

The reason why Washington, D.C. is famous is that it is the seat of the White House, and the White House is where the President of the United States lives. Of course, the guards are extremely tight, and those who can enter and exit the White House will naturally not be inferior.

Nanda Chetan walked out of the White House quickly under the escort of eight men in black suits.

Is he a confidant of the president?


Is he a cabinet politician?

Nor is it.

It's strange, so why can he get in and out of the White House, the core of world politics?

Of course it is because Nanda Chetan has a very special function for Washington! So he was qualified to walk in, and also qualified to be protected by federal agents and escorted by a group of eight, which was a standard only for the Secretary of State.

"Go straight to the Kennedy Center." After getting in the car, Nanda put on exaggerated flying sunglasses. The sunglasses made him look more difficult to approach. The handsome, sexy and cold personality face looked like an ice sculpture, without any human temperature.

The Kennedy Center is a palace of art, where dramas and operas are often staged for people to see or not understand.

His aunt has a performance today, so he is going to join him. If it weren t for his aunt, who had taken care of him since his mother s death, as the heroine of this opera, he has no leisure activities at all. The people will never step into the opera house.

"Yes!" In the driver's seat is Nanda's personal secretary Bruce. Whenever he has a date with the White House, he is escorted by the fighter Bruce.

Bruce cleverly did not say anything about the boss entering and leaving the White House. After the RV slowly drove out of the White House's forbidden ground, he said lightly: "Miss. Cassia graduated today."

Nanda in the back seat was originally contemplating her eyebrows. Hearing Bruce's words, his sharp eyebrows were almost invisible.

Cas is graduating?

So fast?

Ten years ago, one week after Cassia arrived in the United States with him, Matt, his half-brother, saw her at his residence.

Matt's look at Cassia made him vigilant. He quickly packed her and threw her to San Francisco for school, and appointed six lawyers to be her guardians. He asked two babysitters to take care of her daily life, and then used four guards. To maintain her safety, he thinks that he has done a good job, so that he can be completely at ease. It can also be said that he has completely forgotten her existence after arranging her daily life.

Four years ago, in March, she conveyed through a lawyer that she wanted to return to Washington to visit him, "by the way" to visit Washington's annual cherry blossom season.

Of course he knew that visiting him was "by the way," because attorney Ben suggested to him that her main purpose was to participate in the selection contest for Miss Sakura, and she was confident that she could win the first place.

This little girl didn t know how to do it. She was especially interested in beauty pageants. He knew from the life report of the babysitter that she participated in beauty pageants of all sizes in San Francisco, and even contests such as Miss San Francisco s Fisherman s Wharf. The kid also went to participate enthusiastically.

I couldn't help her begging repeatedly through the lawyer, and he promised to let her come back. Who knew it was such a coincidence that he let his half-brother Iri discover her existence again.

Although Iri didn't say anything, he thought Iri, who had a bad stomach, must have a ghost, so he once again packaged her and sent her to Orlando to study.

Although Orlando is closer to Washington this time, he is too busy to see her, and he also thinks that as long as the lawyer, nanny, and babysitter can raise her, why not take it easy? He refuses to think about anything that has something to do with "caring."

She is just a child, and some food and housing are good enough. He even brought her to the United States, doing everything possible to give her the status of a U.S. citizen, while her sister was left in Taiwan by Cole. By comparison, she knew Who is happier, right?

What's more, the people he cares about will not end well, and everyone he cares about will be hurt. He doesn't want Cassia to be hurt because she is an "outsider" and has nothing to do with the Chetan family. If she is raised by him, she will suffer. The persecution is too unfair to her.

Thinking of this, the slight fluctuations in my heart slid over with justification. Nanda said, "I believe the Orange County Girls' High School has raised her into a decent lady."

Because her quirky spirit can be seen since she was a child, he sent her to the strictest nun school in the area wherever she went to study, and in order to prevent her from appearing in front of him with a big belly before becoming an adult, he ordered a lawyer All the girls' schools were chosen for her.

As a result, her chances of making a boyfriend are very slim, and the chance of getting a big belly is relatively low. He believes that his vision is quite clever and he has done impeccably.

"Uh...Well, I'm afraid..." Bruce's words were ambiguous.

But Nanda heard it with sharp ears, and his expression constricted. "What's the meaning?"

Bruce lowered his head and yelled, "Miss. Cassia... didn't go to Orange County Girls' High School, so she...well, it's unlikely that she will become a lady."

"Not in Orange County Girls' High School?" When Nanda Chetan speaks calmer, it means that his inner emotions fluctuate more and more. "So please tell me, where the hell is she?"

Bruce shivered. "At... Spire High School..."

"Spire High School?" Nanda's mind searched for the famous girls' school in Orlando... The conclusion is that there is no such high school at all!

"What the hell is Spire High School?" His tone became calmer.

"Uh...in..." Don't doubt! Bruce really said it, but others couldn't hear it. Why? Because he was afraid of being crushed by someone, he spoke very quietly.

"Bruce, your voice can be louder, let me know that your vocal cords are safe." Someone's "kind" "threat".

"Yes..." Bruce bit his head. "Miss. Cassia...she is in...Miami."

"Why, why?" The tone was more dangerous and gentle, making people tremble all over.

"She said she didn't want to stay in Orlando, nor did she want to go to girls' school. She said she likes Miami's beaches, sunshine, and... bikini..."!

"So?" Nanda narrowed her eyes.

"So Miss. Cassia asked to transfer to Miami and ask to enter Pinnacle High School... Actually, to be frank, Miss. Cassia was so much happier at Pinnacle High School! She smiles every day and is full of energy. If you see her, you will definitely Be fascinated by her brilliant smile, and feel at ease with her endless vitality, let alone stop her..."

"Bruce, would you please tell me, is Spire High School a girls' school?" Nanda interrupted him gloomily, he didn't want to listen to this!

Bruce swallowed the unfinished statement. "Uh...no." It's over...

Nanda curled her stern lips.

It's not a girls' school, and of course it won't be a boys' school, so... "Schedule the flight time, I will arrive in Miami within today!"