

If it were normal, Cassia would have participated in such a grand carnival with great interest, but Nanda and other women were in her mind, so she looked depressed...

"You are so beautiful, everyone is watching us." Jeff loves white clothes, and now he is also wearing a distinguished white suit, which matches his handsome features with classical flavor.

The silk-satin white gown he asked someone to prepare for Cassia was a "lover's dress" with him. They were all white, so they looked extraordinarily eye-catching on the dance floor.

"What's so good? I'm not a monkey!" She muttered, her eyes kept looking around. Maybe Nanda was still in this restaurant, and it might not be so easy for her to see it.

"What did you say?" Jeff leaned closer to her lips, trying to hear her clearly.

She jumped away a little bit suddenly, "No! I said you are too handsome, so they are looking at you, not me."

"I will take it, you are praising me." He felt as if she was encouraging him to pursue her.

I don t know if it s because she is only eighteen years old, so she has a sense of innocence, and he is twenty-eight, in terms of a man s age, not old, but the women he associates with tend to be mature and sophisticated. She is like a desert spring. It's so sweet, it will neither flatter him, nor deliberately please him, and sometimes even show him a look, but... God! He loves this feeling so much!

"Cough cough cough, whatever you want." As soon as the music ended, she announced that she would not dance. "I'm so thirsty, I want a drink."

Jeff treated her like a princess, and immediately asked the waiter to arrange a dinner seat for the show, and Cassia casually followed.

Because there were too many people, she didn't even notice that he stretched out his hand to protect her shoulder, and in the end he naturally put his hand on her shoulder.

There were so many tourists, she looked around, she didn't hold any hope in her heart, but she saw a pair of profound blue eyes unconsciously, Cassia was dumbfounded on the spot, as if she was walking in the desert but it was pouring snow.

"I actually caught sight of him!"

She muttered to herself, the next second her feet had already consciously moved towards him.

"What's the matter with you?" Jeff pulled her back and clasped her shoulders possessively.

Her gaze patrolled from the hand resting on her shoulder to the owner of that hand, and then she glared fiercely and slapped his hand off.

Jeff looked at her dumbfounded, she was angry, but she was so beautiful, he didn't mind her rude behavior at all.

"In the future, don't touch me without my consent." After speaking, he lifted the skirt and hurried to Nanda.

He, he, oh! God, so handsome!

He was dressed like a desert prince, and she swooped into Nanda's arms without even thinking about it. But he-did not reach out to pick her up, causing her to hit a wall directly, so painful!

"What's the matter? Will you die if you hug me?" She rubbed her sore forehead and nose and complained, then raised her eyes to look at him.

Nanda stared at her unpredictably for a long time, and finally she won because he spoke first.

"Who is that guy?" Nanda was full of murderous air.

"Jeff Natherson."

"Just now he walked with his arms around you."

"Very comfortable and safe!" She replied not afraid of death, and a faint smile slipped across her lips. Women just like to see men lose control for her. Can she think he is jealous? He always brought others to "relax", not her.

"Then what are you doing here?"

so? !

"You brought a woman to relax yourself..." Cassia muttered irritably, but his eyes quickly looked left and right, looking for someone like a radar.

What about Nicole? Why didn't you see her? Did she pee and fall into the toilet?

"I didn't bring anyone to relax!" Nanda's eyes were cold, her face suddenly cold. "I asked Bruce to deceive you, just to give you a little punishment, to let you know how uncomfortable people are when you are "do it before you say". You ran to the Chetan Group to work without my consent. I was quite angry! "

What? Lied to her?


Pouting and enduring, she still couldn't help but speak for herself, "It's also for you..." Seeing him suddenly shoot a cold "eye dart", she shrank back.

right! right! Although it was her fault, in the final analysis, if it wasn't for the purpose of finding the suspect, she wouldn't have to take the risk, and it wasn't that she hadn't gained anything. She also retreated.

"What if there is danger?" When he knew that she actually ran to "get close" to Matt, he really had the urge to beat her! Matt is a male dog who is only in heat at any time. If the idea is hit on her, the consequences will be disastrous, and if Matt notices something wrong, she is tantamount to exposing herself to danger.

"It didn't happen anyway..." He said as he cared about her! Why does he have to scold her with a shit face? How can it be so hard to show concern!

"Do you have to wait until it happens to regret it?" Nanda's stern voice was extremely cold.

"Stop!" Cassia made a forbidden gesture, feeling that his wife would be sorry for him if he kept on preaching. "I came here to catch the rape... Uh, looking for you, do you know how much hardship I suffered? I almost died in the desert..."

"What?!" Nanda's face changed abruptly.

"You don't know how bad the security is here. I was robbed as soon as I walked out of the airport!"

He knows this, but what he doesn't know is... "After being hit, where did you go?"

Huh? Why is he not surprised at all? Probably there are too many robberies here!

She said disapprovingly: "I took the change in my pocket and took the bus, but the stupid driver went the wrong way and left me by the desert road. I almost died of thirst, exhaustion, heat, and starvation! Fortunately, Prince Charming saved me. I……"

"Prince Charming?" She had better refer to a horse, not a person!

"His name is Jeff Naxoson..." Jeff, who was left behind by Cassia, walked through the wall. He saw a beautiful man cursing Cassia so badly.

"I'm sorry, what happened? Where did this lady offend you?"

He completely regarded himself as Cassia's guardian, not only Nanda frowned, but even Cassia was surprised at his "stance".

"She has offended me so much." Nanda judged the opponent for a long while. "Who are you? In what capacity do you stand for her?"

"Me?" Jeff glanced at Cassia. "I am a very close friend of her, and I am absolutely qualified to speak on her behalf.

Cassia glared at him quickly.

"A very close friend?" Nanda looked at her coldly. "How close is it?"

Jeff replied "kindly" for her, "She spent the night in "My" room last night, and I bought all the clothes, jewelry and accessories on her."

Cassia stared sharply.

But what he said was right. She did stay in his room last night, but he was not there. I wonder if Nanda could listen to this explanation?

"Also, this beautiful lady lives in Washington. She will also spend the night in my room tonight, and I will personally accompany her back tomorrow."

Nanda didn't say a word coldly and turned around and left.

Cassia stomped her feet so hard that she wanted to hit someone!

"I'll send him away for you, let's go sit down, the cabaret show is about to begin."

Looking at him, Cassia asked slowly, "Do you know who the man was just now?"

Shook his head.

"He is my future husband!"