

Where is this place?

After waking up, Cassia had two question marks. The room was gorgeous like a queen s residence. She was lying on a big bed covered with golden bedspreads. Red gauze curtains hung from the ceiling to the bed. There was a faint fragrance in the room, and her belly suddenly With a grunt, she is hungry!

"Is there anyone?!" She yelled, but no one responded for a long while. "God, how long did I sleep?"

She jumped off the bed, jumped down two more steps, and stepped barefoot on the clean marble floor. Seeing the long table full of food sharply, she cheered and decided to hold herself to death!

"Ahem! You look hungry, haven't you eaten for several days?"

Who is that?

Who is talking?

Cassia turned her eyes, she was still holding a roasted chicken leg in her hand, her mouth was stuffed with fruit, her eyes staring at the steak on the table, she wanted to "see" all the food into her stomach...

She blinked and looked at the handsome guy with blue eyes in a white suit and leather shoes of the same color. The blurry image gradually came back into her mind, as if he had rescued her on the desert road...

"You continue to eat, you are welcome, if you are finished, I will send someone to deliver it." With a smile on his lips, he walked towards her slowly.

From his eyes, everything about her is quite frank and lovely. He has never seen a special girl like her... Is this fate? So he happened to go to the highway to try his horse today, so he knew her.

"By the way, my name is Jeff Naxosson. How about you? Are you Asian?"

"My name is Cassia, I'm from the East, yes." She threw the drumsticks on the plate. "wait for me!"

She rushed into the bathroom to wash her hands, washed off the greasy lips, and then returned to him. "Can you tell me where this is? Is it yours?"

"No, I live in New York and come here for vacation." He took the lead to sit down and pat the sofa seat. "You sit too, we talk slowly, you can eat while you are."

"I'm almost full, you should tell me where it is now! I still have very important things to deal with." Walton was still locked by the navigator, waiting for her to be rescued!

"This is the Paris Casino Hotel. The place where you are standing is my room." She looked very anxious, wondering if he could help?

"Paris Casino Hotel!" Cassia's eyes suddenly brightened. Isn't someone here too?

Hallelujah! marvelous!

"Lend me the phone!" She reached out to Jeff Natherson, as if he owed her.

"Please use it, it doesn't matter how long you want to play."

She had already taken out her mobile phone very generously to lend her, but she stared at the panel for a moment, as if she was more glaring than it was.

"What's wrong? Aren't you calling?"

Cassia stomped annoyedly.


She doesn't know Nanda's mobile phone number, nor can she memorize Bruce, even at home. The numbers are all recorded in her mobile phone, because she usually launches directly by pressing a key. How can I know that this day...

"I don't need it, give it back to you." She put the phone back into his hand in frustration.

"What's the matter?" He didn't like to see her downcast. He wanted to help her if he could help.

"I'm looking for someone, but that's not the point." Alas, Walton, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry for you, but I will never leave you behind and go back to Washington.

"Then the point is..."

Cassia frowned slightly. "I came with a friend, but he was detained at the airport. The police said he was carrying drugs."

Jeff pondered. "Taking drugs is a felony..."

She immediately interrupted him graciously, "He said he didn't, and I believe he didn't!"

Jeff looked directly at her and asked directly, "Can I know if your friend is a man or a woman?"

Cassia bit his lower lip. "male."

"Boy friend?"


Those two words made him feel good, and he opened the phone cover. "I see, what's his name?"

Huh? He seems to want to help! And it seems that there are two brushes. Usually, the somewhat powerful "Aniji" wants to "Joe" things like this.

"Walton, the family's name is Luo..." She quickly confessed Walton's ancestors for eight generations, and she knew exactly where his bar was.

She saw that he had dialed several sets of numbers in a row, and he urged them for a long time. After 30 minutes, he threw her a "surprise"——

"Your friend was not detained. He has returned to Washington safely."

Cassia froze for a moment, eyes suspicious. "What the hell? How could this be?"

He handed her a note paper. "This is Walton Luo's phone number, you can call to check."

After the call was dialed, she actually heard Walton's voice for her! It was really amazing, she almost jumped up with joy. "Walton! It's me! Cassia! Are you really all right?"

"I'm fine! Where are you? Why can't you get through with your phone?"

"I messed up things. I was going to find someone to rescue you. I was robbed as soon as I walked out of the airport. I wandered into the desert empty-handed. Fortunately, Prince Charming came to save me..." She smiled at Jeff on the sofa and he too Give a smile.

"What Prince Charming?" Walton's heart jumped suddenly, not good! "Did someone strike up a conversation with you?"

"Where did the topic go?" She quickly pulled the focus back. "Didn't those police idiots say that you are carrying drugs? Why did you release you?"

"Speaking of this, I am also at a loss. They detained me in the toilet for an hour and then declared me innocent. They made a mistake. To compensate me, they gave me a free ticket back to Washington. I want to stay and look for you. They forced me to get on the plane, so I couldn t leave without leaving. It s really weird."

"It's really weird..." After hanging up, Cassia told Jeff the weirdness.

Unexpectedly, he just smiled faintly. "I think he was fooled. Now there are many prank shows. If you don't guard it, you will be fooled."

"Is that so?" She was still very skeptical, there was no reasonable explanation for the whole thing, and it was so dumb, she was robbed, Walton was tricked... super strange!

"What are your plans now?"

Cassia shrugged. "Go back to Washington without getting started! Could you please lend me a sum of money, and I will remit it to you when I arrive."

Looking for someone in Vegas is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Who knows if Nanda will change the restaurant again? Even if he is still in the Paris Casino Hotel, and she can't call him on the radio, he may not check in with his real name, he should go back and wait until he goes back!

"It's a shame to go back just now!" Jeff's gaze traversed her. "There is a carnival in the evening. I sincerely invite you to be a dance partner. You can use this room today. I will take you to the airport personally tomorrow. It would be better if you are willing to stay and vacation with me."

"Why are you being so good to me?" She is not the kind of brainless beauty who thinks there is a free lunch in the world, her mind is very bright, but she is more naughty.

"If I say that I have a strong affection for you, is this reason valid?"

Cassia blinked and smiled. "Meaning, we are destined?"

He smiled and stood up. "You continue to eat, and I will send someone over to dress you up later. If you get tired, go to sleep. If you have anything to do, just tell the bodyguard at the door."

She raised her eyebrows. "bodyguard?"

"Protect you."