

After the door was turned, it was closed again.

After confirming that there was no one in the room, there was a no-depressive sob from the blanket.

"Dead head...cold-blooded animal...I'm an idiot like you..."

The corner of the quilt was quietly torn apart, and then her head was exposed to the air, and her body was exposed to the air, and she suddenly lost her cover. Cassia opened her stunned eyes. Under the night light, Nanda sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her hands and feet with a smile. Rolled up like an embryo.

"Aren't you asleep?" She sat up suddenly, with two tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, and looked at him with the most pitiful eyes.

"Who said that?"

Cassia pouted. "Bruce!"

He coughed and hid his smile. "Bruce has never been here."

Why is this "cough" so similar to what she just heard? She tilted her head and suddenly understood who she was talking to.

"You're such a villain! Why pretend to be Bruce and lie to me?" She protested.

Nanda pursed her lips, unable to hide his smile anymore. "I didn't pretend to be Bruce. It was you who thought I would not come in to see you at this time."

Cassia took the pillow and threw the door without grace, because she didn't dare to throw him away.

"What are you doing in here? Do you see me making a fool of yourself?" The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved, the tears rolled in her eyes, but she resisted it, she didn't cry to him!

"Naughty girl, why do you have so many tears?" He sighed softly, wiping away her tears with a big palm pity.

A word, a touch, instantly melted Cassia.

She seized the opportunity to hide in his arms and unceremoniously reached out and put her arms around his waist to accuse, "It's you, you have been bullying me, saying those things to you, do you think it's so easy? I just stepped on my dignity. Speaking out, you told me to go on a date. You devil! You are so disgusting!"

He hugged her with a sigh. "I thought you would understand that this is for your own good, but you don't understand. Not only did you get angry at me, you also hid and became autistic."

"It's good for me to be far away from you. I can't hold you like this, and I can't kiss you. What's so good about that?" She retorted him confidently.

He healed her chin with a smile, staring at her vigorous little face and fighting eyes, suddenly leaned in and deeply kissed her protruding red lips.

She is so sweet! It smells so good!

Depressing her desire to not touch her almost drove him crazy! This grueling Cas, did she know that while rejecting her enthusiasm, he suffered a million times more than her?

"Nanda..." Cassia trembled slightly to accept his snatch, her eyes became hazy, and the blood all over her body gradually boiled...

He kissed her skin softly, Cassia couldn't help showing a moving shy gesture, with pure confusion all over her body. Her expression reaction aroused his unspeakable passionate flow. He quickly removed the bondage between the two and kissed again. , Until he kissed her all over, the fiery blue eyes fixed her, and a movement rushed into her tightly, and they intimately merged into one...

The moment she broke through the forbidden ground, she curled her eyebrows uncomfortably, and he quickly slowed down and coaxed her lightly, both of them looked a little confused.

Pleasure rushed around her body like sparks. She couldn't help her, and her whole body was soft and pressed under her. Following his violent rhythm, the moan escaped from her mouth uncontrollably, an inexplicable groan. Feeling that she almost fainted...

After the passion, he got up and went to the bathroom to wring a hot towel to wipe her.

"Does it hurt?" He gently wiped off the blood stains for her.

Cassia frowned. "It hurts!"

"Didn't you always want to be my woman?" He squeezed her nose funny.

"You are so rude!"

Nanda's lips curled up with a lazy smile, "You are so sweet, I suddenly forgot to be gentler to you."

Lie down holding her, Cassia lovingly finds the most comfortable position in his arms, embracing him with his hands and holding him with his feet, hanging on him like a koala.

After enjoying the warmth for a while, she couldn't help but raise her head and ask: "I just...and... uh, am I moaning like Susan?"

Who would ask such a question after an intimate act? Have! It's his Cas! He murmured hoarsely, "Screaming louder than her, because she is answering Matt, and you are enjoying the love I give you from the bottom of your heart."

"What a shame!" She reached out and wiped her face, spit out her pink tongue, and her cheeks were flushed. "Uh... I... I yell so loudly from the bottom of my heart, don't you hear it all outside?"

"There are only two of us in the room today." He said inexplicably, let her understand.

"Why?" She looked at him questioningly.

A smile appeared on Nanda's charming lips. "They are all'sleeping', and they are'sleeping' very soundly, and will not wake up in less than ten hours."

She blinked a few times and lowered her voice mysteriously. "Did you give them anything "special"?"

His smile deepened and his eyes were tender. "You really don't think about changing schools?"

He only knows now that he picked up a strange and intelligent little wife for himself ten years ago...

This thought suddenly accelerated his heart, and at the same time realized that she was the person he wanted to protect with his life, and he would never allow anyone to use despicable means to mop his Cas to disappear!

"Our relationship cannot be made public yet. You must promise me that you will never let the third person know." He confessed to her extremely cautiously.

"What's the relationship?" She squinted at him, behaved after getting a bargain, pretending to be a fool!

"Didn't I give you the silver tulip chain?" The hand that held her waist tightened tightly. "That is my mother's relic. She wants me to give it to my future wife."

Sweet joy flew up to Cassia's eyebrows, nose, lips, ears, chin... In short, the whole face was smiling.

"Mean, I am your wife?"

"Don't be too proud." Nanda raised an eyebrow lazily.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much, I have a super invincible way."

He motioned to her with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"If you give up all the rights and interests of the Chetan Group, whether it's Matt or Iri, or your bad stepmother, they won't hook you anymore, will they? They won't find a way to hurt the people around you and force them You are in."

"Do you think I haven't done that before?" A sneer was raised at the corner of his mouth. "When I was fifteen years old, I had already signed a document giving up property inheritance. Even this house was purchased with my mother s estate, just to make Matt and Iri have nothing to say, but my father still has something to do with me. Hope, this is why they are deliberately trying to deal with me."

"Because of my father, they can't come to the light, so they come to the dark. They think I can never be alone for life. As long as I get married and have children, whether it is my wife or children, they will eventually be caught by them and restrain me. The target."

Cassia spit out her powdery tongue. "I almost forgot that you signed the document earlier..."

Nanda looked at her suddenly. "you know?"

She squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. "It's been a long time since I've been paying attention to you secretly. It's you who are late. I even know your mailbox password..."

Nanda looked at her with exploring eyes for a long time. "You also know about the laboratory?" He seemed to underestimate Cas.

"I know!" She said, "You have developed a watch for a "politician" who must never die to monitor his cardiovascular disease, and you have also developed a miniature electronic scanner for him, which can not only detect Weapons can also emit wavelengths, causing the enemy's brain waves to be disturbed. This is because you personally know the structure of weapons well."

Blue eyes squinted, his eyes are profound. "Do you know who the "politicians" are?" Every time he has a date with the White House, both parties will make all-out preparations, and she actually has a way to know things that even the Federal Center does not know?

"I know!" She nodded like garlic.

However, she has been "required" by him now, so she won't say anything.