "You want money so much?"

"Who doesn't love money?" She snorted. "I was abandoned by my parents since I was a child, and the old couple who picked me up were poor. Nanda finally brought me to the United States. Since I am used to living a luxurious life, it is impossible to go back to live a life of poverty, so I tried my best to find a chance to jump on his bed, otherwise, what if he no longer "guards" me when I am eighteen? I don't have the ability to make money."

"So he married you?"

Cassia shrugged. "I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, maybe because I was a virgin. He said he would be responsible to me. I'm really lucky, isn't it?"

Lolo nodded. "You are indeed lucky."

"But what if luck runs out? One day he finishes playing with me, and when he kicks me away, I will go back to live a hard life again. If I have a lot of money, I can go away. My dream is to study in Italy and be an artist. America is so boring."

"Do you really want a sum of money that much?"

"Hey! I've said it before, who doesn't love money?"

"Could it be that you don't love Nanda at all?" Lolo asked tentatively.

"He is twice as old as I am! We have a generation gap!" Cassia began to complain to her vigorously. "When I wear hip-hop clothes, he says I'm sloppy; I wear punk clothes, and he says I am like a ghost, and he can't even accept smoky makeup, oh! He is really old-fashioned."

Lolo smiled, "So, it sounds like your problem is really big."

"It's very big, OK!" She exaggerated. "You don t know. He is a super dull and super boring person, even if I drink two more glasses of wine, if I have money, I don t need to look at his face at all. If I have money, I have the right to choose. Go and fly away with Walton."

"Who is Walton?"

"Oh! Look at me, I'm so excited, I forgot you didn't know." Cassia patted her forehead, smiled at the corners of her mouth, her eyes gleamed instantly. "It's my classmate from Rock University! We have a lot of common hobbies. Come on, I will tell you one by one. Mrs. Lolo, I don t know why, I think you re a good friend, Nanda told me to guard against you. , He is so careful."

"So the person you really like... is Walton?"

"He and I are both Orientals, and we have endless topics, even in bed. When I was with Walton, it felt so wonderful, but when I was with Nanda, I couldn't wait for the time to go fast."

"You cheated?!"

"Which woman doesn't cheat? Cheating is normal!" Cassia looked at her suspiciously. "Don't tell me, you didn't cheat, your man is only Old Will, that's terrible!"

"Of course I did...".

Cassia giggled excitedly. "Who? Who? Gardener? Cook? Driver? Or your bodyguard or fitness trainer?"

She had long investigated and found out that although Lolo is shrewd, she is a very competitive woman. To deal with this kind of person, "comparison" is the right thing to do.

"Those are not enough, it's someone you can't think of."

"Listen to you."

Lolo pondered for a while, "Well, I can tell you, but you have to promise me that you can't tell others about this, especially Nanda."

"This is a woman's loyalty." Cassia bumped her shoulder. "And why should I tell Nanda? He is not interested in gossip at all. He doesn't even want to have children with me. He always says that if we are together, it is enough. He also said that if we have a baby, someone will hurt him. , I think he really stayed in the laboratory for too long! Anyway, whoever you cheated, let's talk!"